
diàn zǐ zhī piào
  • Electronic check;E-Check
  1. 基于椭圆曲线数字签名和DCT数字水印的电子支票支付方案

    Electronic Cheque Payment Scheme Based on the Linkup of ECDSA and DCT Digital Watermark

  2. 目前,电子支票较多的应用于B2B电子商务中,网络平台也主要集中在EDI专网。

    At present , electronic check is mostly applied to B2B EC and its network media is special network only supporting EDI .

  3. 基于门限群签名的电子支票系统的设计和研究

    Design and Research of Electronic Check System Based Threshold Group Signature

  4. 电子支票的安全技术及运作模式研究

    Research on the secure technology and work pattern of electronic check

  5. 时间戳对电子支票支付模型安全性的研究

    Research on time-stamp to the security of e-check payment model

  6. 浅谈电子支票的网上交易过程

    Briefly on the process of cyber trading with E-check

  7. 浅析电子支票中的安全技术

    The Short Analysis of Safety Technologies in Electronics Check

  8. 电子支票的法律问题探讨

    The Research on Legal Issues of Electronic Checks

  9. 可直接花费余额的电子支票系统

    A Fair Electronic Check Systems with Reusable Refund

  10. 由于电子支票支付的方便、快捷、安全等优点,电子支票将有可能是最有效率的支付手段。

    Because of its advantages , electronic check may be the most efficacious paying method .

  11. 电子支票的法律透析

    On Electronic Checks in Perspective of Law

  12. 网上支付有众多的方式,包括信用卡、电子支票、电子现金等。

    Network payment support many mode , including credit card , electronic check and electronic cash , etc.

  13. 我听到这个特殊的应用电子支票处理在市场上,我发现它最畅销的。

    I heard this exceptional application on electronic check processing in the market and I found it best-selling .

  14. 文章阐述了电子支票的优点、运行模式及其在网上交易的实现过程。

    The paper expounds the advantages , function modes and the trading process of E-check on the internet .

  15. 电子支票是一种借鉴纸张支票转移支付的优点,利用数字传递实现钱款在账户之间转移的电子付款形式,可以通过因特网或无线接入设备来完成传统支票的所有功能。

    Electronic Cheque accomplishes payment between accounts by electronic transmission & Internet or wireless , Traditional Cheque used for reference .

  16. 首次将公平性引入电子支票中,描述了公平电子支票的模型,设计了一个可直接花费余额的公平电子支票系统。

    The fairness is introduced to electronic check system for the first time , and the model of fair electronic check is discussed .

  17. 该机制采用了双重身份认证方案和水印内容认证方案,使得非法接触以及修改电子支票,伪造其内容都是不可能的。

    The double entity authentication and watermarking content authentication made it impossible to gain illegal access to E-cheque , to edit or to forge it .

  18. 而电子支票、电子信用卡应用于开放性网络,这些新式电子支付系统属于记忆式资金移转系统,也不是电子货币。

    Electronic checks and electronic credit cards used for the purchases on Internet , which is called notational funds transfer system , are not electronic money either .

  19. 程序的实现结果,明确地说明结合数字签名技术、数字加密技术和数字水印技术的电子支票支付方案所具有的更高的安全性。

    The results of experiment specify the security of the scheme , which is the linkup of Digital Signature technology , Digital Encryption technology and Digital Watermark technology .

  20. 电子支票运作过程中截留伪造支票时,可在支票委托人和发票人之间任择其一行使权利。

    In case of withholding a forged check in the process of the operation of the electronic check , the bank can choose either the faker or the drawer to exercise its power .

  21. 电子支票的安全性是至关重要的。本论文首先分析电子支票现有系统,在此基础上,提出安全性更高的电子支票支付方案。

    Electronic Cheque security is most important . Firstly , introduce and analyze Electronic Cheque existing systems , and on the basis of it , a new scheme with more safe technologies is proposed .

  22. 在业务流程上,引入电子支票,由发卡行对用户签发有效的电子支票,通过电子支票,将认证流和现金流结合起来,为用户提供安全的移动支付服务。

    In the payment process , e-check , which is signed and distributed by the Issuer , is imported to combine the flow of the cash and authentication to provide users with secure mobile payment service .

  23. 该方案既可以保持用户隐私性,又增加了安全性,在电子支票支付实际应用中有一定推广价值。

    Then , the authors propose an untraceable multi-blind signature scheme to keep not only the privacy but also the security in a proper environment which can be put into practice in the application of e-check payment .

  24. 美国运通(AmericanExpress)最近与中国工商银行(IndustrialandCommercialBankofChina)合作,推出了专门针对中国市场的电子旅行支票。

    American Express recently teamed with Industrial and Commercial Bank of China to launched special electronic travelers cheques for the Chinese market .

  25. 基于电子支付密码的支票自动容错识别系统研究

    Research on Check Automatic Fault-tolerant Recognition System Based on Electronic Payment Cipher

  26. 数字签名在商业、金融、军事等领域,特别是在电子贸易、电子支票、电子购物、电子出版以及知识产权保护等方面都有实际的应用。

    In commercial , financial , military and other fields , in particular in electronic commerce , electronic cheque , electronic shopping , electronic publishing and the protection of intellectual property rights digital signatures have practical applications .

  27. 电子钱包也存储电子支票,电子现金和信用卡为多卡信息。

    E-wallets also store e-checks , e-cash and credit-card information for multiple cards .

  28. 特别是在匿名电子投票和匿名电子支票等电子商务中,盲签名可以被用来保护用户的各种隐私。

    It is used to keep the users ' identities in e-commerce , such as anonymous e-voting and anonymous e-cash .

  29. 根据大宗商品的特殊性,其数字化交易的实质可以进一步归纳到交换买卖双方对电子提货单和电子支票的签名。

    Considering the characteristics of commodity market , we can go further to treat such a deal an exchange of electronic check and electronic bill of lading .

  30. 探讨了当前电子商务支付中电子支票的安全问题,分析了其发展的形势及存在的安全缺陷,提出了一种结合数字水印和数字签名的安全保障机制。

    The secure problems of E-cheque used in electronic commerce payment were studied . Based on the analysis of the developing circumstance and the security gap of it , a security guarantee system combining watermarking and digital signature were proposed .