
  • 网络short-run equilibrium;short—run equilibrium;short run equilibrium;PAVC;short-run equilibricum
  1. 进口增长与国内产业的短期均衡

    Importation Increase and Short-run Equilibrium of National Industry

  2. 绿色财务管理的短期均衡分析

    Short-run Equilibrium Analysis of Green Financial Management

  3. 基于BEER模型的人民币中短期均衡汇率研究

    Study on Short and Medium Term Equilibrium Exchange Rate of RMB Based on BEER Model

  4. 当贸易成本居中时,资本(进而产业)的移动存在多点短期均衡,但长期来看,这种均衡是不稳定的。

    When trade cost is mediacy , capital ( then industry ) flow has the multi-spot balance in short-term , but in long-term , this balanced is unstable .

  5. 本文认为国际金融体系下美元霸权和东亚地区内需不足导致了东亚地区的资金供给,美国消费主导型经济导致经常项目赤字进而引致资金的需求,供求之间能达到短期均衡。

    This paper held that East Asia becomes financial supplier because of dollar hegemony under current international financial system and insufficient domestic demand in East Asian countries , US becomes financial demander due to the consumption-led growth .

  6. 得到了蒙古国进出口贸易各自与外商直接投资的短期均衡及长期均衡关系。然后再针对蒙古国的支柱型产业&矿产业,进行关联性分析,从而为蒙古国的经济发展提供相关的对策。

    Mongolia respective import and export trade and foreign direct investment in the short-run equilibrium and long-run equilibrium relationship . And then pillar industry-mining industry for Mongolia , correlation analysis , and related measures for the economic development of Mongolia .

  7. 在众多学者对这一理论进行研究的基础上,本文综合有关文献将有效竞争的涵义归纳为四个协调统一:有效竞争是短期均衡和长期均衡的协调统一;

    After reading information based on many scholars ' study on the theory of Workable Competition , I summarize the connotation of Workable Competition as four " coordination ": Workable Competition is the coordination of short-range equilibrium and long-range equilibrium ;

  8. 最后研究了两个零部件供应商和两个相互竞争的下游制造企业构成的产品异质结构固定的两条供应链链间竞争环境下的一体化或外包决策的短期均衡问题。

    At the last , we researched short-run equilibrium problem of integration or outsourcing decision under the circumstances of chain-chain competition , which the supply chain is composed by two component suppliers and two competing downstream manufactures with heterogeneous product and fixed structure .

  9. 为此,本文对品牌的经济学属性进行了理论分析,认为在价格一定的情况下,通过提高品牌品类度,采取精确的品牌策略,厂商不仅可以获得盈利的短期均衡,而且可以获得持久的长期均衡。

    Consequently , this paper theoretically analyzes the economic attributes of the brand , and points out that when price is fixed , firms can reach both the short-term equilibria and the permanent long-run equilibria by upgrading the brand category-level and taking precise brand strategies .

  10. 当偏离均衡时,长期对短期偏离均衡的调整力度为59.8%。

    When the deviation from equilibrium occurs , the adjustment to the equilibrium is 59.8 % .

  11. 然后构造误差修正模型来描述二者之间的短期非均衡关系。

    After that an error correction model is built to describe the short-term non-equilibrium relationships between the two of them .

  12. 信用价差和国债收益率序列的平稳性、相互之间的因果关系以及长期和短期的均衡关系是债券市场上的基础研究。

    The stability , causality and long-and medium-term equilibrium of credit differential and government bond yield spectrum are a fundamental concern of any bond market .

  13. 摘要在凯恩斯的经济学说中,一国短期的均衡就业量和收入水平,决定于有效需求,而有效需求又是由消费需求和投资需求构成的。

    In Keynesian economics , a country 's short-term balanced employment and income level depend on effective demand , while effective demand is formed by consumption demand and investment demand .

  14. 因而内部均衡的实现在短期优于外部均衡,内部均衡是要实现的目标,外部均衡则是条件。

    Thus in short-term the realization of internal equilibrium is better than the external , internal equilibrium is an target and external equilibrium is an condition .

