
  • 网络Telephone Survey;Telephone Interview;CATI
  1. 官方公布的失业率是对约6万户家庭进行电话调查的结果。

    The official unemployment rate is the product of a telephone survey of about 60 000 homes .

  2. 来自西北大学(NorthwesternUniversity)和伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校(UniversityofIllinoisatUrbana-Champaign)的研究人员收集了在一次电话调查中得到的美国370位成年人的数据。

    Researchers at Northwestern University and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign collected data from 370 adults in the United States during a telephone survey .

  3. 新措施旨在减少不请自来的电话调查。

    The new measures are aimed at cutting back on intrusive telephone solicitations .

  4. 方法设专职护士,于病人出院后第1d通过电话调查其在整个就医过程中接受的服务质量。

    Methods The patients ' opinions to the quality of medical service during hospitalization were investigated by telephone survey in the first day after discharge .

  5. 如果电话调查是你唯一的选择,使问题短,弄清楚了你不是想卖任何东西,Pingitore说。

    If phone surveys are your only option , keep the questions short and make it clear right away that you 're not trying to sell anything , Pingitore says .

  6. 使用电话调查的行业标准,当所有顾客地背台词,但在时代的手机和do-not-call列表,它是不可靠的。

    Phone surveys used to be the standard in the industry back when all customers had land lines , but in the era of the cell phone and do-not-call list , it 's less reliable .

  7. 此项研究基于对1863名成年人的电话调查。

    The findings are based on a telephone survey of1,863 adults .

  8. 你的电话调查反馈好吗?

    Did you get a good response from the telephone survey ?

  9. 彼得表示移动电话调查大幅减少成本。

    Peat says the mobile phone survey has sharply reduced costs .

  10. 在电话调查中,访员因素对拒访率有着重要的影响。

    In telephone surveys , interviewers have close relation to refusal rates .

  11. 广州一起食物中毒事件的电话调查

    Analysis of cause of a food poisoning in Guangzhou by telephone survey

  12. 应用电话调查出院病人满意度的做法与效果分析

    Analysis of the discharged patients ' satisfaction by telephone survey

  13. 仅为笔者实地、电话调查。

    Is only the author on the spot , the telephone investigation .

  14. 主要调查方法包括面谈调查法和电话调查法。

    Investigation method is as personal interview and telephone interview .

  15. 我们不是一直做电话调查吗?

    Woman : Don 't we always do telephone surveys ?

  16. 电话调查中如何进行抽样设计

    How to sampling in the telephone interview surveys

  17. 方法采用统一调查表,对1436名出院病人进行电话调查。

    Methods Through surveying 1436 discharged patients by telephone interview with identical investigative list .

  18. 2004年深圳市6区居民行为危险因素电话调查分析

    Telephone survey on behavior risk factors of Shenzhen residents among six districts in 2004

  19. 电话调查及其在公共卫生领域中应用探讨

    Telephone Survey and Its Application in Public Health

  20. 据了解,该结果是基于对124个国家的1000名成年人的面对面/电话调查。

    The results are based on face-to-face and telephone interviews with 1,000 adults in 124 countries .

  21. 这一发现是基于政府关于与健康相关的生活质量的电话调查问卷。

    The findings are based on questions about health-related quality of life in government telephone surveys .

  22. 该调查结果基于对1004名成年人开始的一项电话调查,其中包括530名已婚人士。

    The findings are based on a telephone survey of 1,004 adults , including 530 people who were married .

  23. 那么,接受电话调查的人们是否感觉他们被说服来购买产品?

    Man : So , did the people in the telephone survey say they felt persuaded to buy the products ?

  24. 此项随机电话调查从今年2月中旬持续至三月中旬,全美共有2020名成年人参加。

    The Pew survey was conducted by telephone from mid-February through mid-March among a random , nationwide sample of 2,020 adults .

  25. 方正科技呼叫中心在电话调查、暗访中受到好评。

    From lots of telephone market researches and interviews , we know that Founder Technology Call Centre has got great reputations .

  26. 一项对成年人饮食习惯研究-所谓最广泛的一种-是一项电话调查的14000名美国人。

    The study of eating habits of adults called the most extensive of its kind was a telephone survey of14,000 Americans .

  27. 这次观察性研究的结果与另外一项对1000人进行的电话调查的结果相冲突。

    The findings of the observational study conflicted with the findings of a separate telephone survey of about one thousand people .

  28. 计算机辅助电话调查系统。一种呼叫中心市场调查术语,建立在计算机化数据库的使用基础上。

    Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing , a market research term for a call center based on the use of a computerized database .

  29. 最近的一次电话调查结果显示,有91%的美国人称,他们在使用过公共卫生间后会洗手。

    In a recent telephone survey , 91 percent of the subjects claimed they always washed their hands after using public restrooms .

  30. 我觉得你有兴趣听听广告公司实行的电话调查的结果。

    Woman : I thought you 'd be interested to hear the results of a telephone survey the advertising agency carried out .