
  • 网络Non-system Risk;unsystematic risk;nonsystematic risk;idiosyncratic risk
  1. 投资者优化投资组合的原因是为了降低非系统风险。

    The optimization of investment portfolio is for reducing unsystematic risk .

  2. 证券市场上存在两种风险,即系统风险(市场风险)和非系统风险(公司风险)。

    There are two kinds of risk , systematic and unsystematic risk , exist in stock market .

  3. BOT项目中非系统风险对特许权期的影响分析

    The Analysis of Non-system Risk Affect on Concession Period in BOT Project

  4. IPO抑价与新股非系统风险研究&对市场反馈假说的检验

    Study on IPO Underpricing and New Stocks Non-systemic Risk : A Test for the Hypothesis of Market Feedback

  5. 最后一章节详细地从投资组合的角度,介绍了如何通过投资组合分散商业地产REITs投资运作中的非系统风险。

    The final chapters describes how to spread non-systematic risks of commercial REITs from the perspective of the portfolio in detail .

  6. Treynor指数和Jensen指数只考虑系统性风险,如果非系统风险没有被完全消除,采用Treynor指数和Jensen指数可能得出误导信息。

    Concerning systemic risk only , Treynor index and Jensen index may transfer misleading information .

  7. 在此基础上,结合BOT项目融资的特点,提出BOT融资模式下工程项目的风险管理方法并指出,BOT项目应从系统风险和非系统风险两个方面进行风险辨识。

    On this basis , proposes the methods to manage risk combine the characteristic of BOT project financing . This paper points out that BOT project should distinguish the risk from two respects : systematic risk and non - systematic risk .

  8. 投资项目所面临的风险可分为系统和非系统风险,多层次风险指标体系可形成AHP递阶层次结构,引入定性分析与定量计算有机结合的AHP模型可对投资项目的风险进行有效识别和测度。

    The investment project risks can be divided into systematic and non-systematic risks . Multilayer risk index system can form an AHP stairs layers structure . The introduction of the AHP model which combines qualitative analysis quantitive calculation can recognize and measure the investment project risks effectively .

  9. 我国基金的非系统风险在总风险所占比重较大,基金组合的多样化程度较低,因此目前以总风险调整为基础的Sharpe指数来评价我国基金的业绩比较合适。

    The proportion of non-system risk in aggregate risk is a bit high and the diversity degree of portfolio is low , so it 's proper that we select Sharpe ratio as the primary evaluation index .

  10. 信息比率作为改良式的Treynor指数,以非系统风险修正基金的收益,以此考察基金经理主动管理能力的高低。

    Information Ratio as a modified Treynor index use the non-systematic to amend the income of the Fund , in order to examine the ability of fund managers actively manage .

  11. 林业股票投资的风险包括系统风险和非系统风险。

    Risk of forestry stock investment include system and non-system risk .

  12. 员工参与的高技术项目投资非系统风险评价

    Assessment on Non-systematic Risk of High-tech Project Investment with Employees Participating

  13. 在住房抵押贷款证券化结构中,存在着一系列的系统与非系统风险。

    There are systems and non-systems risks in ABS / MBS structures .

  14. 基于非系统风险的证券组合投资决策研究

    A Study of Investment Decision of Securities Combinations Based on Non-system Risk

  15. 非系统风险与股票预期收益率负相关;

    Second , idiosyncratic risk and expected return of stocks are negatively related .

  16. 非系统风险也与股票收益存在负线性相关关系。

    The relationship between return and nonsystematic risk is also linear and negative .

  17. 非系统风险的回报率及其计量

    The Rate of Return and Measurement of Nonsystematic Risk

  18. 基于非系统风险被定价的资本资产定价模型

    Capital Asset Pricing Model with Idiosyncratic Risk Being Pricing

  19. 基于证券投资预期收益和风险的不确定性,利用多样化选择约束抵减证券投资的非系统风险。

    In security investment , the profit rate and investment risk are indefinite .

  20. 社会保障基金与其他基金相同,面临着系统风险和非系统风险。

    Generally speaking , social security fund is facing systematic risks and unsystematic risks .

  21. 非系统风险主要包括支付风险、资产风险和资产负债不匹配风险。

    Non-systematic risk mainly includes payment risk , asset risk and asset-liability non-compatible risk .

  22. 非系统风险包括技术风险、投资风险和管理风险。

    Non - systematic risks are classified as technique risk , investment risk and management risk .

  23. 非系统风险或公司特有风险。

    Unsystematic or firm specific risk .

  24. 股票的价格往往受到一些非系统风险因素如股票的盈利公告或分配预案等等的影响。

    Stock prices are greatly affected by such unsystematic factors as earnings and cash dividend announcement .

  25. 投资者通过分散化投资可以有效地规避非系统风险,但不能免除系统风险。

    Depending on decentralized investment the investor can efficiently avoid non-systemic risk but not systemic risk .

  26. 对于风险的分析,重点从系统风险和非系统风险两个层面分析了风险的类别,明确了政治风险可控前提下,应重点考察对企业的非系统性风险。

    It discusses when political risks are controllable , we should emphasize on the non-systemic risk .

  27. 股市系统风险将影响股票价格的运行方向,股市风险可分为系统风险与非系统风险。

    Stocks prices result from stocks market risks , which include system risk and non-system risk .

  28. 二是补充非系统风险的观点。

    Non-systemic risk need supplement .

  29. 本文论述了投资组合收益和风险的数学统计方法,阐明风险可分为系统风险和非系统风险,后者可以通过投资组合分散化。

    Risks are divided into systematic and nonsystematic risk . The latter can be diversified through portfolio .

  30. 非系统风险是一种特定公司或行业所特有的风险,它是可以通过资产多样化分散的风险。

    Nonsystem risk is a special risk only for some companies or industries which can be diversified from multi-asset .