
dòng hài
  • freeze injury;frozen injury;cold damage;winter injury;winter killing
冻害 [dòng hài]
  • [freeze injury;frozen injury] 由于气温的突然下降或低温持续多日,植物体的组织受到破坏

冻害[dòng hài]
  1. 广西冬季严重冻害的环流特征

    Characteristics of Circulation under which Serious Freeze Injury Occurs in Guangxi

  2. 中国柑桔周期性冻害问题的研究

    A study on the periodicity freeze injury of orange in China

  3. 云南松(pinusyunnanensis)冻害形态解剖的研究

    Anatomical study on morphological freezing injury in Pinus yunnanensis

  4. 利用EPS板处理高寒地区软土路基冻害的方法

    Method for handling the freeze injury of soft roadbed in a high and cold area with EPS plate

  5. 防除INA细菌减轻蚕豆霜冻害的研究

    Research on Preventing INA Bacteria and Releasing Bean form Frost

  6. 基于MODIS数据的甘蔗冻害监测&以广西来宾市为例

    Monitoring of Sugarcane Frost Damage Based on MODIS Data & A Case Study of Laibin City of Guangxi

  7. INA细菌与杏花期霜冻害研究进展

    Advances in research on ice nucleation active bacteria and frost injury of apricot in blooming period

  8. 以拟南芥愈伤组织为对象,探讨了DMSO(二甲亚砜)处理和玻璃化处理两种方法对愈伤组织在注入过程中冻害的防护。

    The protection effect of DMSO and vitrification from Arabidopsis callus hazard was studied in the process of ion beam implantation .

  9. 综述了植物对干旱、冷害、冻害、热害、涝害、盐胁迫和CO2胁迫等不良环境因子的生理反应机制。

    The physiological mechanism of plant responded to environmental stress such as water stress , chilling , freezing , high temperature stress , flood , salt stress and carbon dioxide stress were reviewed .

  10. 在树液流动期‘红地球’、‘红光无核’、‘MBA’及‘康拜尔’4个品种的结果母枝在-8℃条件下也未受冻害。

    There was no damages to the bearing mother branches of ' Red Globe ' , 'Flame Seedless ' , 'MBA ' and ' Campbell Early ' at-8 ℃ during sap movement stage .

  11. 人工冷害胁迫下,寒敏感材料感受低温胁迫较强抗寒及中等抗寒狗牙根材料早;人工冻害和田间低温下,寒敏感材料Pro含量低且波动幅度小。

    The cold temperature sensitive materials tasted low temperature earlier than strong cold resistance and middling cold resistance materials . Pro content of cold temperature sensitive materials was low and fluctuated range was limited . 6 .

  12. -20℃冻害处理8h,细胞质膜、线粒体、蛋白质体和各种细胞器结构都受到严重的破坏。

    In the treatment of-20 ℃ and 8 h , ultrastructure of the plasma membrane , mitochondrion , protein bodies and all kinds of cellular organs were damaged badly .

  13. 对计算出的近50年晚霜冻害资料进行EOF分析和Morlet分析,以发现晚霜冻害的时空分布与多时间尺度变化规律。

    Data of WFD calculated recent 50a is analyzed by means of EOF and Morlet technique in order to find distribution of space-time and Variation of multiple time scale on WFD .

  14. 本文在前人有关小麦冻害研究基础上,通过构建冻害指数,用EOF和小波分析法,对河南冬小麦晚霜冻害发生程度和发生天数进行时空变化规律分析。

    Degrees and days of late freezing disaster of winter wheat in Henan province is performed by means of EOF and Morlet analysis through creating the index of freezing disaster on the basis of previous researches .

  15. 花器对低温忍受力早花型为最强,晚花型较弱。在-3~-5℃条件下4h都会遭到不同程度的冻害。

    The early flowering floral organ is more tolerant of low temperature than that of the late flowering one , but both are damaged to varying degrees within 4 hours under the condition of - 3 & 5 ℃ .

  16. 通过掺加UEA膨胀剂、TQⅢ大体积混凝土防冻泵送剂,并采用暖棚法对大体积混凝土进行了温度控制,防止了大体积混凝土的冻害和裂缝的产生。

    In this paper through adoption of UEA expansion agent , TQ - ⅲ antifreezing pump agent and warming shed the mass concrete 's temperature is controlled , so that the frost damage and cracks are prevented .

  17. 对从国内各地引入清水地区的20个核桃品种(系)的树体特性、坚果经济性状、抗白粉病、抗越冬抽条、抗冻害特性和丰产性进行了7a的观察研究。

    Canopy growth character , economic characters of nut , powdery mildew resistance , anti-sprouting and living through the winter , freeze injury resistance and productivity in 20 walnut cultivars or clones introduced from domestic had been observed and researched for 7 years in Qingshui County , Gansu province .

  18. 重庆市冻害的发生分布规律研究

    The research of occurrence and regularity distribution of chongqing 's Frost-damage

  19. 寒冷地区渠道混凝土衬砌防冻害的几个问题

    Several problems about anti-freeze of concrete lining brickworks in cold areas

  20. 河南省冬小麦晚霜冻害风险概率分布及对产量的影响评估

    Risk Assessment and Influence of Winter Late Frost on Winter Yield

  21. 浅析水泥混凝土路面冻害成因与防治

    Reasons of freeze injury of cement concrete road and its countermeasures

  22. 甜菜苗期冻害的初步研究

    A Primary Study on Freezing Injury of Seedling stage of Sugar-beet

  23. 台湾软枝杨桃低温冻害分析及防冻效果评估

    Low-temperature Freezing Disaster and Anti-freezing Evaluation of Taiwan Soft-Branch Star Fruit

  24. 桂林低温冻害类型及其农业防御措施

    Types of Low-temperature Freezing Disasters and Agricultural Defensive Measures in Guilin

  25. 混凝土衬砌渠道冻害原因分析及预防措施

    Analysis and preventive measures of frost damage of concrete lined canal

  26. 南京地区小麦越冬冻害的气象生态特征

    Meteorological-ecological features of frost damage on overwintering wheat in Nanjing region

  27. 1999年冬季福建果树冻害及其特点

    Investigation on freezing injury to fruit trees in Fujian in 1999

  28. 甜菜露地越冬采种冻害发生的调查

    The Study on the Cold Damage in over-wintering Sugarbeet Mother Plant

  29. 我国玉米霜冻害的时空分布

    The Temporal And Spatial Distribution of Maize Frost Damages in China

  30. 上海引种的7种棕榈科植物冻害状况分析

    Investigation of freezing injury on seven introduced palm species in Shanghai