
diē shì
  • decline
  1. 目前,上证综指(ShanghaiComposite)已从其6月12日的峰值跌去38.6%,不仅促使当局采取了多种意在逆转跌势的技术手段,还导致了多起拘留事件。

    The Shanghai Composite Index is down more than 38.6 per cent from its June 12 peak , prompting detentions alongside technical measures intended to reverse the slide .

  2. 美元最新一轮跌势,正值外汇市场出现一种越来越强的看法,认为美国经济状况比美联储(FederalReserve)所声称的要糟。

    The latest bout of dollar weakness has occurred as currency markets have developed a growing belief that the US economy is in worse shape than the Federal Reserve claims .

  3. 对于全球经济而言,如果美联储(fed)能够率先退出,当然会更好,因为这将有助于防止美元跌势失控。

    For the global economy it would indeed be preferable if the Federal Reserve were to lead the exit , as this would help prevent a disorderly decline in the dollar .

  4. 这一下跌加速了自阿根廷总统克里斯蒂娜•费尔南德斯(CristinaFernández)去年11月更换其经济团队以来的长期跌势。

    The fall accelerated a long-running decline since President Cristina Fern á ndez replaced her economic team in November .

  5. 大量损失主要发生在8月17日这天。当天,美联储(Fed)出人意外地将其贴现利率下调50个基点,促使全球市场扭转跌势,强劲反弹。

    Most of the big losses were incurred on Friday August 17 , when the US Federal Reserve unexpectedly announced a cut in its discount rate of 50 basis points , causing global markets to rally sharply out of a downtrend .

  6. 印度股市午盘初延续早盘跌势,标准普尔CNX轻巧指数下跌刷新一日新低。

    The market extended decline in early afternoon trade , with the S & P CNX Nifty sliding to a fresh intraday low .

  7. “FANG”指Facebook、亚马逊(Amazon)、Netflix与谷歌(Google)四家互联网公司(尴尬的是,谷歌已改名为Alphabet)。去年,虽然美国股市普遍呈现跌势,但FANG的股价平均大涨逾70%。

    The internet-focused quartet of Facebook , Amazon , Netflix and Google ( now renamed Alphabet , awkwardly ) saw their share prices surge more than 70 per cent , on average , last year , even as the wider US stock market fell .

  8. 国际基准布伦特(Brent)原油昨日一度跌破每桶68美元,为五年低点,后来回升至每桶72美元上方。此轮跌势已延续五个月,是自2008年金融危机以来持续最久的跌势。

    Brent , the international benchmark , which hit a five-year low just under $ 68 a barrel yesterday , has now fallen for five straight months - its longest losing streak since the 2008 financial crisis . It later moved back above $ 72 a barrel .

  9. 上星期债券市场出现跌势。

    Last week saw a drop in the bond markets .

  10. 对矿商来说,中国的需求可能有助于缓和铁矿石价格的跌势。

    For miners , Chinese demand could help ease that price slide .

  11. 交易员称,市场流动性的季节性减少也加剧了跌势。

    Traders said a seasonal dip in market liquidity exacerbated the falls .

  12. 不过,这也使得近期的跌势对香港投资者的影响较小。

    But that has left Hong Kong investors less perturbed by recent losses .

  13. 然而,流动性相对较差的中国股市没有推动这一跌势继续发展。

    But China 's relatively illiquid market is not driving the continuing turmoil .

  14. 随着美国股市早盘的跌势延续,美国国债价格回升。

    US government bond prices rallied as Wall Street extended its early losses .

  15. 一波三折跌势未改&PTA市场行情综述及预测

    Price tending to descend despite fluctuation & a review and forecast of PTA Market

  16. 总体而言,人们的情绪呈现跌势44个金融中心得分下降,而25个金融中心得分上升。

    Overall , sentiment is falling 44 centres lost points , versus 25 gainers .

  17. 东芝股票星期二从最近的跌势反弹,上涨6%。

    The company 's stock rose six percent Tuesday , rebounding from recent losses .

  18. 美国报告原油库存大幅上升,也促成了这一跌势。

    A sharp jump in reported US crude stocks also contributed to the slide .

  19. 油价跌势时期的成品油经销企业库存控制模型

    A Stock Control Model of Refined Oil Companies during the Oil Price Declining Period

  20. 跌势延续到了欧洲市场。

    The drop continued in European trade .

  21. 因此,在此轮危机开始时,新兴市场的跌势甚至比发达市场还急。

    Thus once the crisis started , emerging markets fell even quicker than the developed world .

  22. 调查还显示,基金经理们认为美元或将结束长期跌势。

    Some survey results suggest managers are looking for the dollar to end its long slide .

  23. 对冲基金等杠杆比率较高的投资者的沉重抛盘,也加剧了市场的跌势。

    Falls had been aggravated by heavy selling by highly leveraged investors such as hedge funds .

  24. 人们担心银行可能收紧对地产业的放贷,这也加剧了地产股的跌势。

    Concerns that banks are reining in lending to the property sector have also fueled the decline .

  25. 星期四的亚洲股市涨跌互见,欧洲的绝大多数股市早盘有所上扬,但是最后都以跌势作收。

    While Asian markets were mixed , all major European markets reversed early gains and finished with losses .

  26. 所有股票,包括各种蓝筹股,都不能免于跌势。

    No stock , even the blue chip variety , is immune to a drop in the market .

  27. 由此来看,市场可能处于一轮新跌势的初期。

    That 's being said , the market could be in an early stage of a new down-leg .

  28. 美联储宣布进一步削减每月债券购买规模后,美国股市延续跌势。

    US equities extended losses after the central bank announced the further reduction in its monthly bond purchases .

  29. 当市场无序下跌的时候,跌势往往会过头,股价最终将远低于合理价值。

    When market falls are disorderly they tend to overshoot and prices end up well below their fair value .

  30. 根据大多数的公允价值计,欧元兑美元仍亲爱的,尽管其近期的跌势。

    By most fair-value gauges , the euro is still dear against the dollar , notwithstanding its recent slide .