- Non durable goods;soft goods;nondurable goods

This condition only applies to forecasting durable sales , would not make good application in non-durable products .
The Durable - good Sales Versus Rentals with a Non durable Good
Today the poor buy roughly twice as much of their non-durable goods in these stores as the rich do .
At the same point after the recession of the early 1980s , such consumption was 14.4 per cent higher .
And in London , alcohol and tobacco were 61 per cent more expensive than the eurozone average while household non durable goods were priced 14 per cent below average .
Last , in the property market we investigate the response of property market ( durable goods ) and daily necessities ( non-durable goods ) market to monetary policy changes .
No matter the products were durable or not , the consumers with field-independent cognitive style were inclined to choose a weak brand , whereas the consumers with the field-dependence cognitive style tend to choose a strong one .