
  • 网络external assets
  1. 本港银行界拥有的对外资产是全球最高之一。

    The banking sector 's external assets are among the highest in the world .

  2. 政府统计处刚公布的数字显示,香港拥有的对外资产额远远超过对外负债额。

    The figures for Hong kong , just published by the census and statistics department , show that Hong Kong has far more external assets than liabilities .

  3. 研究结果显示:(1)贸易条件、劳动生率和净对外资产对均衡汇率具有正向作用,而广义货币供应量M2对均衡汇率具有负向作用;

    The result shows : ( 1 ) The increase of the term of trade , the productivity and net foreign asset can make the equilibrium exchange rate appreciation , but the increase of money ( M_2 ) can make the equilibrium exchange rate depreciation .

  4. 中国对外资产负债:金融发展的视角

    China 's Foreign Assets and Liabilities : Perspective from Financial Development

  5. 世界金融一体化促进各国对外资产与负债迅速增长。

    The recent wave of financial globalization has come along with a sharp increase in gross foreign assets and liabilities .

  6. 比如,如果某国有着巨大的贸易盈余,因而对外资产迅速囤积,那么该国货币就有可能是被低估的。

    If , for example , a country runs sizeable trade surpluses , resulting in a rapid build-up of foreign assets , it probably has an undervalued exchange rate .

  7. 当前中国的对外资产累积有几千亿美元,但绝大部分是缺乏控股权的债券与货币性投资,直接投资所占份额很少。

    Chinese external assets have been accumulated up to several hundreds of millions dollars at present , most of which , however , is bond and monetary investment short of controlling interest , and in which the proportion of direct investment is very low .

  8. 国际投资头寸是在一特定时点上一个经济体系的对外金融资产及负债存量的资产负债表。

    IIP is a balance sheet showing an economy 's stock of external financial assets and liabilities at a particular time point .

  9. 对外金融资产涵盖对非居民的申索和不牵涉债务人的其他特定金融资产(例如:货币黄金)。

    External financial assets consist of claims on non-residents and other specific financial assets where no debtor is involved ( e.g.monetary gold ) .

  10. 第四,综合上述可见,香港整体的对外金融资产远远超过对外金融负债。

    Fourthly , for Hong Kong as a whole , therefore , we have external financial assets that far exceed external financial liabilities .

  11. 资产价格的非预期变化使一国对外净资产更多地暴露于资本收益和损失风险中,因此,如何实现有利于一国外部均衡的估值效应就显得日益重要。

    Investors and countries are much more exposed to capital gains and losses owing to unanticipated changes of asset prices , so valuation effects in external adjustment play a more important role than ever before .

  12. 我国银行目前的盈利模式主要通过对外发放授信资产赚取利差为主。

    In the past decades , banks in China have been making a fat profit mainly on the loans carrying any interest .

  13. 本文依据研究结果建议我国上市公司:采取减少负债、经营重组、对外并购、资产置换、合理安排股权结构及降低代理成本等措施可以有效应对财务危机。

    This paper suggested that the Chinese listed companies should reduce the debt , make business restructuring and foreign mergers and acquisitions , arrange reasonable ownership structure , reduce the agent cost and take some other measures which can response to financial crisis effectively to avoid it .

  14. 对外支付无形资产项下费用的,无论金额大小,均应按相关主管部门管理规定办理有关核准或登记备案手续,并留存相关凭证备查。

    If any fee under the intangible assets account is paid , no matter how much it is , the concerned party shall , according to the administrative regulations of the competent authorities , handle the relevant approval or registration procedures , and keep the relevant warrants for future reference .

  15. 论企业在对外合资中无形资产的保护

    Discussion on the Protection of the Invisible Assets in Sino-foreign Joint Venture

  16. 鉴于上述担忧可能破坏资本流动,美国日前对外资收购美国资产的审查体系进行了改革。

    The threat that such concerns could disrupt capital flows prompted an overhaul of the vetting system for foreign acquisitions of US assets .

  17. 一个国家经济的发展需要三驾马车,即固定资产投资、消费和对外贸易,固定资产投资中有很重要的一块就是商业地产,扩大内需也要靠商业地产。

    The development of economy in one country needs three carriages . They are investment in the fixed assets , consumption and external trade .

  18. 在不考虑对外因素和金融资产价格剧烈波动的情况下,金融系统性风险主要是由于金融体系的内在不稳定性和银行的内在不稳定性所引起的。

    The financial systemic vulnerability is mainly caused by the internal instability of both the financial system and banks regardless of external factors and the violent price fluctuation of financial assets .

  19. 逐步加大对外直接投资的比重,减少非直接投资特别是储备资产的比重应该成为今后中国对外资产结构调整的主要趋势。

    China should adjust the external assets structure step by step by enlarging the proportion of foreign direct investment and reducing that of indirect investment , especially reserved assets .