
fēi fǎ rén zǔ zhī
  • unincorporated organization
  1. 非法人组织在民事实体法和程序法上法律地位之冲突及协调

    The Legal Status ' Conflict and Coordination of the Unincorporated Organization in the Civil Substantive Law and the Civil Procedural Law

  2. 垄断罪的主体既包括自然人,也包括法人、非法人组织,既包括经济组织,也包括行政组织;

    The subject of monopoly crime includes not only natural person , but also juridical person and unincorporated organization , includes not only economic organization , but also administrative organization ;

  3. 英国既承认法人组织形式,也承认非法人组织形式。

    Corporate organization and incorporated organization are both admitted in Britain .

  4. 非法人组织的法律地位及其立法模式&兼评《民法(草案)》总则有关条文

    On the Legal Status and Legislation Mode of the Unincorporated Organizations

  5. 对船舶拟非法人组织行政处罚的合理性探析

    Probing on the rationality for administrative penalty imposed on ships as non-juridical person

  6. 论非法人组织的税法地位

    On the Tax-status of Non - corporate Body

  7. 非法人组织如俱乐部和合伙贸易组织均非法人。

    Unincorporated associations such as clubs and trading partnerships fall into this latter category .

  8. 非法人组织具有税法上的权利能力与行为能力,是重要的纳税主体。

    Non-corporate body not only has both disposing capacity and legal capacity , but also is an important tax entity .

  9. 按民商事组织本身是否能够独立承担民事责任分为法人和非法人组织;

    According to whether or not could take the civil responsibility independently , the subject is divided into corporations and non-corporations .

  10. 一般来说,非法人组织不能以组织的名义起诉,但是也有例外,这就不细说了。

    In general unincorporated associations cannot bring actions in their own name , but there are exceptions which it is not possible to detail here .

  11. 本节经论述得出了关于银行保密的对象范围为:银行的保密对象应是凡是接受金融机构所提供的金融服务的自然人、法人和非法人组织。

    The scope of the object includes all natural persons , legal persons and illegal organizations for that the financial institutions provided the financial services .

  12. 通过分析指出法人、非法人组织能够成为生态犯罪的主体,而国家则排除在生态犯罪的主体之外。

    Through analyzing , it is point out that legal person and not legal person organization can become subject of the ecological crime , but the country excludes from subject of the ecological crime .

  13. 权利能力是指权利义务的载体,因而非法人组织不应具有权利能力,但这并不妨碍其取得商主体资格,而从事经济交易。

    Right capability is the carrier of rights and duties , thus the organizes of in-juridical persons have not the capability , which does not obstruct them to acquire businessman qualifications , and to do some bargaining .

  14. 业委会分别可能成为法人团体,享有民事主体资格或者不享有民事主体资格的非法人组织和非法人也无诉讼主体资格的一般组织。

    Analysis of the Industry Committee are likely to be a body corporate , have the qualification or do not enjoy civil subject of illegal people eligible unincorporated business organizations and the general organization of the qualification proceedings .

  15. 公民和法人越权行为无效认定的传统民法理论受到合同立法的挑战,确定非法人组织的合同主体资格是合同立法的国际趋势。

    The traditional civil law theory on nullity identification about acts in excess of authority of citizens and legal persons is challenged by the contract legislation , of which the international trend is to determine contract entity qualifications of non-juridical-person organizations .

  16. 在法律属性的分析方面,可以通过四个类别(自然人,法人,非法人组织,国家)和四个层次(民事主体,法人,营利性判断,服务类型判断)的分析模型来确定法律属性。

    Legal characteristic can be analyzed by a model which includes four types ( natural person , artificial person , non-artificial organization , country ) and four levels ( civil subject , artificial person , whether it is seeking for profit , which service type it is ) .

  17. 本文,笔者以非法人经济组织为例,就如何加强这类二级单位财务管理进行了深入的研究。

    In this paper , the author gave the example of unincorporated economic organization and discussed how to strengthen financial management of secondary units in-depth .

  18. 中国目前的股票交易所通常是会员制、非盈利性的法人组织。

    In China the stock exchange is now in general a non-profit-making legal entity with membership system .

  19. 商自然人破产制度与破产法中的法人或非法人企业或组织的破产制度相比,无论是程序上还是实体上,都存在一定的差异。

    Compared to the bankruptcy of corporation system , the bankruptcy of commercial individual system had many difference in substantive law and procedural law .

  20. 非法人企业、组织的房地产抵押需提交其产权部门同意抵押的批准文件。

    The approval file that the estate guaranty of illegal person business , organization requires to refer branch of its property right to agree with guaranty .