
dòng jié
  • freeze;congeal;frozen-in;freeze-up
冻结 [dòng jié]
  • (1) [freeze;congeal]

  • (2) 由于冷却而冻成冰

  • 水冻结成冰

  • (3) 比喻人员、资金等停止流动或变动

  • 解除冻结款项的另一步骤

冻结[dòng jié]
  1. 全体员工已经同意自愿冻结工资。

    The staff have agreed to a voluntary wage freeze .

  2. 他们希望政府冻结物价。

    They want the government to freeze prices

  3. 这家公司的资产已被冻结。

    The company 's assets have been frozen .

  4. 这个党计划将地方政府冻结的一部分现款解冻。

    The party plans to unfreeze some of the cash held by local government .

  5. 工资已被冻结,工人也下岗了。

    Wages have been frozen and workers laid off .

  6. 一条冻结了的银色水舌

    a silver , frozen tongue of water .

  7. 学生助学金将冻结在现有水平,但可以申请补足贷款。

    Student grants will be frozen at existing levels and top-up loans made available .

  8. 州长采取的行动冻结了30万个账户。

    The governor 's action freezes 300,000 accounts

  9. 许多公司已经强制冻结了工资。

    Many companies have imposed a pay freeze

  10. 英国已冻结了其援助项目。

    Britain has already frozen its aid programme

  11. 他说根据这些法规,赖斯先生的资产可能已经被冻结了。

    Under these laws , he said , Mr. Rice 's assets could have been frozen .

  12. 石油输出国组织已同意对全球石油生产稍加冻结,以稳定原油价格。

    OPEC has agreed to freeze its global oil production slightly in order to firm up crude prices .

  13. 人们担心冻结银行账户可能会长期阻碍投资。

    There is a fear that the freeze on bank accounts could prove a lasting deterrent to investors .

  14. 其他像失业救济金这样的补贴可能会被冻结,大家会努力把骗子清除掉。

    Other benefits such as dole money could be frozen and there will be a huge push to weed out fiddlers .

  15. 她的资产全部被冻结了。

    All her assets were frozen .

  16. 马在坚硬冻结的路上嘚嘚地跑过。

    The horse clattered along the hard , frozen road .

  17. 我正好应当涨工资,他们却实行了工资冻结。

    I was due for a raise when they put a freeze on wages .

  18. 冻结的雪面足够厚,我们可以在上面行走。

    The crust on the snow was thick enough for us to walk on it .

  19. 银行实行了工资冻结。

    The bank instituted a wage freeze .

  20. 本文介绍了近年来食品冻结及解冻技术研究领域的一些新进展。

    The recent trend in the study of food freezing and thawing was introduced in this paper .

  21. 在梁式补偿器中,其应力光图是由纯弯曲产生而被冻结在材料之中。

    In a beam type compensator a stress pattern produced by pure bending is frozen into the material .

  22. 由于实行高利率和工资冻结措施,许多户主只能是使自己免于负债。

    With high interest rates and a wage freeze , many householders are only just managing to keep their heads above water .

  23. 通过交替的冻结、抽空和溶化来使溶液除气。

    The solution is degassed by alternately freezing , evacuating and thawing .

  24. 冰块被冻成了平底的、圆形的形状,尺寸跟餐盘一般大。这种特殊的形状是由漂浮在河流上的旋转泡沫冻结而成的,通常在一夜间就出现了。

    The ice had frozen in a flat , round shape , around the size of a dinner plate , with the unusual patterns often caused by swirling3 foam4 floating on a river starting to freeze , usually overnight .

  25. 冰激凌头疼,有时也叫“脑冻结”,指用吸管喝冷饮的时候,冷饮直接到达上颚时感觉到的来自太阳穴的疼痛感。

    The ice cream headache , often called a " brain freeze " , is actually referred pain from the roof of the mouth which you feel coming from the temple area of your forehead when you suck cold beverages2 through a straw , sucking the liquid directly onto the palate .

  26. 冻结温度影响下岩石细观损伤演化CT扫描

    CT scanning test of meso-damage propagation of rock under different freezing temperature

  27. 冻结哈尔滨粉质粘土动三轴试验CT检测研究

    Study on CT scanning of Harbin frozen silty clay before and after dynamic triaxial test

  28. 比如说联系中断了,Web会议会在重要的时刻冻结,人们会错过会议通知而缺席,以及等等问题。

    Connections were lost , the Web conference froze at important times , people got dropped from the conference call , and so on .

  29. 冻结速率对松茸PPO和POD活性的影响

    Effect of Freezing-rate on PPO and POD Activity on Tricholoma matsutake

  30. 去离子水。方法:采用液氮冻结-冷冻干燥法,制备胶原-磷酸钙复合物A,B,以及矿化过程中不同时间的状态样品;

    METHODS : Liquid nitrogen freezing and freeze-drying were used to prepare collagen-CP complexes A and B and the samples at different times during mineralization .