
ɡānɡ mén kuò yuē jī
  • Anal sphincter;sphincter of anus
  1. 5例肛门括约肌均不对称。

    The sphincter of anus were asymmetry in all the 5 cases .

  2. 19例中低位肛门闭锁患者在T1WI加抑脂序列显示10例肛门括约肌发育良好,9例发育稍不对称。

    The sphincter of anus was normal in 10 cases on imaging of saturated fat sequence , 9 cases were found slightly asymmetry in middle and low location imperforate anus .

  3. 目的探讨正常肛管及肛门括约肌解剖结构的磁共振(MR)表现。

    Objective To assess the imaging of the normal anatomy of anal canal and complex anal sphincter apparatus in magnetic resonance ( MR ) .

  4. 肛门括约肌压力(ASP)以每秒收缩曲线下面积来表达。

    Anal sphincter pressure ( ASP ) was described with area under curve ( AUC ) per second .

  5. 增加腹压时,肛门括约肌净增压腹泻型低于正常对照组(P0.05);

    When abdominal pressure was increased , the net increased pressure of anal sphincter in DIBS was lower than that in HS ( P 0.05 ) .

  6. 目的研究长脉冲电刺激对狗肛门括约肌压力(ASP)的影响及其作用机制。

    Objective To investigate the effects and mechanisms of anal electrical stimulation ( AES ) with long pulses on anal sphincter pressure ( ASP ) in conscious dogs .

  7. 结论MR能较好地显示正常肛管的解剖结构。STIR序列能很好地显示肛门括约肌及其与邻近组织的关系,可以作为盆腔常规扫描序列。

    Conclusion MR imaging can well assess the anatomy of the anal canal and perianal structures , STIR sequence can be the common sequence of pelvis scanning because of its better display of sphincter apparatus and its relations .

  8. 方法:10只家犬手术前先行尿流动力(包括膀胱容量、压力、顺应性)及肛门括约肌肌电图(EMG)测定,作为对照组数据。

    Method : The urinary dynamics , including bladder volume , stress , strain and electromyography ( EMG ) of sphincter were undertaken in10 domestic dogs as control prior to surgery .

  9. 结果①直肠静息压、肛门括约肌静息压及其最大缩窄压等在功能性便秘患者和正常人之间无显著差异(P0.05);

    Results ( 1 ) The rectal resting pressure , the resting pressure and the maximum squeeze pressure of the anal sphincter were not different between the patients with chronic functional constipation and normal subjects ( P 0.05 ) .

  10. 提示IBS患者在静息状态下肛门括约肌的功能是正常的.但其排便功能和直肠感觉功能存在异常。

    These results suggested : At resting state , the function of rectal and anal sphincter in patients with-IBS were normal , but its defecation function and rectal sensitivity were disordered .

  11. 目的探讨直肠癌保留肛门括约肌(sphincterpreservationoperation,SPO)手术选择标准,分析影响直肠癌保肛术适应证选择的因素。

    Objective To explore the indications of sphincter preservation operation ( SPO ) for rectal cancer , and factors influencing selective indications of SPO .

  12. 目的为提高手术安全性,在L2~S2选择性脊神经后根切断(SPR)手术时,对肛门括约肌进行肌电图(EMG)监测,并评价其作用。

    Objective The study is to evaluate the effect of intraoperative electromyography monitoring of anal sphincter during selective posterior rhizotomy from L2 to S2 level in order to increase the safety of procedure .

  13. 目的分析多系统萎缩(MSA)患者肛门括约肌肌电图(EAS-EMG)的特点,探讨EAS-EMG在MSA中的诊断价值。

    Objective To assess the value of external anal sphincter electromyography ( EAS-EMG ) for diagnosing multiple system atrophy ( MSA ) .

  14. 方法在SPR手术监测中,当对S2后根小束进行电刺激时,采用针状电极记录双侧肛门括约肌的反应情况,有明显反应的后根小束予以保留。

    Methods Each S2 rootlet was tested with electrical stimulation when S2 dorsal rootlets were involved during selective posterior rhizotomy , bilateral anal sphincter response was recorded by electromyography through needle electrode .

  15. 目的探讨肛门括约肌肌电图(EAS-EMG)在评价多系统萎缩(MSA)患者自主神经功能障碍方面的作用。

    Objective To discuss the role of external anal sphincter electromyography ( EAS-EMG ) in evaluating the autonomic system dysfunction of multiple system atrophy ( MSA ) .

  16. 方法按Gilman诊断标准,回顾性分析38例拟诊MSA和10例可能MSA患者的临床资料、肛门括约肌肌电图(EAS-EMG)和其他辅助检查。

    Methods The clinical data of 38 cases probably diagnosed as MSA and 10 cases with possible MSA based on Gilman diagnostic criteria were retrospectively analyzed . External anal sphincter electromyography ( EAS-EMG ) and other accessory examinations were carried out .

  17. 小儿直肠尿道瘘的修补与肛门括约肌重建术

    Simultaneous fistulous repair and sphincteroplasty for children with refractory urethrorectal fistula

  18. 直肠癌保留肛门括约肌手术适应证的选择及预后分析

    Indications and prognostic analysis of sphincter preservation operation for rectal cancer

  19. 盆底加强、肛门括约肌成形术后的护理

    Post operative nursing pelvic floor strengthening and anus sphincter reconstruction

  20. 肛管排气致肛门括约肌松弛1例

    Case report of looseness anus sphincter caused by blind enema

  21. 正常阴道分娩后肛门括约肌的定量肌电图评价

    Quantitative electromyography of the anal sphincter after uncomplicated vaginal delivery

  22. 肛门括约肌肌电图中运动单位电位复杂性的评估

    Evaluation of the complexity of motor unit potentials in anal sphincter electromyography

  23. 定量肛门括约肌肌电图中不同异常值标准的比较

    Comparison of different outlier criteria in quantitative anal sphincter electromyography

  24. 电刺激对狗肛门括约肌压力的影响肛门浴液的研制

    The effect of anal electrical stimulation on anal sphincter pressure in conscious dogs

  25. 痔手术切断肛门括约肌对肛肠动力学影响的临床研究

    The influence of anal sphincterotomy to anorectal dynamics in the treatment of hemorrhoids

  26. 肛门括约肌松弛病人灌肠方法的改良

    Improvement on enema for patients with anal sphincter loosening

  27. 肛门括约肌在肛瘘形成及治疗中的作用&临床分析和实验研究

    The function of anal sphincter in the formation and treatment of anal fistula

  28. 聚醚型聚氨酯人工肛门括约肌材料的组织相容性

    Histocompatibility of artificial anal sphincter materials of polyether polyurethane

  29. 肛门括约肌复合体的形态及神经支配

    Morphology and Innervation of Anal Sphincter Muscle Complex

  30. 结论肛门括约肌肌电图检查对多系统萎缩的诊断有一定的价值。

    Conclusions There was certain value in EAS EMG for the diagnosis of MSA .