
  • 网络Learning by doing;learning-by-doing;learn by doing;learn-by-doing
  1. 这种激励来自于促进人力资本的形成、干中学与制度的外溢效应三个方面。

    The incentive comes from three aspects : promoting human capital accumulation , learning by doing effect and spillover effect of institution .

  2. 按照孵化知识,非孵化知识可划分为干中学知识、研究开发知识和正规教育知识。

    In terms of Hatching Knowledge , Unhatching Knowledge will be classified into Learning by Doing Knowledge , Research and Development Knowledge and Regular Education Knowledge .

  3. 干中学(LearningByDoing)&浅议课堂教学方法改革

    Learning by Doing & discussions on the reform of classroom teaching method

  4. 干中学和RD是内部获取技术的稳健渠道。

    Learning by doing and RD are robust internal approaches for technical progress .

  5. 在这一过程中,企业家作为一揽子要素配置的主体,通过干中学(LearningByDoing),使其才能得到内生性拓展,进一步促进企业经营绩效的改善和集群市场规模的有效扩大。

    In this process , the entrepreneurship as the main package of elements can be configured by " learning by doing ", so that it can further promote the improvement of the business performance and the effective expansion of market size .

  6. 2节主要探讨知识,RD等因素在微观层次如何表现出经济外部性,在本节中还解释了干中学效应的作用机制。

    The main contents of the Section 4.2 are analysis of externality of the knowledge and RD. In this section also explains affect mechanism of ' learning by doing ' .

  7. 公司竭尽全力让我们从干中学。

    The company went to great lengths to give us hands-on experience .

  8. 我们只能在干中学,在实践中摸索。

    We can only learn from practice , feeling our way as we go .

  9. 人力资本具备学习特征,可以通过干中学机制来实现报酬递增路径;

    Third , human capital will generate a return increasing path through " learning by doing " .

  10. 论干中学教学模式和方法&以市场调查与预测课程教学为例

    The " Learning by Doing " Teaching Model and Method & In the Case of Marketing Research and Forecasting Course

  11. 他说:我希望她们从最底层开始,什么都能了解。你只能从干中学。

    I want them to know everything from the ground up . You can only learn by doing , he says .

  12. 环境外在性与干中学内生经济增长外部性理论在城市环境治理中的应用

    Environment Impact and the Learn by Doing Endogenous Growth Model ; Application of the External Economy Analysis in Controlling the Urban Environment Pollution

  13. 结果表明:(1)干中学学习对核心竞争力的形成有正向影响,但不显著;

    It shows that : ( 1 ) Learning by doing has positive impact on the evolution of core competence , but is less significant ;

  14. 由于分工的干中学效应和存在信息成本,产权界定始终是不完全的,剩余控制权的配置是制度协调的核心。

    Thanks to the Learning by Doing effect on division of labor and the cost of information seeking , the definition of property is always incomplete .

  15. 同时,贸易开放通过人力资本的积累,技术的溢出效应和干中学过程,通过研究开发活动的产品创新,通过制度变革和交易成本的降低等作用于经济增长。

    In the same way , trade openness effects the economic growth through the accumulation of human capital , the institutional creation and the reducing of exchange cost .

  16. 国际贸易和国际投资也能通过干中学促进技术进步和生产率增长,资源配置效应和竞争效应还是国际贸易影响创新的重要途径。

    International trade and foreign direct investment can promote the technology progress and productivity growth through learning by doing The resource allocation effect and competition effect is also the important channel affecting the innovation .

  17. 根据新的内生增长相关理论,生产率的进步主要来自于干中学、研发投入、人力资本的增长以及国际技术溢出。

    According to theories of new endogenous growth theory , TFP changes as a result of learning by doing , R & D investment , human capital growth , as well as international technology spillover .

  18. 高投资一方面直接拉动了经济的增长,另一方面通过干中学效应,促进了我国的技术进步和生产率的提升。

    On one hand , high investment directly stimulating economic growth , and one the other hand , it promotes the technological progress and enhances the productivity by the effect of " learning by doing " .

  19. 提供一种基于知识积累的解释,将知识积累区分为两种方式:干中学和R&D学习,并将其引入总产出方程。桃金娘的生殖产量与其所受的光照强度有很大的关系。

    In this paper , the authors try to provide an explanation based on knowledge accumulation which is classified into ' learning by doing and learning by R & D and included into the aggregate output equation .

  20. 创新型人力资本主要来源于国民教育和干中学,从受教育、专利数和论文数的视角来测度创新型人力资本具有代表性和可行性。

    Creative human capital is mainly from national education and learning by doing , and there is representation and feasibility in measuring creative human capital from the perspective of higher education , number of patents and papers .

  21. 第四,通过对外贸易可以增加县域范围内人均收入,根据干中学理论,在参与对外贸易过程中可以不断地提升专业化,增加人力资源的价值。

    Fourth , the foreign trade can increase the per capita income in the county within , according to the theory of " learning by doing " process involved in foreign trade can improve professionalism , increase the value of human resources .

  22. 企业家与其他生产要素不同,具有异质性和边际报酬递增的生产力属性,并且通过干中学等实践性途径实现人力资本的积累,从事熊彼特意义上的创新活动。

    Entrepreneurs have different characteristics from other factors of production . The productivity attributes of entrepreneurs are heterogeneity and increase of marginal returns . Entrepreneurs usually accumulate human capital through " learning-by-doing ", and by engaging in innovation activities according to the Schumpeterian theory .

  23. 由此构建了本文理论基础:企业中人力资本价值是指企业中当期人力资本存量价值,即包括显性人力资本和隐性人力资本两部分,即是外在投资形成存量和在企业中干中学形成存量。

    So to construct theoretic base of the paper : In enterprise human capital value is current human capital existence value , to include two parts of obvious human capital and hidden human capital & formed existence value by having invested and by " learning-by-laboring " .

  24. 虽然外部效应下的产业内贸易模式仍依赖于要素禀赋状况,但比较优势是动态的,一国在某种产品上的比较优势关键取决于所选择产品的干中学效应是否强。

    Although the model of trade within industry under external effects still depends on elemental endowments , the comparative advantage of a national product is dynamic , since it depends on whether the selected product has a powerful effect of " learning through doing " or not .

  25. 通过对模型的分析,认为较低的知识弹性系数、较低的R&D学习效率、较大的物质和劳动物理形态产出弹性系数和干中学学习效率,是导致我国科技投入强度偏低的重要原因。

    By analyzing the model , the authors conclude that small coefficient of knowledge elasticity , low efficiency of learning by R D , large coefficient of material-and-labor-physics-formed output elasticity , and high efficiency of learning by doing are the important factors which lead to small R D expenditure intensity .

  26. 技术溢出的传导途径主要包括:竞争效应、传染效应、干中学效应、技术培训效应;进口贸易技术溢出主要影响因素:外商直接投资、研发投入、人力资本水平、进口贸易结构、专利保护制度等。

    Technology overflow pathway include : competitive effects , transmission effects , secondary effects of dry , technical training effect . Factors influence the technological spillovers of import trade are mainly FDI , R & D , human capital level , the structure of import trade regime of patent protection .