
jiàn miàn lǐ
  • a gift such as is usually given to sb. on first meeting him;a gift presented to sb. at the first meeting;a present given to sb. on first meeting him;ceremonial gift
见面礼 [jiàn miàn lǐ]
  • [a present given to sb. on first meeting him;ceremonial gift] 初次会面时给予的馈赠

见面礼[jiàn miàn lǐ]
  1. 格策与多特蒙德的合同里的转会条款要价高达5000万美元(当时约合3亿元人民币)。那是一年前,对于即将担任拜仁主教练的佩普·瓜迪奥拉(PepGuardiola)来说,这可是个昂贵的见面礼。

    The buyout clause in his Dortmund contract cost about $ 50 million , an expensive welcome gift for Pep Guardiola when he took over as Bayern 's head coach a year ago .

  2. 我父亲留了一个见面礼在你房间里

    Please . My father left a welcoming present in your room .

  3. 好了,对不起,我还以为那是见面礼。

    Ok , I 'm sorry . I thought it was a welcome gift .

  4. 告诉他是个见面礼

    Tell him it 's a gift .

  5. 他是纳提图华雷阁瓦族,“鼻触礼”是他们的传统见面礼。

    He belongs to the Ngati Tuwharetoa tribe . A traditional greeting , a hongi .

  6. 作为见面礼的熊?

    As a gift of greeting ?

  7. 可惜的是,她很快就被解雇了,只因为餐厅新找的肉类供应商送她见面礼,而餐厅认为她在收受贿赂。

    However , she is soon fired for accepting a gift from the restaurant 's new meat supplier .

  8. 双颊吻:这是一个广为人知的欧式见面礼,一般在见面与分开时用于密友和家人之间。

    Double-Kiss : This widely known European gesture is normal between close friends and family who are meeting or departing .

  9. 现在看来,这些只是一份见面礼,一块敲门砖。

    Now , we have realized that Elsevier 's gentleness is only one time discount for the first time meet .

  10. 尽管黄家已经给了这个姑娘2万元作为见面礼,但她仍可以自由相亲。

    Though Huang 's family has already offered the girl around 20000 yuan in gifts , she is still free to go on more blind dates .

  11. 尽管在西方握手的见面礼非常普遍,但在中国这样做的人还不是很多,更不用说见面和道别时的拥抱和亲吻了。

    They rarely greet people with a handshake , though it is very popular among foreigners , say nothing of embracing or kissing when greeting or saying good-bye .

  12. 而假如一个公司里男士西装革履,女士淡扫娥眉,同事见面互相有礼地寒暄,那很可能你已经来到一家日企。

    And if change of business suit of the man in a company is walked on , the lady is weak sweep beautiful women , the colleague sees greet civilizedly each other , that is probable you had come to look forward to of a day .

  13. 北美洲北部的爱斯基摩人在相互见面时,以鼻子相摩擦为见面礼。

    The Eskimos of northern North America , however , rub noses when they meet .