
  • 网络response bias
  1. 人类认知系统的一个重要特征是它能根据知觉选择、反应偏向以及实时更新的情境信息调节自身以适应特定的任务,使这种适应性得以实现的认知过程就是认知控制。

    An important characteristic of human cognitive system is that it adapts itself to fit specific task demands and solve conflicts in terms of perceptual selection , response bias , and real-time use of context information .

  2. 注意转换是工作记忆的一项重要的执行功能,它是指根据任务目标和情境变化对知觉和反应偏向进行重组的内部控制过程。

    The attention switching is one of the most important execution functions of the working memory . It refers to situations in accordance with mission objectives and changes in perception and response bias for the reorganization of the internal control process .

  3. 社会反应偏向的干扰影响。

    Social factors may produce interference effects .

  4. 从词性辨别的正确率指标分析,高神经质被试对负性词存在明显的反应偏向;

    With the correct rate of lexical identification analyzed , high neuroticism explicitly showed reaction biases against negative words .

  5. 个体根据知觉选择、反应偏向以及实时更新的情境信息调节自身意识和行为以适应特定的任务要求的心理过程称为认知控制。

    Cognitive control is the ability to configure ourselves for the performance of specific tasks through appropriate adjustments in perceptual selection , response biasing , and the online maintenance of contextual information .