
  • feedback excitation
  1. 在PBL教学中应该注意贯彻难度适中原则、时机适度原则、联系实际原则和反馈激励原则。

    In the course of the PBL teaching mode , the principles of moderate difficulty , precise occasion , in association with practice and encourage by feedback should be paid enough attention to .

  2. 销售人员的激励扭曲与反馈激励分析

    An Analysis of Distortion and Feedback of Incentives for Sale Force

  3. 此反馈激励着我们继续朝这一方向投资。

    This feedback encourages us to continue to invest in such direction .

  4. 实验结果表明,与传统的电压激励方式相比,采用电荷反馈激励方式,压电微动机构的回滞环减小了50%,线性度提高了35%。

    Experimental data from tests of voltage control and charge control shows that charge control is capable of reducing the hysteresis more than 50 % , and improves the linearity by 35 % .

  5. 正面的反馈能激励女人去修饰自己。这反过来,有助于继续保持夫妻间的浪漫色彩。

    Positive feedback gives a woman incentive to dress up , which in turn can help keep romance alive .

  6. 课程的学业成绩考试,对于实现课程的教学目标具有评价与监控、诊断与反馈、激励与导向等基本功能。

    Achievement tests have such basic functions as evaluating , monitoring , diagnosing , stimulating and directing the realization of teaching aims .

  7. 改善方法:优秀会员经验交流会、名师讲座、沟通反馈、激励讲座。

    Ways to improve : have meetings with excellent members to exchange experience , lectures by famed teachers , communication and feedback , inspiring lectures .

  8. 学习评价应以人为本,促进个体全面发展,充分发挥评价反馈、激励、导向的功能。

    Promote individual development in an all-round way so as to bring the function of evaluation ′ s feedback , impelling and guidance into full play .

  9. 我们测验了这些反馈的激励效果:积极的反馈增加了新手的情感认同而消极的反馈则增加了老手对于自己进步程度不够的认识。

    We examine a motivational account for the shift in feedback : positive feedback increased novices commitment and negative feedback increased experts sense that they were making insufficient progress .

  10. 作为教学测量和评价的重要工具的考试,其特有的评定、检测、诊断、反馈和激励五大功能,直接关系到教学测评的准确性和客观性,也影响到教学质量的好坏。

    As a main tool of instructional evaluation , exam has its own functions including assessing , checking , feedback and inspiriting . So it will influence the veracity and objectivity of instructional evaluation and quality directly .

  11. 然后对于分析出来的不足进行解决,并从绩效实施、绩效考核、绩效反馈和绩效激励四个方面对ZS基金会的员工绩效管理体系进行完善。

    Then it analysis the resolution to the deficiency of the organization . Subsequently , it improved performance management system in four areas of the ZS Fund such as the implementation of performance , performance evaluation , performance feedback and performance incentives .

  12. 具时滞反馈的双激励耦合振子的动力学研究

    Dynamics of Two Coupled Oscillators with Delayed Feedback and Excitatory-to-excitatory Connection

  13. 对实际操作中遇到的困难,只有积极应对,设法解决,才能充分发挥出发展性学生评价的反馈功能、激励功能、教育功能。

    In order to give full play to the feedback function , inspiration function , education function , we must reply actively , try to solve the problems we may meet in practical operation of developing students evaluation .

  14. 你对你的团队所做工作的反馈是他们受激励的基础。

    The feedback you give your team about their work is fundamental to their motivation .

  15. 反馈、评估、激励机制一体化。

    Feedback , evaluation and encouragement .

  16. 基本上,给予反馈的目的是激励你的员工在未来表现得尽可能好。

    Basically the point of giving feedback is to motivate your staff to perform as well as they can in future .

  17. 它由科学控管系统、组织实施系统、信息反馈系统、评价激励系统、保障系统等构成。

    It is structured by the scientific controlling system , organize implementing system , information feedback system , appraisal and motivating system , safeguard system and so on .

  18. 学生创新学习行为评价是创新学习指导的一个重要环节和有效手段,具有诊断、反馈、指导、激励和甄别功能。

    The evaluation of students ' innovative learning behaviors is an important link and effective means of guiding students ' innovative learning . It has such functions as diagnosis , feedback , guidance , encouragement and discrimination .

  19. 提出了应用语音信号处理及计算机多媒体技术,强化生物反馈(视觉反馈、听觉反馈以及心理激励)提高失语症康复治疗效果的新方法。

    Author proposed a new aphasia feedback treatment method that utilized biofeedback including vision , hearing and psycho-activity promotion based on speech signal processing and computer multi-media technology .