
  • 网络anti-subsidy;countervailing;countervailing duty;countervailing measures
  1. 其次,简要论述了WTO及世界各国的反补贴法律。

    The second is the sketch of the anti-subsidy law worldwide .

  2. WTO体制下我国应对补贴和反补贴的策略

    Our country 's policy to subsidy and anti-subsidy under the system of WTO

  3. WTO与我国的反补贴立法国际反补贴会计对策研究

    WTO and China 's Countervailing Legislation Countermeasures Research on International Countervailing Accounting

  4. WTO反补贴法律制度的演进思考

    Pondering on Evolution of WTO Countervailing Law System

  5. WTO下的反补贴机制研究

    Study of Anti-Subsidy Mechanism Under WTO

  6. 对反补贴措施进行司法审查是WTO反补贴程序法的一项基本内容。

    Judicial examination on anti-subsidy measure is a basic item of contents for WTO anti-subsidy process .

  7. 论WTO补贴与反补贴规定及中国立法之完善

    The Law of Subsidies and Countervailing Measures of WTO and the Steps of Improving Chinese Legislation

  8. WTO《补贴与反补贴协议》与我国科技体制改革反思

    WTO 's Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures Rethought on the Reforms of Scientific and Technological System in China

  9. 撰写的《欧美“空战”不止,WTO反补贴体制错了吗?》在《中国经济周刊》上发表。

    Is WTO SCM Agreement Wrong ?– Analysis of EU-US Aircraft Subsidies Disputes , Published in China Economy Weekly .

  10. WTO的边境调节税与反补贴:我国能源政策和法律必须考虑的两个国际性问题

    Border Tax Adjustment and Subsidy in WTO : Two Issues China Must Consider in Making its Energy Policy and Law

  11. 在WTO的框架下,目前各国的补贴与反补贴措施出现了新的特点。

    Under the current framework of WTO , new features are seen from each country 's subsidies and countervailing measures .

  12. 然而在当前的反补贴立法中,何谓授予利益以及如何计算利益都没有明确规定。WTO与我国的反补贴立法

    However , the definition and ways of confirmation remain unclear in current countervailing legislation . WTO and China 's Countervailing Legislation

  13. 中国汇率错位这套检验办法的所有三个,应该征收WTO所允许的反补贴税。

    China 's exchange rate misalignment meets all three parts of this test and therefore merits the WTO-permitted application of countervailing duties .

  14. 即使信息充分,公司或许也不愿意提交反补贴税请求或支持政府向WTO申诉。

    Even with good information , companies may be unwilling to submit a CVD petition or support a government bringing a WTO case .

  15. 为此WTO《补贴与反补贴协议》对成员进行了严格的规定。

    In view of this WTO has enacted the " Subsidization and Anti-Subsidization Protocol " to curb excessive government sponsorship among its member countries .

  16. WTO《补贴与反补贴措施协定》附件一(K)款二项的解释与适用&以加拿大飞机补贴案为例

    Interpretation and Application of the Second Paragraph of Annex I ( K ) of SCM Agreement : On the Basis of Canada Aircraft Dispute

  17. 补贴与反补贴措施协议(通称为《SCM协议》,以下简称协议)是WTO框架下专门规范补贴与反补贴措施的一个最主要的国际协议。

    SCM ( Subsidies and countervailing measures ) agreement is a main international agreement that specially standardized SCM under WTO frame .

  18. 反补贴措施是WTO允许其成员在特定条件下采取的三种主要贸易救济措施之一。

    Countervailing measure is one of the three main trade remedy measures of WTO , which can be taken by WTO members under certain conditions .

  19. 唯一可能会获得wto批准的解决方案,将是选择性地对汇率操纵直接惠及的特定进口征收反补贴税。

    The only remedy that could potentially pass WTO muster would be selective application of countervailing duties to specific imports directly subsidised by currency manipulation .

  20. 在因果关系的确定上,WTO《补贴与反补贴措施协议》的规定存在不明确之处,各国对其保留有相当程度的解释空间。

    The provision of Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures of WTO is not clear , which gives rise to different explanation of different countries .

  21. 事实上,反补贴关税、反倾销条例、以及以健康、安全或环境为名禁止进口所有这些都符合wto法律。

    Indeed , anti-subsidy duties , anti-dumping rules , imports banned in the name of health , safety or the environment all these are wto-legal .

  22. WTO规则中补贴与反补贴措施是国际经济发展的产物,是随着现代国际贸易的形成而出现的。

    The subsidies and countervailing measure in the WTO rule is the product of international economy development and coming into being with the formation of the modern international trade .

  23. 然而,在开放经济条件下,如果政府直接对企业进行生产性补贴,就违背了WTO《补贴与反补贴协定》,高技术争端由此产生。

    However , in an open economy , such governmental action will defy the WTO Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures ( SCM Agreement ) and lead to high-tech disputes .

  24. 在WTO框架下,我们要对我国的《反补贴条例》加以完善,加强国内反规避立法并积极推动补贴与反补贴协定的后续国际谈判。

    In the WTO framework , we have to perfect " Countervailing Regulations ", strengthen domestic anti-circumvention legislation and actively promote the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing up in international negotiations .

  25. 研究出口补贴的认定问题无论对于确保一国政府的政策与WTO协议一致,还是避免滥用反补贴措施都有重要意义。

    Study on determination of export subsidies has a great significance , both on ensuring a government 's policies compatible with WTO Agreements and on avoiding an abuse of countervailing measures .

  26. 自2004年加拿大首次对原产于中国的产品适用反补贴调查以来,WTO成员方开始逐渐对中国适用反补贴法。

    Ever since Canada initiated the first anti-subsidy investigation of products originating from China in 2004 , WTO members have gradually begun applying countervailing duty law to products originating from China .

  27. 根据世界贸易组织(wto)的规定,中国在开始调查之前,需邀请美国就“反补贴税”进行磋商,以求达成相关解决方案。

    World Trade Organisation rules require China to invite the us to consult on the countervailing duty petition before initiating any investigation in an effort to find a resolution to the concerns .

  28. 补贴和反补贴协定属于货物贸易部分,WTO成员协商达成了《补贴与反补贴措施协定》和《农业协定》。

    The subsidies and countervailing agreement is a part of agreement on cargo trade , and WTO parties has reached the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures and Agreement on Agriculture through consultation .

  29. 反补贴是WTO认可的重要贸易救济措施,它能有效地减轻补贴产品对国际市场的扭曲,维持正常的全球贸易秩序。

    Countervailing is recognized as an important Trade Remedy Measure by WTO ; it can effectively reduce the distortions of the international market because of subsidies and maintain a normal global trade order .

  30. 《SCM协议》是WTO《补贴与反补贴措施协议》的简称,它反对和限制专向性补贴,对全体WTO成员具有约束力。

    SCM Agreement , the abbreviated form of Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures , fights and restricts the specialized subsidies , it has binding forces on all members of WTO .