
  • 网络negative thinking
  1. 我们常相信自己的负面思考是真实的。

    We often believe that our negative thinking is true .

  2. 以下是根据认知行为治疗所提出的两种击退负面思考的方法。

    Here are two strategies based on cognitive behavioral therapy to defeat your negative thinking .

  3. 负面思考是我们在获得更多幸福时所面对最大的阻碍之一,不过还是有解决办法。

    Negative thinking is one of the biggest obstacles we face in experiencing more happiness , but there 's hope .

  4. 然而我们的精神却很容易从专注的状态转移到不重要的事情,或甚至产生负面思考。

    Our minds , however , have a tendency to drift from this focus , diverting to irrelevant or even negative thoughts .

  5. 理查说的是,就去承认负面思考的存在,了解其来源及发生的原因,而后以巨大的宽恕与毅力予以打发。

    What Richard is talking about is instead admitting to the existence of negative thoughts , understanding where they came from and why they arrived , and then-with great forgiveness and fortitude-dismissing them .

  6. 理查说的是,就去承认负面思考的存在,了解其来源及发生的原因,而后——以巨大的宽恕与毅力——予以打发。

    What Richard is talking about is instead admitting to the existence of negative thoughts , understanding where they came from and why they arrived , and then - with great forgiveness and fortitude - dismissing them .

  7. 压抑与否定,是去巧妙地假装负面的思考和感觉并未出现。

    Repression and denial set up elaborate games to pretend that negative thoughts and feelings are not occurring .

  8. 你应该改变负面的思考方式并引导自己的人生更快乐和成功。

    It is time to get rid of negative thoughts and behavior and lead a happy and successful life .

  9. 对媒体泛娱乐倾向及其负面效应的思考

    On the Tendency of Over-entertainment in Media and Its Negative Effects

  10. 对消除学生评价教师负面影响的思考

    A Consideration on Eliminating Negative Influences of Students ' Evaluation of Teachers

  11. 不单是结合了信心的思考动力可以直达潜意识、左右潜意识,只要是给人任何一种正面情绪或者负面情绪的思考动力,都能直达潜意识,并且左右潜意识。

    Not only thought impulses which have been mixed with faith , but those which have been mixed with any of the positive emotions , or any of the negative emotions , may reach , and influence the subconscious mind .

  12. 随着对人性问题探讨的深入,作者更加关注传统文化对人性的负面影响,思考在重压之下扭曲变态的人性,三垛和《玫瑰门》是这一主题的代表。

    With the humanity issue discussed deeply , the author paid much attention to the negative effect that the traditional culture had on the humanity and thought over the distorted humanity under the great pressure . The Three Piles and The Rose Door are the main representative .

  13. 关于网络文化对青少年负面影响的理性思考

    Rational Reflections on the Negative Effects of Net Culture on Teenagers

  14. 网络负面问题及伦理思考

    Ethics Thinking Deeply about Negative Problem of Network