
  • 网络non-linear thinking;nonlinear thinking
  1. 思维科学的新视野&关于非线性思维研究

    A New Visual Field for Thinking Science : About the Non-linear Thinking Study

  2. 非线性思维形式语言的言语表达

    Formal Expression of Non-linear Thinking in Architecture Design

  3. 从线性思维到非线性思维&当代领导者需要实现的思维方式转变创造性思维的非线性动力学原理

    The Nonlinear Dynamic Principle for Creative Thinking On Leadership Thinking

  4. 论非线性思维在电视节目编辑中的作用

    The Utilization of Non-linear Mode of Thinking in the Edition of TV Programs

  5. 通过对极端条件下物理问题的讨论,提出研究极端条件下物理学问题的重要性和现代科学研究需要非线性思维方法。非线性思维方式的特质。

    The special nature of nonlinearity mode of thinking .

  6. 从非线性思维视角看科学发展观的提出

    Scanning the Issue of the Scientific Development View from the Angle of Nonlinear Thinking

  7. 非线性思维方式的表现形式。

    The forms of nonlinearity mode of thinking .

  8. 非线性思维为人们提供了认识复杂世界的一种新的思维范式。

    Nonlinear thinking gives us a new thinking way about realizing the complicated world .

  9. 非线性思维方式与创新。

    Nonlinearity mode of thinking and innovation .

  10. 因此在制定特大灾害对策时,非线性思维方法就显得更具有战略和战术意义。依据这种思路,本文着重讨论了灾害(尤其是地震灾害)的放大过程在制订对策中的重要性。

    Therefore the nonlinear reasoning has special strategic and tactical significance in making countermeasures for catastrophe .

  11. 运用系统方法:1、高校道德教育必运用非线性思维。

    Taking system methods : 1 . the campus moral education system must use non-linear thinking pattern .

  12. 非线性思维方式与创新。研究非线性K。

    Nonlinearity mode of thinking and innovation . In this paper , a finite difference scheme for the nonlinear K.

  13. 从研究过程中通过对非线性思维内核的分析,得出了本文所总结的非线性理论。

    In the process of analyzing the kernel of the Non-linear thought , the Non-linear Theory will come into being .

  14. 科学发展观的提出,标志着发展思维模式从线性思维向非线性思维的根本转变。

    Posing of the scientific development view indicates that we successfully realize transformation from linear thinking to nonlinear thinking about development thinking .

  15. 线性思维的特征是历时性,而非线性思维的特征是共时性,也就是同步转型。

    Linear thinking is characterized by long , and the nonlinear thinking is characterized by the total time , is simultaneously restructuring .

  16. 本文是一篇在非线性思维方式下对目前建筑策划涵义及其原理进行延伸的论文。

    This article try to demonstrate and extend the meaning and theory of the Architectural Programming from the view point of Nonlinear Science .

  17. 非线性思维是非线性科学所揭示的世界本质要求,也是可持续发展的深层内涵。

    The nonlinear concept is not only the essence of the nonlinear science in the world , but also the inner connotation of sustainable development .

  18. 训练的不确定性、开放性和系统性特点,决定了运用非线性思维指导运动员训练不仅是可行的,且是必要的。

    Training , uncertainty , openness and systematic characteristics determine the use of non-linear thinking to guide athletic training is not only feasible and necessary .

  19. 这种以非线性思维、整体思维、关系思维、过程思维为其主要特征的复杂性思维的出现,是一次极大的思维方式的转换。

    The appearance of the complexity thinking , the main features of which are nonlinear thinking relation thinking and process thinking , is a revolution of thinking .

  20. 据此,本文提出的企业应对措施包括:构建知识联盟,发挥非正式组织的作用,有效结合线性与非线性思维方式以及建立学习型组织。

    So , ways to overcome core rigidities include building knowledge links , connecting linear and nonlinear thinking , emphasizing the importance of informal organization and creating learning organization .

  21. 本文试图从如何思维才能更高效地促进创新这个角度出发,探讨非线性思维方式在实现创新中的效用。

    The paper will try to approach that nonlinearity mode of thinking show effectiveness of realize innovation from how to think can help to bring about innovation top speed .

  22. 模糊思维方式不是模态思维方式、混沌思维方式,更不是非线性思维方式,它们有着明显的区别。

    Fuzzy way of thinking is not a modal way of thinking , chaotic way of thinking , not non-linear way of thinking , there was a clear distinction between them .

  23. 运用非线性思维来研究运动训练的目的就在于试图挖掘运动训练系统的非线性本质,以促进竞技体育可持续发展。

    The use of non-linear thinking to study sports training with the purpose of trying to tap the sports training system , non-linear nature of competitive sports in order to promote sustainable development .

  24. 当代发展观实现了从传统发展观到可持续发展观的转变,这一转变其实质是人类在思考发展问题上由线性思维走向非线性思维。

    The contemporary development view realized transformation from traditional development view to the sustainable development view , this transformation its essence is the humanity thinking mode transformation from linear thinking to nonlinear thinking .

  25. 复杂性范式坚持以非线性思维、整体思维、关系思维、过程思维为其分析和考虑问题作为出发点,为人们提供了认识复杂世界的一种新的思维范式。

    Adhere to the non-linear thinking , the overall thinking , relational thinking , process thinking , the complexity paradigm provides a new mode of thinking for people to understand the complex world .

  26. 本文首先探讨了混沌作为一种非线性思维,所具有的审美特性,即它的隐喻性和多义性,近而指出了后现代主义以及后现代主义电影中的混沌特征。

    The article firstly discusses the aesthetic characteristics of chaos as a kind of nonlinear thinking which means its metaphor and polysemy . Then the article indicates the chaos characteristics of post-modernism and post-modernistic movies .

  27. 围绕什么是创新,为什么要创新和怎样实现创新等具有重要现实意义的问题,探讨了非线性思维方式在实现创新过程中的具体效用。

    I 'll approach which nonlinearity mode of thinking give concrete effectiveness play to realize innovation around that some important real meaning such as what is innovation , why need innovate and how to realize innovation .

  28. 把整体仅仅看作其部分之和的线性思维方式的观点,显然已过时了,这就要求我们在研究任何问题的时候,不得不以非线性思维去思考。

    On the overall sum of simply as part of its linear ways of thinking views , apparently out of date , which requires us , in considering any problem , but a non-linear thinking , thinking .

  29. 系统辩证思维、发散思维、逆向思维、直觉思维和灵感思维作为非线性思维方式的五种具体形式,它们在不同程度上的融合、互补使非线性思维方式展现出强大的生命力。

    As nonlinearity mode of thinking , whith system-dialectic thinking , diverge thinking > inverse thinking , intuition thinking and inspiration thinking mix together and add each other on the different level , that make nonlinearity mode of thinking to emerge a large life power .

  30. 在思维方式上,科学发展观超越了传统发展观的线性思维特征,提出了如何运用非线性思维来把握社会发展的基本观点,发展思维的变革集中体现了科学发展观对传统发展观的创新。

    In thinking mode , the scientific development view transcend linear thinking feature of traditional development , raises basic views on how to make use of nonlinear thinking controlling complicated society development , The thinking mode transformation centralism manifested innovation the scientific development view to the traditional development view .