
  • 网络feedback value
  1. 会计信息与信息使用人之间是否具有相关性,取决于这些信息是否有预测价值、反馈价值和及时性;

    Whether the accountant informations have forecasting value , feedback value and timeliness or not decides whether there are interrelations or not between accountant informations and their user .

  2. 应从预测价值、反馈价值、中立性、如实表述等多个维度来设计盈余质量评价指标;

    One is that we should design the indexes for evaluating multi-demensions of earnings quality , such as the predictive value of earnings , the feedback value of earnings , the substance of earnings and the neutrality of earnings .

  3. 论负反馈价值

    On the artificial value from information feedback

  4. 历史信息是对上市公司以往财务状况、经营成果及现金流量等的反映,真实性、中立性和可验证性相对较强,但及时性、预测价值、反馈价值较弱。

    Historical information which reflects listed companies ' past financial position 、 operating results and cash flow , has relatively stronger authenticity 、 neutrality and verifiable , but it is lack of timeliness 、 predictive value and value of feedback .

  5. 主题型财务报告可以大幅度地提高财务报告的预测价值和反馈价值,全面反映企业的资产负债状况以及面临的风险。

    The future thematic financial statement can not only raise its predicting value and feedback value to a large extent , but also reflect the overall state of the assets and liabilities of an enterprise as well as the possible risk .

  6. 在与媒介相对应的受众角度,大数据技术实现了对受众的数据化分析,提升了受众的反馈价值;并在品牌推广方面实现了广告的精准定位,力求找到用户的需求交叉点。

    In the angle of audience , it achieves the audience data analysis , and enhance the value of the feedback of audience . And it realizes the precise positioning of advertising for brand promotion . Its purpose is to find the intersection of user demand .

  7. 此外,近期成立的Coursera和Udacity是斯坦福大学教职人员为创建“大型公开在线课程”(MOOCs)而成立的两家新兴机构,鉴于即时反馈的价值,它们也承诺采用自动化评估系统。

    Two start-ups , Coursera and Udacity , recently founded by Stanford faculty members to create " massive open online courses , " or MOOCs , are also committed to automated assessment systems because of the value of instant feedback .

  8. SDLC中的详细目录积聚(制造过程中的一项主要成本)是指那些被做出但是不被部署给客户反馈和价值识别的决定。

    Inventory accumulation in the SDLC ( a major cost contributor in manufacturing ) refers to decisions made but not deployed for customer feedback and value recognition .

  9. 诚实反馈的价值

    The value of honest feedback

  10. RubyMine的早期使用者提供了大量的反馈和有价值的改进建议。

    Early RubyMine adopters provided a great deal of feedback and worthy improvement suggestions .

  11. 成就目标定向和领导风格通过对反馈寻求的价值认知和成本认知间接影响个体的反馈寻求行为。

    The perceived cost and value of feedback seeking mediate the relationships of achievement goal orientation , leadership style with feedback-seeking behavior .

  12. 有鉴于此,我们应正确理解360度反馈评价的价值,重视企业高层领导的决定作用,注意使用360度反馈的文化差异问题。

    Therefore , people should make a correct understanding of the value of 360-degree feedback assessment and attach great importance to the decisive function of the senior leadership of the enterprise and the cultural differences .

  13. 正面听觉反馈真正的价值在于,它的缺失是非常有效的问题指示器。面包往下掉的时候,抹了白脱一面冲下的概率和地毯的价值成正比。

    The true value of positive audible feedback is that its absence is an extremely effective problem indicator . The chance of the buttered side of the bread falling face down is directly proportional to the cost of the carpet .

  14. “学习中即时反馈有着巨大价值,”阿加瓦尔博士说。

    " There is a huge value in learning with instant feedback , " Dr. Agarwal said .

  15. 关于您为Java开发创建诊断工具的体验以及希望标准API能解决哪些问题的反馈是很有价值的。

    Feedback on your experiences with creating diagnostic tools for Java development and what you would like to see addressed in a standard API would be invaluable .

  16. 引入反馈机制的知识价值链与知识价值增值

    On Feedback Mechanism Introduced in Knowledge Value Chain and Knowledge Value Raise

  17. 你能控制的只有你对事情的反馈,因此你的反馈要有价值、有智慧、有道理。

    You can only control your reaction to them ... so make your reaction worthy , smart and sane .

  18. 虽然很容易对他人和团体的工作给出肯定的反馈,但是给出否定的反馈更有价值。个人与社会。

    Although it is easy to respond positively to the work of another person or group , it is far more worthwhile to give negative feedback .

  19. 再加之,以反馈为核心的反馈经济正逐渐受重视,深度挖掘反馈信息中有价值的数据,以便抢占市场经济制高点。

    Plus , the " feedback " as the core of feedback economy is gradually valued , depth excavation feedback information of valuable data , in order to grab the commanding heights of the market economy .