  15. 我国服务贸易与GDP之间由短期偏离向长期均衡调整的速度很快。

    The deviation of short-term to long-term is well adjusted between China 's services trade and its GDP .

  16. 本文利用VAR模型,系统地分析了政府预算外非税支出、购买支出、基建支出与经济增长的短期调整及长期均衡关系。

    Using VAR model this paper investigates the existence of a long-run relationship between government non-tax revenue and economic growth , the mutual effects among non-tax revenue , government expenditure , public investment and GDP .

  17. 同时本文根据特质风险与投资者行为效应间的数量关系,利用误差修正模型(VEC)实证分析了特质风险与投资者行为效应的短期互动及长期均衡关系。

    At the same time , on the basis of quantitative relationship between idiosyncratic risk and investor behavior effects , the paper gave an empirical analysis of short-term interaction and long-term equilibrium relationships between the two types of variables by using error correction model ( VEC ) .

  18. 论政府供给偏好的短期决定:政治均衡与经济效率

    Short-term Determination of Government Supply Preference : Political Equilibrium and Economic Efficiency

  19. 当短期波动偏离长期均衡时,环保企业的调整方向不一致,误差修正机制并不一致。

    The leading stocks of environmental protection enterprises moved toward different directions while the shortage term fluctuation deviating the long term fluctuation and showed different repair apparatus .

  20. 本文利用协整关系检验和向量自回归模型,从短期波动和长期均衡角度,描述和检验了国外总需求和总供给对中国经济增长的拉动作用。

    By using the cointegration testing and vector autoregression models , we examine the long-run equilibrium and short-run fluctuations in the growth-led roles of foreign aggregate supply and demand .

  21. 检验结果表明中国股票市场与实际经济之间存在长期均衡关系,误差修正模型得出短期偏离向长期均衡的校正速度;

    The evidences show that there exists a long-run equilibrium between stock market and economic growth , Error Correction Model shows the speed of adjusting short-run bias to long-run equilibrium ;

  22. 其方法可分辨出电力需求模型中的变量之间的长期均衡关系,短期波动及长期均衡对短期波动的影响,从而得出电力需求的长期均衡关系。

    This method can distinguish electricity demand long-term balanced relation of variable of model , fluctuate a short time and balanced impact on short-term fluctuation for a long time , draw electric long-term balanced relation of demand .

  23. 建立用来描述居民国内储蓄率由短期波动向长期均衡调整的误差修正模型,检验模型的稳定性,并用此模型分析影响居民国内储蓄率短期变化的主要因素,最后得出本文的结论。

    We test the stability of ECM as well . Factors that affect the variation of residents ' domestic deposit rate in short term are investigated by ECM . In the end of the paper , conclusions are given .

  24. 利用向量误差修正(VECM)模型考察股市和债市收益率的短期变动关系时,5个宏观经济变量均进入短期均衡方程。

    By using vector error correction model to test the short-term correlation , five macroeconomic variables are all included in the equilibrium equation .

  25. 根据货币需求的短期动态调整模型,当实际货币需求在短期偏离长期的均衡状态时,均能通过长期均衡的误差修正项将这种非均衡调整到均衡状态。

    According to the short-term dynamic adjustment model of the monetary demand , when the demand for real money deviates from the long-term equilibrium state , the error correction of long-term equilibrium adjust non-equilibrium to the balance state .

  26. 基于VEC模型的短期Granger因果检验,支持货币量、利率和货币政策最终目标之间短期均衡关系的存在。

    Based on short - term Granger test of VEC Model , short - term equilibrium relationship of final objective between support monetary quantity , interest rate and monetary policy exists .

  27. 同时,从短期看来,欧盟对华直接投资与中国对欧盟进出口的关系由短期偏离向长期均衡调整的速度很快。

    At the same time , in the short run the speed of adjustment of the relationship between EU 's direct investment in China and China 's import and export to EU from short-term disequilibrium to long-term equilibrium is very quick .

  28. 然而在短期内两者的关系是不显著的,这可以认为是由于债券市场现阶段运行机制中存在某些方面的缺陷而导致的短期非均衡影响。

    However , the short-term relationship between the two is not significant , which is due to the defect existing in the current bond market of China .