
  • 网络nonmonetary;Non-money economy
  1. 本文认为,传统孝道是近代中国农村家庭养老的主观条件,非货币经济体制则是其客观要求。

    The paper holds that traditional filial piety is the subjective condition for looking after the aged and the economical system of non-monetary is its objective requirement .

  2. 从非均衡货币储蓄经济周期模型可以得到边际消费倾向的一维递归方程。

    From the economic cyclical model of nonequilibrium monetary savings we can get the one-dimension recursive equation of marginal consumption tendency .

  3. 中非经济与货币共同体经济一体化的过程重叠了许多未完成的工作。

    The process of integration economic in zone CEMAC is a juxtaposition of unfinished constructions .