
Objective To study the diagnosis and treatment of anorectal injuries ( ARI ) .
Objective To study the type , clinical characteristics and the valid method of the diagnosis and treatment to the anorectal injury ( ARI ) .
Conclusions Fasting and PN-EN is advisable to take place of the traditional temporary colostomy in most early cases of anorectal injury . Colostomy may be indicated for more severe case , especially for those whose diseases have been delayed or under severely contaminated conditions .
Anorectal trauma ( a report of 38 cases )
Clinical analysis of anorectal injury in 16 cases
Analysis of Children , s Old Anorectal Injuries : a Report of 15 Cases
Occiput posterior fetal head position increases the risk of anal sphincter injury in vacuum-assisted deliveries
Anal sphincter defects and bowel symptoms in women with and without recognized anal sphincter trauma
The experience of diagnosis and treatment of the anorectal trauma in 38 cases was reported .
To seek for an ideal and effective new surgical method becomes an important task . So the study is specially selected to meet the need of high curative rate and well anal function restored .
There were 15 cases of pure anorectal injuries , 17 cases of complicated injuries including 7 cases of pelvis fracture , 10 cases of urethra impairment , 2 cases of vagina impairment , two cases of bladder impairment and two cases of spleen rupture .
The therapy that we have used many years clinically have no specific reference data of the reduction of cicatrization time 、 wound area and pain , as well as to function damage of anus , which make the clinical doctors not sure to popularize it .