- 网络non-tradable goods;Nontraded Goods;non-traded goods;nontradable goods

The paper also makes an empirical study on RMB real exchange rate based on theoretical analysis of extended mode which introducing capital productivity of tradable goods and non-tradable goods .
It is not a simple process of the continuing reform of the RMB exchange rate policy on trade relation between china and Europe . Tradable and non-traded goods relative price distortions due to exchange rate undervalued , therefore trading goods prices were overvalued .
With inflation in sectors producing non-tradeables relatively high , real interest rates were also relatively low in these countries .
A stronger real exchange rate would also help improving the terms of trade for services ( non tradables ) compared to manufacturing ( tradables ) .
Finally , the conclusion is there have strong substitution between agriculture , industry and service departments , tradable products and non-tradable products have strong substitute relationship in Industrial products .
Trading condition , non-trading commodities export by government , technology development , and direct foreign investment , difference in interest rate , and inflation are all decisive factors of the practical equilibrium RMB exchange rate .
If China tried to do this too quickly , domestic supply-demand imbalances would lower the growth rate , with large excess capacity in tradable goods acting as a break on growth and employment because capital could not shift rapidly enough into non-tradable activities .