
  • 网络Negative equity;negative assets;Under water
  1. 若按预期账面价值来计,承销商们为这家近在2007年还深陷负资产的银行赢得了相对于中国银行(bankofchina)的小幅溢价。

    Underwriters had won a small premium to Bank of China , on a forward book value basis , on behalf of a bank that was deep in negative equity as recently as 2007 .

  2. 但正如摩根士丹利(morganstanley)指出的那样,如果考虑到退休、医疗和教育等账外债务,中国普通消费者实际上是负资产。

    But as Morgan Stanley points out , given off-book liabilities such as retirement , healthcare and education , the average consumer is practically in negative equity .

  3. 根据数据提供商CoreLogic的信息,四月底负资产总额达到了7070亿美元。

    According to CoreLogic , a data provider , negative equity totalled $ 707 billion at the end of April .

  4. 美国以前从未经历过规模如此之大的负资产状况。

    America has never experienced negative equity on this scale before .

  5. 陷入负资产陷阱的贷款对银行的危害尤其重大。

    Loans caught in this trap are particularly toxic for the banks .

  6. 负资产宗数去年六月曾创纪录,达105697宗。

    The number reached a record of105 , 697 in June last year .

  7. 随之而来的经济萎缩,使大量房地产都变成了负资产。

    The resulting economic shrinkage is leaving large swathes of property in negative equity .

  8. 是次撇帐令电盈处于负资产状态,负资产总值十八亿美元。

    The write-off put CyberWorks in a position of negative shareholder equity totalling US $ 1.8 billion .

  9. 如果房价进一步下跌15%,负资产抵押贷款数将升至2000万。

    If house prices fall another 15 per cent , negative equity mortgages will rise to 20m .

  10. 由于房价下跌,拥有房产的荷兰人中有四分之一已处于负资产状态。

    One in four Dutch homebuyers is in negative equity as a result of falling property values .

  11. 这种做法至少会将许多房主从负资产的噩梦中拯救出来。

    At the very least , this would rescue many homeowners from the nightmare of negative equity .

  12. 楼价连跌五年,不少业主身陷负资产困局。

    House prices have fallen for five years , forcing many home owners into the negative equity pit .

  13. 一旦房屋成为负资产,借贷者继续偿付贷款的动力将有所下降。

    Once a home tips into negative equity , borrowers have less incentive to keep up on repayments .

  14. 负资产束缚了房屋拥有者,妨碍了在美国前几次复苏中促进了就业增长的人口流动性。

    Negative equity ties homeowners down , impeding the mobility that boosted jobs growth in previous US recoveries .

  15. 涉及负资产的未偿还贷款金额亦下跌,由1550亿元下跌至1070亿元。

    The amount of mortgage loans to negative equity cases is also down-from $ 155 billion to $ 107 billion .

  16. 整体而言,这些预测意味着,美国约有2500万个家庭将以负资产收场。

    Taken as a whole , these projections imply that about 25m households in America end up in negative equity .

  17. 亚洲金融危机期间,香港物业价格大幅下跌,导致大量的负资产按揭贷款。

    During Asia financial crisis , prices of real property greatly declined , bringing to lots of negative asset mortgage loans .

  18. 因此,内华达、亚利桑那及弗罗里达州在负资产及抵押拖欠方面排全美点列;

    It 's no accident that Florida , Nevada and Arizona lead the nation in both negative equity and mortgage delinquencies ;

  19. 此外,房地产价格的回稳亦大大纾缓了负资产的问题。

    Furthermore , the stabilisation of property prices has relieved , to a large extent , the problem of negative equity .

  20. 随经济渐有起色,有些负资产按揭供款人可能需要一些喘息空间。

    With the economy poised for recovery , some homeowners in negative equity may need to be allowed some breathing space .

  21. 这意味着目前政府负债的绝对值,即负资产,大约为120兆美元。

    This means that the net present value of the government 's liabilities , minus assets , is approximately $ 120 trillion .

  22. 住房研究者认为负资产是违约的最好预测指标,这就是为什么他们总是很严肃地对待贷款额/房价比的原因。

    Housing boffins regard negative equity as the best predictor of default , which is why they take loan-to-value ratios very seriously .

  23. 自从2006年以来,美国住房价格下跌幅度已经达到了16%,另外还有1500万美国人的住房可能很快变成负资产。

    Home prices have fallen by 16 per cent since 2006 and 15m Americans could soon have negative equity in their homes .

  24. 通胀上升还意味着,实际房价下跌所产生的负资产有所减少,住宅市场可因之解冻。

    A rise in inflation also means that declines in real house prices translate into less negative equity , freeing up the housing market .

  25. 比如,美国有1100万购房者陷入负资产,还有数以百万计的其他购房者无法再融资,应当做些什么来帮助这些人?

    What should be done , for example , to help the 11m US homeowners in negative equity and millions more who cannot refinance ?

  26. 这反过来会导致更多产业主陷入负资产抵押,背负大大超过其房屋价值的按揭贷款。

    That , in turn , leaves more homeowners deeper in negative equity , saddled with mortgages that vastly exceed the value of their homes .

  27. 这种现象背后,是陷入严重“负资产”的家庭数量越来越多,也就是所欠贷款超过了房产的当前价值。

    Driving this phenomenon is the rising number of households that are deeply'under water , 'owing much more than the current value of their homes .

  28. 由于可以保护自己的自有资本只占一小部分,因此当房地产价格下跌时,许多业主被迅速推入负资产的境地。

    With only a small sliver of their own capital to protect them , many owners were quickly pushed into negative equity when property prices fell .

  29. 与夹屋大联盟的代表会面,讨论有关负资产问题和二按息率及罚款的问题。

    Met representatives of the coalition of sandwich class housing to discuss the problem of negative equity , interest rate for second mortgage loans and penalties .

  30. 次贷的低首付甚至零首付很容易使借款者陷入家庭负资产状态。

    The low or even zero down payment of the subprime mortgage could easily make the borrowers ' families fall into a state of negative equity .