
  • 网络tv product
  1. 本论文针对的是当前最热门的3D电视产品,具有良好的实用价值。

    This thesis is concerned with the most popular 3D TV products and is of good practical value .

  2. 在这种形势下,各种针对DMB-TH的数字电视产品都被开发出来,便携式移动电视接收机也是其中之一。

    Under this situation , various digital TV products based on DMB-TH have been developed , protable mobile TV receiver is one of them .

  3. H公司着力在于发展自有品牌的家电业务,其中液晶电视产品是其核心业务之一。

    H company focus on branding Home appliances , LCD TV is one of their most competitive product .

  4. 最新会议电视产品及国际ISDN应用研讨会举办

    New Video Conference Products and International ISDN Application Seminar Opened

  5. 苹果公司将把HBO的服务作为自己产品和服务的一部分进行市场推广,其中也包括苹果自己的电视产品。

    Apple will market the HBO service as part of its offerings , including its Apple TV product .

  6. 他并表示,目前配用低功耗LED背光模组的新款笔记本和轻薄型电视产品在全球的销量走势良好,证明友达公司早期花费在有关新技术上的投资没有白费。

    He said that new laptops and thinner TV models with power-saving LED backlights are selling well worldwide , and Au 's early investment in the new technology helps it add value .

  7. 随着半导体技术的发展,大规模集成电路技术的提高,尤其是ASIC技术的应用,使得人们开始将基于运动补偿的去隔行算法应用于消费类的电视产品中。

    Nowadays with the development of semiconductor , the improvement of VLSI and the application of ASIC technique , people can apply the motion compensation-base algorithms to consuming television productions .

  8. 据报道,苹果公司主管杰夫•罗宾“目前负责苹果公司电视产品的研发”。他曾主导研发iPod和iTunes产品。

    Apple executive Jeff Robbin , who was behind the iPod and iTunes Store , is reportedly'now guiding Apple 's internal development of the new TV effort ' .

  9. 这款产品没有采用OLED显示技术,而是使用了标准的LCD技术。三星也将展出一款105英寸的超高清电视产品,分辨率也同样达到5120x2160。

    While the 77-inch TV makes use of an OLED display , the 105-inch model is built with standard LCD technology . Samsung will have a 105-inch Ultra HD TV at CES , too , featuring the exact same 5120 x 2160 resolution .

  10. 三星公司电视产品营销事务副总裁比尔o李表示,4K电视去年的出货量为80万台,三星预计这一数值将在2015年翻两番。

    Bill Lee , vice president of television product marketing at Samsung , says the television industry shipped 800,000 4K / UHD sets last year – and Samsung expects to see a four-fold increase to that number in 2015 .

  11. 基于价值链的电视产品成本管理体系的构建

    The Build-up of a Value-chain-based Cost Management Mechanism for TV Productions

  12. 关于电视产品的生产与观众接受

    The Production of TV programs and the Receiving of Spectators

  13. 新一代会议电视产品&FOCUS700及FOCUS400

    A New Generation of Videoconference Products : FOCUS 700 and FOCUS 400

  14. 此外,苹果还在投入时间开发一款新的电视产品。

    Apple is also taking time to create a new TV device .

  15. 卡米拉·泰勒是电视产品线的质检员。

    Kaamilah Taylor is a quality controller on the TV production line .

  16. 国家广播电视产品检测中心

    National Testing Inspection Center for Radio TV Products

  17. 数字化信息技术的发展和传播类型的多样化,对电视产品的生产制作环节和广告营销环节都提出了更高的要求。

    Diversification of digitized information technology and spread style requires more of the manufacturing links and ads marketing links of the TV productions .

  18. 随着数字化进程的深入,广播电视产品的生产、存储、传输和传播无一不贴上了数字技术的标签。

    With the penetration of digital course , the production , storage , transport and communication of broadcast television are labeled by digital technology .

  19. 因此,不同的受众群体也逐渐表现出对变化中的电视产品文化语境的认同。

    As a result , the television viewers of different contexts have shown their gradually acceptance to the exchange of contexts of television cultural products .

  20. 索尼只能寄希望于那些外国搅局者自行消失,就像一直困扰索尼、亏损达八年之久的电视产品线一样。

    The hope must be that like the the other Bravia that is plaguing Sony its eight years of loss-making TVs the foreign meddlers might just disappear .

  21. 能开发出一个好的节目固然是很重要的,可是随着电视产品越来越多,观众的选择余地也越来越大,电视市场的竞争也越来越激烈。

    It 's important to explore some good programs . But the audience has more choice and the competition will be harder with the exploring of more programs .

  22. 有一个人称,苹果将大力推销新的流媒体服务,该公司标榜这一服务比最好的有线电视产品还要好。

    Apple will heavily market its new streaming service , which the company has pitched to networks as better than the best-of-class cable products , one person said .

  23. 已经达到或者优于现有的日资公司移动日标高清数字电视产品在四个天线情况下的性能。

    It has reached , or better than the existing Japanese companies move at the number of standard high definition digital television products under four antenna 's performance .

  24. 有一个人称,苹果将大力推销新的流媒体服务,该公司标榜这一服务“比最好的有线电视产品还要好”。

    Apple will heavily market its new streaming service , which the company has pitched to networks as " better than the best-of-class cable products , " one person said .

  25. 影视产业属于文化产业中的视听产业,是指在商品经济体制下,电影与电视产品在制作、放映及销售等生产或服务环节中形成相互竞争与合作的企业的集合。

    Film and television industry belongs to video industry in cultural industry and is the integration of the competition and cooperation of making , screening and distributing film and television products .

  26. 由于中美电视产品文化语境存在着明显的差异,电视产品在跨文化交流中势必会呈现出各自不同的性质、功能和结构。

    Because of the obvious differences between contexts of Sino-US television cultural products , the products from these two countries have shown their different nature , function and structure when making Trans-Culture communication .

  27. 笔者运用媒介经济学理论,分析电视产品及其属性,进而讨论纪录片属性和分类,提出纪录片类型化生产这一概念。

    By using the theory of media economy , the author analyzes the television products and their attributes , and further discusses the attributes and the classification of the documentary films , proposes the concept of the typological produces of the documentary films .

  28. 在闭路电视监控产品上,MTC总结MT工程安装和集中监控的经验,形成很多独到的设计。

    In closed-circuit television surveillance products , MTC concluded MT works on the installation and monitoring of experience , a lot of unique design .

  29. 本文在4P营销组合中,产品方面主要论述电视节目产品的组合、包装和品牌的建设;

    In the marketing combination 4P combination , the product aspect mainly elaborated the television program product combination , the packing and the brand construction ;

  30. 数字电视接收产品音频输出接口的匹配问题

    Matching Problems of Audio Output Interface for Digital TV Receivers