
jiàn xí
  • be on probation;learn on the job
见习 [jiàn xí]
  • [be on probation;learn on the job] 刚到工作岗位进行实习

见习[jiàn xí]
  1. 她与律师事务所签了约当见习律师。

    She was articled to a firm of solicitors .

  2. 一条规则明确规定,见习驾驶员必须有成人的监督。

    One rule specifies that learner drivers must be supervised by adults

  3. 教师应该有2年的见习期。

    Teachers should have a probationary period of two years .

  4. 被任命到理事会的员工将有6个月的见习期。

    Employee appointment to the Council will be subject to a term of probation of 6 months

  5. 他开始了见习厨师的工作。

    He started work as a trainee chef .

  6. PBL在妇产科见习中的应用

    Application of " PBL " in Probation of Obstetrics and Gynecology

  7. PBL教学法在临床护理见习课中的应用探讨

    Discussion on Application of PLB in Clinical Nursing Practice Class

  8. PBL教学模式在妇产科学临床见习教学中的初步实践

    Practice of Problem-based Learning in Obstetrics and Gynecology Teaching

  9. PBL在留学生儿科临床见习中的应用

    The application of problem based learning in pediatric clinic probation teaching for foreign students

  10. PBL教学法在内外科护理学课间见习中的应用

    Application of Problem-based Learning in Students ' Clinical Probation of Medical Nursing and Surgical Nursing

  11. 目的:对以问题为中心(PBL)的教学法在儿科学见习中的效果进行评价。

    Objective To compare and evaluate the effect of PBL in clinical teaching of Pediatrics .

  12. PBL与LBL教学模式在临床见习中应用研究的Meta分析

    Meta-analysis of Study on Problem-based Learning and Lecture-based Learning Applied in Clinical Clerkship

  13. PBL联合模拟急诊教学在临床见习中的应用

    Application of problem-based learning ( PBL ) combined with simulating-emergency teaching in clinical practice of emergency medicine

  14. 循证医学和PBL结合教学模式在妇产科见习中的应用

    Application of evidence-based medicine combined with problem-based learning ( PBL ) in clinical teaching of obstetrics and gynecology

  15. 试验组护生见习采用传统教学法结合Seminar教学法干预9周,对照组护生见习采用传统教学法进行。

    Experimental group used traditional teaching method combined with Seminar teaching method for nine weeks . Control group used traditional teaching method .

  16. 传统CBS教学方法结合PDG在内分泌科见习教学中的应用

    Combination of traditional CBS teaching methods with problem-discuss-guidance in probationary teaching of Endocrinology

  17. 医学生内科临床见习专科带教模式的探索PBL教学法在内分泌见习教学中的应用

    Study on specialized teaching pattern of internal clinical probation in medical students Application of problem-based learning ( PBL ) in endocrinology clinical practice

  18. 结论:PBL教学可以有效提高学生的主动性和积极性,提高见习的学习效果。

    CONCLUSION : PBL teaching mode can effectively enhance the initiative and enthusiasm of students , and improve the effect of clinical learning .

  19. 目的探讨医学院校临床见习中开展发育行为儿科学(DBP)教学的方式及其可行性。

    Objective : To explore the way and feasibility of carrying out developmental-behavioral pediatrics ( DBP ) teaching for medical students on probation .

  20. 方法:用危机反应问卷和焦虑自评量表(SAS)对四川大学华西医院护理学院在校2-4年级开始接触临床护理(见习或实习)的299护士学生进行有关非典危机心理应激反应和焦虑状态调查。

    Methods : Crisis response scale and self-assessed anxiety scale were used to measure the response to psychological stress and anxiety level of 299 nurse students from West China Nursing College of Sichuan University .

  21. B-Learning教学模式在外科学见习教学中的探讨

    Investigation on B-Learning mode in teaching of surgical internship

  22. 方法:对我校2002级儿科系临床见习采用预见习和病案教学两种PBL教学形式,评价、比较教学效果。

    Methods Among students of Grade 2002 in our university , two types of PBL , pre-learning and case-discussion , were used in their clinical learning of Pediatrics . And then , their effects were evaluated and compared with those of traditional learning method .

  23. 所有的修道士,如Iakovos神父,都要从见习修道士做起,有时要花几年的时间到不同的修道院实习,然后才能在最适合他的一所修道院长期生活下来。

    All monks such as Father Iakovos start as novices , sometimes spending several years in different monasteries before settling in the one that suits them best .

  24. 肿瘤学临床见习带教应注意的问题

    Some Questions in Oncologic Teaching Courses Should be Paid Attention to

  25. 留学生儿科学见习课教学方法探索

    New Try on Teaching Method of Pediatrics Practice for Foreign Students

  26. 医学本科生见习效果影响因素分析及对策

    Analysis of Factors Influencing Medical Undergraduates ' Probation Results and Solutions

  27. 新学生规定要见习一学期。

    A new student is kept on probation for one semester .

  28. 凯利·埃德蒙兹修女是圣·塞西莉亚修女会第1年的见习修女。

    Sister Kelly Edmunds is a first-year postulant at Saint Cecilia 's.

  29. 那个女孩是我们研究所的见习律师。

    The girl is a lawyer on probation in our institute .

  30. 临床医学全程见习教学模式的实践与探索

    Research and Practice of Full-time Visitation Model in Clinical Medical Education