
  • 网络Anal bleeding;Rectal bleeding
  1. 肛门出血、便条变细和肛门肿物是最常见的症状。

    Anal bleeding , tapering stool and anal lump were the most common symptoms .

  2. 他的肛门出血。医。学教。育网整理。

    He has some bleeding from his rectum .

  3. 比较手术时间、术后尿潴留、疼痛、肛门出血、住院时间、术后恢复工作时间和肛门功能情况。

    Compare postoperative operation time , out-of-bed activity , urinary retention , pain , bleeding , hospitalization time , instauration work time and anus function .

  4. 避免出现肛门失禁、出血等并发症。

    To avoid the apperence of fecal in continence and bleeding .