
ɡè rén zhī piào
  • personal check
  1. dhl将於货件送抵时,根据寄件人的指定要求,代为收取汇票、公司支票、银行支票、或个人支票。

    DHL will collect a money order , company check , cashier ? S check , or personal check , as specified by the shipper , upon making delivery .

  2. 唯一的原因就是这是一张个人支票。

    The only reason is that it is a personal check .

  3. 你是说你们不受理个人支票?

    B : You mean you don 't handle personal checks ?

  4. 个人支票离我们有多远?

    How long will it take to accept personal check ?

  5. 那家银行兑现个人支票至少要花三天。

    That bank requires a minimum of three days to clear personal checks .

  6. 我国个人支票业务铿锵前行

    Personal check operations in our country proceed with sonorousness

  7. 接纳各信用卡,但不接受个人支票及旅行支票。

    Credit cards are welcome no payment by personal check or travel check .

  8. 如果有适当的证明,我们可以承兑个人支票。

    We accept personal cheques with proper identification .

  9. 对不起,我们不能接受个人支票。

    I 'm sorry , but we are not allowed to accept personal cheques .

  10. 这是一张个人支票,先生。

    This is a personal cheque , sir .

  11. 能不能接受个人支票或现金?

    Do you accept personal check or cash ?

  12. 我们不接受个人支票。

    Our hotel doesn 't accept personal cheques .

  13. 个人支票不同于银行支票

    It 's different from a bank check

  14. 只是我们必须先把个人支票送到付款行去托收。

    But we have to send a personal check to the drawee bank for collection .

  15. 请开个人支票户头。

    A personal checking account , please .

  16. 不收个人支票,请以现金支付。

    No personal checks , cash requested .

  17. 你们接受个人支票吗?

    Will you take a personal cheque ?

  18. 光票托收适用于个人支票、汇款单据或旅行支票的托收。

    Clean collections may pertain to personal checks , money orders , or traveler 's checks .

  19. 对不起,根据酒店的规定,我们不接受个人支票。

    I 'm sorry , according to the hotel policy we don 't accept personal check .

  20. 支付形式多样,如个人支票、银行汇票和邮汇。

    Payment can be in the form of a personal check , bank draft or money order .

  21. 个人支票最多可以兑付100英镑或相当于100英镑的当地货币。

    Individual checks can be cashed for up to a maximum of & 100 or the equivalent in local currency .

  22. 19世纪60年代以前,划拨资金到国外,只能签发个人支票或者使用银行汇票。

    Before 60s of 19th century , transnational capital allocation can only be accomplished through personal cheques or bank drafts .

  23. 中国人正在习惯使用信用卡,但还没有习惯是个人支票,后者在西方国家早就流行了。

    Chinese people are getting accustomed to using credit cards , but not yet to personal checks , which have long been popular in the Western countries .

  24. 总统办公室称,2012年1月,前肥皂剧明里韦拉用个人支票支付部分房款。

    In January 2012 , Ms Rivera , a former soap star , paid for part of the property with a personal cheque , said the presidency statement .

  25. 律师接着说:“我真替你们两个害臊。我放进棺材的那个信封里可是有一张我签的整整3万元的个人支票。”

    The lawyer then said , " I 'm ashamed of both of you . When I put my envelope into that coffin , it held my personal check for the full $ 30000 . "

  26. 许多人认为,信用卡完全代替现金,取代个人、企业支票只是时间问题。

    Many feel that it will only be a matter of time before credit cards completely replace cash and checks for both individuals and businesses .

  27. 顾客可以通过个人电脑直接将支票存入个人帐户,也可以使用INGDirect的移动应用给支票拍一张照片,轻松完成储蓄。

    Customers will be able to deposit checks directly into their accounts from their computers or by simply taking a picture of a check with the ing direct mobile app .

  28. 但是,我们一般称个人帐户为个人支票帐户,这仅仅是帐户名称不同而已。

    But we normally call individual accounts personal checking accounts . That 's just a different name for them .

  29. 以未来需要支付大学学费的个人投资者为例,引入可变定价法将导致个人将支票账户余额存入货币市场基金的意愿降低,因为他们无法预知需要支付学费时基金账户的资产价值究竟是多少。

    Individuals would be less inclined to use these funds as chequing account repositories for a forthcoming college tuition payment , for example , if they were uncertain what the value of their account would be when the tuition payment was due .