
  • 网络Negative cash flow
  1. 不惜一切代价避免负现金流。

    Avoid negative cash flow at all cost .

  2. 然后我问他,你真的认为这是一项“投资”?一个每月带给你负现金流的东西,你还称它为“资产”?

    But why would you recommend , as an investment property , a property that has a negative cash flow ?

  3. 一个负现金流的公司以月计的负现金流比率。

    The rate at which a company spends its money .

  4. 来宝的杠杆率、糟糕盈利能力以及负现金流,是穆迪在周二市场收盘后宣布将其降级时援引的其中几个理由。

    Noble 's leverage , poor profitability and negative cash flow were among the reasons cited by Moody 's for its downgrade announced after the market close on Tuesday .

  5. 然后分析了初创期高新技术企业的特点,并就其中的高速增长特点和负现金流或零现金流特点进行分析和量化。

    Then the rapid growth and zero or negative cash flow , which are ones of the features of start-up stage hi-tech enterprise analyzed in this dissertation , were analyzed and quantified .

  6. 本文运用模糊综合评价方法得出了超常增长阶段高增长率的评估值,运用模糊数学理论和偏微分方程对负现金流或者零现金流的特点进行了量化。

    The estimated value of high growth rate in the supernormal growth phase is obtained by using the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method . And the zero or negative cash flow is quantified by using the fuzzy mathematical theory and the partial differential equation .

  7. Bazaarvoice称,获得新客户的预付费用,加之收入要延期入账,导致了负的现金流。

    Bazaarvoice says the upfront costs of acquiring new clients , coupled with the recording of revenue over an extended period , caused the negative cash flow .

  8. 还是每月会有负的现金流?

    Doesn 't he have negative cash flow ?