
  • 网络call market;call money market
  1. 商业银行分支机构在同业短期拆借市场拆入拆出资金的数额由其总行规定。

    The amount of the funds borrowed or lent through the inter-bank short-term lending market by the branches of a commercial bank shall be decided by the head office thereof .

  2. 保证金平均每天高达2亿,操纵着华尔街和股票市场的短期同业拆借市场。

    The deposits average more than two hundred millions a day ; and it dominates the call loan market on Wall Street and the stock market .

  3. 同业拆借市场作为银行及其他金融机构进行临时的、短期的资金拆借市场,是货币市场的重要组成部分。

    Inter bank market as banks and other financial institutions for temporary , short-term lending market funds , is an important part of money market .