
dònɡ jié zī chǎn
  • freezing assets;frozen assets
  1. 我知道解冻冻结资产需要多�

    I know how long it takes to thaw frozen assets .

  2. 我听说过有钱人“冻结资产”的事灵光一现。

    I got the idea when I heard about rich guys with frozen assets .

  3. sec称调查仍在进行,冻结资产是为了阻止这些利润离开在美国开立的账户。

    The SEC , which sought the asset freeze to prevent the profits from leaving US-based accounts , said its investigation is continuing .

  4. 作为与SEC和解协议的一部分,这9名管理人员同意接受强制令,冻结资产并最终分发给投资者,不过他们不承认有任何违法行为。

    As part of a settlement with the SEC , the nine officers agreed to an injunction while their assets were frozen and ultimately distributed to investors , though they did not admit to any wrongdoing .

  5. 新措施包括旅行限制和冻结资产。

    The new steps include travel restrictions and freezing assets .

  6. 金融机构应帮助追踪非法交易、冻结资产,并没收来自非法贩运的非法所得。

    Financial institutions should help to trace illegal transactions , freeze assets and impound ill-gotten gains from illegal trafficking .

  7. 这份制裁名单上的个人将被禁发赴美签证,并被冻结资产;制裁名单上的公司的资产也将被冻结。

    Individuals on the list are subject to US visa bans and asset freezes while the companies will have their assets frozen .

  8. 我们准备考虑所有的方式,包括我们已经采取的措施,冻结资产。

    And we are prepared to consider all forms of action including as we did , attempting to , and freezing assets .

  9. 欧洲和美国还针对俄罗斯和克里米亚的一些个人采取了冻结资产和禁止入境的制裁。

    Europe and the United States have also imposed an asset freeze and travel ban on targeted individuals in Russia and Crimea .

  10. 国际监管机构、律师和审计师在获取中国公司明确信息方面面临着难以克服的障碍,更不用说在欺诈行为得到证实的情况下冻结资产或执行法庭命令了。

    International regulators , lawyers and auditors face formidable obstacles in getting clear-cut information on Chinese companies , let alone freezing assets or enforcing court orders if fraud can ever be proved .

  11. 欧盟各国外交部长在欧盟对津巴布韦实施的禁止签证以及冻结资产的制裁对象名单上又增加了37人,已经在这个名单上的有津巴布韦总统以及他的多名亲信。

    The EU foreign ministers added 37 more people to the EU list of individuals under a visa ban and asset freeze that already includes the president and members of his inner circle .

  12. 富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福总统(FranklinDelanoRoosevelt)因担忧战争可能爆发,下令冻结日本资产。

    President Franklin Delano Roosevelt ordered a freeze of Japanese assets because he was starting to worry about the possibility of war .

  13. 李济善和其他四位官员将被冻结国际资产,并禁止出国旅行。

    He and four other officials will be subject to an international asset freeze and travel ban .

  14. 如果对与普京有关联的主要寡头发出冻结他们资产的威胁,肯定会让俄罗斯三思而行。

    The threat of asset freezes on leading oligarchs connected to Mr Putin would certainly make the Kremlin think twice .

  15. 欧洲和美国已经扩大了俄罗斯的制裁范围,将针对更多的官员实施旅游禁令并冻结其资产。

    The EU and U.S. have already expanded sanctions against Russia by slapping more travel bans and asset freezes on officials .

  16. 这些措施提议禁止伊朗核计划的核心人员到国外旅行,并冻结其资产。

    The proposed measures would impose a travel ban and asset freeze on Iranians most closely involved with the nuclear programme .

  17. 这是在调查内部交易案过程中,该监管机构首次获准冻结嫌疑人资产。

    It was the first time the regulator had been allowed to freeze the assets of a suspect during an insider-dealing probe .

  18. 依据这份新时间表,伊朗将可获得部分此前因制裁而冻结的资产。

    As part of the new timeframe agreement , Iran will still be able to access funds which had been frozen under previous sanctions .

  19. 上周,美国参议员麦凯恩访问班加西,呼吁将卡扎菲上校海外被冻结的资产转给反对派。

    Last week , the US Senator John McCain visited Benghazi and called for Colonel Gaddafi 's frozen assets abroad to be released to the opposition .

  20. 台湾政府已在新加坡获得庭令,冻结有关资产,但目前不清楚那些资金是否仍在。

    The government has obtained a court order in Singapore freezing the assets in question , but it is unclear whether the money is still there .

  21. 她说,全国过渡委员会领导人保证将较早地考虑这个案子,不过她并没有把这个问题与交还被冻结的资产挂钩。

    She said the NTC leaders promised to give the case early consideration but she did not link it to the return of impounded Libyan funds .

  22. 由反贪污法庭发出的一份「假扣押令」冻结的资产并包括在艾斯特拉达亲戚名下的两栋大楼。

    The anti-graft court issued a " fictitious distress warrant " to freeze assets , which included two buildings under the name of Estrada 's relative .

  23. 该外交举动意味着美国和其他国家现在能够开启300亿美元冻结的资产的一部分,帮助利比亚反对派。

    The diplomatic move means the US and other countries will now be able to unblock some $ 30bn in frozen assets and assist the Libyan opposition .

  24. 现在,班加西笼罩着一种绝望的气氛,反政府军看到他们的西方支持者们正慢慢地试图从利比亚被冻结的资产中释放出数百亿美元。

    There is an air of desperation in Benghazi as the rebels watch their Western patrons slowly try to free up tens of billions of dollars from frozen Libyan assets .

  25. 李长荣化工称,尚未接到法院就高雄市请求冻结公司资产发出的正式通知。截至第一季度末,该公司资产总额达新台币577亿元(约合19.2亿美元)。

    The company said it hasn 't received the court 's official notice on the city 's request to freeze its assets , which totaled 57.7 billion New Taiwan dollars ( US $ 1.92 billion ) by the end of the first quarter .

  26. 艾斯特拉达贪污罪受审菲法院冻结艾氏资产

    Court freezes Joseph Estrada 's assets during his trial on corruption

  27. 因为法院冻结了他的资产。

    Because the court froze his assets .

  28. 伊朗要求解除其在韩国被冻结的外汇资产。

    Iran is demanding the release of its foreign exchange assets frozen in South Korea .

  29. 警方已对钰诚和子公司资产进行冻结,冻结资产为150亿。

    The police also froze 15 billion yuan worth of assets owned by Yucheng and its subsidiaries .

  30. 大量被冻结的利比亚资产随时可以移交给新政府。

    Tens of billions of dollars in frozen Libyan assets are ready to be released to an alternative government .