- demand guarantee

No Additional Fee will be charged where the amount of the letter of credit , the collection , or the demand guarantee in dispute does not exceed the minimum amount stated in the Appendix .
While , there are branch viewpoints about the understanding of the Demand Guarantee , and the legislation for it is not perfect , which leading to the irregular operation and increasing the risk that the commercial subject faced .
International Construction Guarantees and ICC " Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees "
Research on the Law Risks of Demand Guarantees in International Trade
The independent guarantee has two forms in practice , the demand guarantee and the standby letter of credit .
The Demand Guarantee was produced in the meantime . It accepted by more and more people because of its characteristics .
At one end is the guarantee which is payable on simple written demand , without a statement of default or other documentary requirements .
Whereas , the origin of the independent guarantee came from international business practice , the related international rules would like to say demand guarantee .
The forth part focuses on several core legal problems of the legal system of Demand Guarantee including the legal relationship of the parties , the payment mechanism , the fraud and improper demand .
As a common and convenient way of security , demand guarantees is widely used in international commercial activities . With the development of domestic economy , they are also increasingly used in domestic commercial activities in recent years .
Both Demand Guarantee and Standby Letter of Credit play a very important role in International Finance , International Leasing and International Trade . They are more and more widely used in all aspects of international economy since last twenty years .
Independent Guaranty which is called in legal circles is likely called Independent Guarantee , namely Demand Guarantee in business world . Because in most cases , this kind of guarantee is issued by bank , so we call it Demand Bank Guarantee as well .