
  1. 不要看见大盘下跌就心慌,对于短线客需要的是大盘和个股的振幅大,并不指望有天天上扬的行情,这种行情也不可能在2009年存在!

    Do not see the market drop on palpitation , for short-term customer needs is the amplitude of stock market and large , do not expect the market up there every day , this market can not exist in2009 !

  2. 日元套利交易的参与者包括专业投资者、对冲基金、外资银行,以及大批的日本短线客,其做法就是借入近乎免费的日元贷款,然后投资于收益较高的海外资产。

    A practice driven by professional investors , hedge funds and foreign banks , as well as legions of Japanese day traders , the carry trade involved borrowing nearly scot-free in yen and investing the loan in higher-yielding assets abroad .

  3. 甚至还有一个中文短语可用来定义当前的市场热潮&既不是牛市,也不是熊市,而是鹿市。这个词指的是大批业余短线投机客引发的无规则波动的市场。

    There is even a Chinese phrase that could define the current boom . On top of bulls and bears there is the deer market , when large groups of amateur , short-term speculators cause markets to move in erratic jolts .