
  • 网络Service Flow;SFID;flow of service
  1. 设计了Web服务流安全环控制机制,用于保障Web服务动态合成过程中,群体Web服务安全的协同统一、Web服务实体多项安全技术的集成管理以及Web事务的无缝连接。

    We also design closed security-ring mechanism for Web service flow in the model , in order to unify the security policies of community Web services , to integrity various security technology , and to contact transactions of Web services seamlessly .

  2. 网格服务流是实现复杂网格应用中大规模异构资源协作与共享的重要手段。

    Grid service flow is an important paradigm for realizing complex heterogeneous resource collaboration and sharing in various grid applications .

  3. 工作流也可以控制一组构成应用程序的Web服务流。

    A workflow can also control the flow of a set of Web services that make up an application .

  4. 对用户来说,他们看到的就是一个XML基于模式的DSL可以使服务流得以快速开发。

    To the user they see an XML schema-based DSL that offers rapid development of service flows .

  5. 反转AJAX:服务流应用到AJAX,就是所谓的反转AJAX或者COMET。

    Reverse AJAX : Service Streaming , as applied to AJAX , is known as Reverse AJAX or COMET .

  6. Web服务流语言(WSFL)是由IBM针对两个层面上的工作流提出的一项新标准

    The Web Services Flow Language ( WSFL ) is a new proposed standard from IBM that addresses workflow on two levels

  7. 基于自适应FEC的区分服务流媒体传输模型

    Adaptive FEC based diffserv model for real-time media streaming

  8. 在建议的WiMAX跨层架构基础上,提出一种面向用户公平保证多媒体通信服务流QoS的二级调度算法。

    This dissertation proposed a subscriber fair oriented two-level scheduling algorithm for QoS guarantee which could be used in the proposed WiMAX cross-layer architecture .

  9. IEEE802.16的MAC层对QoS服务流和参数配置了完整的信令体系、基于QoS的调度服务类别和相应的带宽请求/分配运行等机制进行了定义。

    The MAC layer of IEEE 802.16 standard specifies QoS signaling mechanisms such as bandwidth request / allocation and scheduling service types on the basis of service class for the service flows .

  10. 描述了Web服务流语言(WSFL)的Petri网建模方法,利用网结构描述商业流程基本结构。

    The paper presents the modeling method of Web Services Flow Language ( WSFL ) based Petri nets , describes the basic structure of business flow using the Petri nets .

  11. 在系统实现过程中,利用Web技术动态监控服务流的运行情况,对XML标准流日志进行在线应用挖掘,发现服务短缺和服务过剩的关键自治区域。

    In the system , Web services technology are used to monitor the operational state dynamically , and the operation log streaming of the XML standard are mined and analyzed online , then the services shortage and excess region can be found .

  12. 基于Web服务流语言和Java语言,设计并初步实现了一个基于MAgent的协作多媒体组件(MCMC),以实现Web流的执行与服务。

    4 ) Based on Web services flow language and Java , the dissertation designs and implements a MAgent-based Cooperative Multimedia Component ( MCMC ), which is used to parse and execute Web services flow .

  13. 基于MS切换概率和MS上业务到达概率的估计对实时服务流进行动态带宽准预留;在接纳控制过程中,非实时服务流可以临时占用准预留带宽。

    Based on the estimations of MS handover probability and the traffic arrival probability , bandwidth is quasi-reserved dynamically for real-time service flows . In the admission control process , non-real-time service flows can occupy the bandwidth quasi-reserved for real-time ones temporarily .

  14. 讨论了web服务流的π-演算分析和建模,对WS-BPEL语法元素及动态基本活动进行了分析和形式化刻画,同时,对π-演算和WS-BPEL的相互映射进行了描述。

    The π - calculus analysis and modeling of web services flow is presented , the dynamic actions and basic activities of WS-BPEL with π - calculus formally are described , and the mapping from π - calculus expression to WS-BPEL is built .

  15. 可与底层应用程序逻辑区分开的、服务流内部的逻辑性

    Logic within service flows that can differ from the underlying application logic

  16. 三是循环经济不能局限于物质流动的循环,以尽可能多的服务流替代物质流是循环经济的发展方向。

    If possible , a service flow should be the substitution for the material flow .

  17. IEEE802.16协议标准里定义了五种不同的服务流,每种连接都有不同的业务流与之相对应。

    The IEEE 802.16 standard suite has defined five types of service flows , and each connection has the corresponding user flows .

  18. 在模拟仿真实验中,详细分析了当输入流强度、服务流强度在变化时对队列中重要参数的影响。

    About the analog experimental data , this paper analyzes to the important parameters the influence when the strength of the input flows and the service flows .

  19. 借鉴工作流技术,提出并研究了一种工艺知识服务流技术,实现对模型中工艺知识服务流程的自动管理。

    According to the concept of work flow , a new technology of knowledge service flow for CAPP is explored to realize automatic management of service processes in this model .

  20. 工作流技术无疑是支持网格服务流的一种好的候选者,因此,工作流技术在网格服务组合中的发展也受到很大关注。

    Workflow technology is a good candidate for supporting Grid service flow . So , it is highly attended that how workflow technologies are applied in the composition of Grid services .

  21. 它可能包含一个服务流、一个流的子集或任何操作集,表示所监视环境中对您有意义的内容。

    This might consist of a service flow , a subset of a flow , or any collection of operation aggregates that represent something meaningful to you in your monitored environment .

  22. 供应链由源头到客户的一组相互关联的实体组成,包含着从上游到下游的物料流,服务流,信息流和资金流。

    Supply chain ( SC ) is a set of interrelated entities directly involved in the upstream to downstream flows of products , services , information and finances from a source to a customer .

  23. 但是,我们必须注意到城市化和国际化之间的影响越来越紧密,它们通过不断增加的人流、物流、资本服务流以及技术流把国家、城市以及人民紧密地联系在一起。

    However , it is important to note that there is a growing interaction between urbanization and globalization , a process which is drawing countries , cities and people closer together through increased flow of people , goods , capital services and technology .

  24. 从分析供应链网链模型的原则入手,将其应用于汽车业供应链中,并从资金流、物流(或服务流)和信息流的角度,分析了汽车业供应链网链模型的特点。

    After the analysis of the principles of the Supply Chain Network Model ( SCNM ), this paper attempts to apply the model to the automobile industry and then analyze the character of SCNM of the automobile industry considering flows of material , service , information and capital .

  25. 面向基于场景规约的Web服务消息流分析与验证

    Scenario-Based Analysis and Verification for Web Services Message Flows

  26. 一种基于XML的付费搜索服务业务流模型

    A New Workflow Model for the Paying of Web Searching Service Based on XML

  27. 一种保证服务数据流QoS的选播路由算法

    An Anycast Routing Algorithm Supporting QoS for Service Data

  28. 基于QoS的P2P网络服务及流媒体传输

    QoS of P2P-based Web Services and Streaming Media Transmission

  29. 该方案的实验成果表明,基于Web服务的流式教学系统,为多媒体网络教学作出了有益的尝试。

    As the experiment result of the scheme indicated , Streaming Education System based on Web Service , has made beneficial trial for Multimedia Network Teaching .

  30. 通过添加新功能来支持拖放骨架消息流的创建和配置,从而简化了Web服务消息流开发。

    Web services message flow development has been simplified with the addition of a new feature to support drag and drop skeleton message flow creation and configuration .