
  • 网络Shipping Information;delivery information
  1. 如果您使用了帐户,就会要求您验证帐户购买和发货信息。

    If you have an account , you will be asked to verify your account purchasing and shipping information .

  2. 发货信息(SHIPPEDORDER):这个表包含发货ID、客户ID、订购的箱子类型、订购的数量和订购的日期。

    Shipped item information ( SHIPPEDORDER ): This table contains shipping ID , Customer ID , type of box ordered , number ordered , and date ordered .

  3. 每个集装箱将表明数量、订单号码、所装物品、标签、发货人信息以及附上具体装箱单提供详细运输信息。

    Each container must be marked to show quantity , order number , contents and shipper 's name and must include a packing sheet showing this information .

  4. 遗憾的是,格式与合作伙伴的Web服务输入不兼容,虽然您的模块中使用的Order业务对象包含用于对订单发货的足够信息。

    Unfortunately , the format is not compatible with your partner 's Web service input even though the Order business object that is used in your module contains enough information to ship an order .