- unincorporated organization

The Legal Status ' Conflict and Coordination of the Unincorporated Organization in the Civil Substantive Law and the Civil Procedural Law
The subject of monopoly crime includes not only natural person , but also juridical person and unincorporated organization , includes not only economic organization , but also administrative organization ;
Corporate organization and incorporated organization are both admitted in Britain .
On the Legal Status and Legislation Mode of the Unincorporated Organizations
Probing on the rationality for administrative penalty imposed on ships as non-juridical person
On the Tax-status of Non - corporate Body
Unincorporated associations such as clubs and trading partnerships fall into this latter category .
Non-corporate body not only has both disposing capacity and legal capacity , but also is an important tax entity .
According to whether or not could take the civil responsibility independently , the subject is divided into corporations and non-corporations .
In general unincorporated associations cannot bring actions in their own name , but there are exceptions which it is not possible to detail here .
The scope of the object includes all natural persons , legal persons and illegal organizations for that the financial institutions provided the financial services .
Through analyzing , it is point out that legal person and not legal person organization can become subject of the ecological crime , but the country excludes from subject of the ecological crime .
Right capability is the carrier of rights and duties , thus the organizes of in-juridical persons have not the capability , which does not obstruct them to acquire businessman qualifications , and to do some bargaining .
Analysis of the Industry Committee are likely to be a body corporate , have the qualification or do not enjoy civil subject of illegal people eligible unincorporated business organizations and the general organization of the qualification proceedings .
The traditional civil law theory on nullity identification about acts in excess of authority of citizens and legal persons is challenged by the contract legislation , of which the international trend is to determine contract entity qualifications of non-juridical-person organizations .
Legal characteristic can be analyzed by a model which includes four types ( natural person , artificial person , non-artificial organization , country ) and four levels ( civil subject , artificial person , whether it is seeking for profit , which service type it is ) .
In this paper , the author gave the example of unincorporated economic organization and discussed how to strengthen financial management of secondary units in-depth .
In China the stock exchange is now in general a non-profit-making legal entity with membership system .
Compared to the bankruptcy of corporation system , the bankruptcy of commercial individual system had many difference in substantive law and procedural law .
The approval file that the estate guaranty of illegal person business , organization requires to refer branch of its property right to agree with guaranty .