
dònɡ jié cún kuǎn
  • Freeze deposits;blocked deposit
  1. 如果希腊退出欧元区,该国几乎肯定将不得不实行资本管制,并冻结存款。

    Should Greece leave the eurozone , it will almost certainly have to impose capital controls and deposit freezes .

  2. 例如,阿根廷在2001年发生的金融危机中采取的冻结存款的措施,恶化了此后数年的存款调动不力局面。

    For example , in Argentina the freezing of deposits during its2001 financial crisis seems to have contributed to poor deposit mobilization in the following years .

  3. 埃及司法部一名高级官员表示,前总统侯赛因·穆巴拉克的两个儿子在瑞士银行有约3.4亿美元被冻结的存款。

    A senior official at the Egyptian justice ministry says the two sons of the former President Hosni Mubarak have an estimated $ 340m in frozen Swiss bank accounts .

  4. 为了解决人民银行履行金融监管职责与依法处罚的矛盾,应当赋予人民银行有查询、冻结出票人存款的行政强制权,由此,矛盾可以迎刃而解。

    To settle the contradiction between the supervisory responsibility and the legal punishment , the government should entitle the people 's bank of China with forcible power to investigate and freeze the bank account of Rubber Check issuers .

  5. 有权冻结、划拨被执行人的存款,但查询、冻结、划拨存款不得超出被执行人应当履行义务的范围。

    And has the authority to freeze or transfer his deposits , but the frozen or transferred amount shall not exceed his liability .