
fā sàn sī wéi
  • divergent thinking
  1. 深入数学本质,培养发散思维

    To Extent to the Essence of Mathematics and Foster Divergent Thinking

  2. 儿童聚合思维与发散思维发展的影响因素

    Factors Influencing the Development of Children 's Convergent and Divergent Thinking

  3. 在条件A之下,会产生哪些、什么样的结果B的问题,就是发散思维型的问题。

    The problem " Under condition A , how many results B and what kind of result B can be produced ?" is just the problem of diverging thought pattern .

  4. 发散思维与作文构思JKC机制的构建与实践五年制高职专作文教学方法创新的研究

    Divergent Thought and the Creation System JKC The Research on the Creative of Composition-teaching Methods in High-training College

  5. 物理教学中会聚&发散思维模式的培养

    The Development of Convergence and Divergence Thinking Mode in Physics Teaching

  6. 工业设计活动中发散思维与设计媒介研究

    The Research on Divergent Thinking and Design Media in Industrial Design

  7. 鼓励学生大胆想像,训练学生的发散思维;

    Encourage students to imagine to cultivate students ′ diffusive thinking ;

  8. 发散思维是创造性思维的一种基本形式。

    Divergent thinking is one of the basic forms of creative thinking .

  9. 对数学教学培养发散思维的几点看法

    Views on the Training of Divergent Thinking in Maths Teaching

  10. 关于年鉴创新的思考谈学生发散思维和创新能力的培养

    Ingenuity in Compiling Almanac Training Of Creative Thinking & Ingenuity

  11. 浅谈化学学生发散思维能力的培养

    On Cultivating the Ability of Diffuse Thinking for Chemistry Students

  12. 培养发散思维能力是培养创造力的重要环节。

    To cultivate divergent thinking is an important part of cultivating creativity .

  13. 发散思维在营销活动中的应用

    The dispersing thinking mode put in use in marketing activity

  14. 非线性学习有利于学习者发散思维的培养和创新能力的提高,也得到各研究人员的关注和重视。

    Non-linear learning helps learners to develop divergent thinking and innovation capability .

  15. 创造性思维是发散思维和集成思维的统一。

    Creative thinking is the union of divergent thinking and integrated thinking .

  16. 浅谈初中几何教学中发散思维的培养

    On Training of Spreading Thought About Geometry Teaching of the Middle School

  17. 第五章为测试过程;中学生解决物理问题发散思维能力测验

    Test of students ' divergent thinking ability in the process of physics problem-solving

  18. 发散思维在一例解析几何问题中的实践

    The Practice of Divergent Thinking in Analytic Geometry Problem

  19. 健美操课培养学生发散思维的方法

    Methods of Divergent Thinking of Students in Gym Class

  20. 数学教学中发散思维的训练

    On the Practice of Disperse Thinking in Mathematics Teaching

  21. 最大射程与最佳抛射角关系新探&发散思维在解决抛体运动问题中的运用

    Apply Divergent Thinking on Solving Problem of Projectile Motion

  22. 在教学中训练学生的发散思维和收敛思维能力

    On the Training of Students ' Divergent Thinking and Convergent Thinking in Teaching

  23. 创新的源泉在于发散思维。

    The source of innovation lies in divergent thinking .

  24. 以发散思维为核心,培养思维的灵活性和独创性;

    Regarding the divergent thinking as the core to educating flexibility and originality ;

  25. 发散思维在作文训练中的重要性

    Importance of Non-Oriented Thinking Traning in Chinese Writing Exercises

  26. 在物理习题教学中训练学生发散思维的品质

    The Training of Thinking Quality in Teaching Physics Exercises

  27. 论田径课发散思维的训练

    On the Training of Students ' Divergent Thinking in Track and Field Lessons

  28. 培养学生物理发散思维能力的两多

    Developing the student ' divergent thinking ability in Physics

  29. 发散思维在服装设计实践中的应用

    The Role of Divergent Thinking in Fashion Design

  30. 着重从加强非逻辑思维的训练、逆向思维的训练、发散思维的训练来形成学生良好的数学思维。

    Cultivate students ' thinking in mathematics by training illogical thinking and divergent thinking .