
gān guǒ
  • dried fruit;dry fruit
干果 [gān guǒ]
  • (1) [dry fruit]∶通常指有硬壳而水分少的一种果实(像蒴果或瘦果,如核桃)

  • (2) [dried fruits]∶晒干后的水果

干果[gān guǒ]
  1. 为了延长富含油脂的干果类食品的保质期,研究了茶多酚、维生素C(Vc)对炒熟花生仁、核桃仁油脂氧化酸败的抑制作用。

    In order to prolong the storage life of oil-rich dry fruit , the inhibition of oil oxidation in the fried peanut and walnut by tea polyphenols and vitamin C had been studied in this paper .

  2. 枣(ZizyphusjujubaMill.)是我国第一大干果树种。

    Jujube ( Zizyphus jujuba Mill . ) is the first major dry fruit tree in China .

  3. 加点香料、干果或橄榄以换换口味。

    Ring the changes by adding spices , dried fruit or olives .

  4. 味道浓烈的上好调味品和香甜的干果形成有趣的对比。

    A good sharp dressing counterpointed the sweetness of the dried fruit .

  5. 干果的能量值大大超过新鲜水果。

    The energy value of dried fruits is considerably in excess of that of fresh items .

  6. 问:我可以吃低糖的干果吗?

    Can I eat dried fruit on a low-sugar diet ?

  7. 问题在于,要想填饱肚子,就得吃下比全果更多的干果。

    The risk is that it takes more dried fruit to fill you up than whole fruits .

  8. 答:干果富含营养物质,但在干燥过程中,水分会流失,这样很小的一口干果里就浓缩了大量的果糖。

    Dried fruit is packed with nutrients1 , but the drying process removes the water and concentrates a lot of fruit sugar in a very small bite .

  9. 好消息是,干果内仍然含有纤维,只要控制食量,它也是一种很好的零食。

    The good news is that dried fruit still has the fiber5 , and it can be a great snack as long as you are aware of how much you are eating .

  10. 衡量干果利弊的另一种方法是看血糖负荷指数,它是用来衡量身体将食物转化为糖的速度。

    Another way to weigh the pros6 and cons7 of dried fruit is to look at glycemic load , a measure of how fast your body converts a serving of food into sugar .

  11. 干果和杏仁是维他命E的来源,可以保护头发不受损伤。

    Dry fruits , and almonds ( nuts ) are good sources of vitamin E , which protect hair from getting damaged .

  12. ICP-AES测定干果中的微量元素

    Determination of Trace Elements in Dry Fruits by ICP-AES

  13. 干果还有一个好处:它们含有维生素E,这种强力的抗氧化物可能有助于防止心脏病和癌症。

    Nuts provide another benefit : they contain vitamin E , a potent antioxidant that may help ward off heart disease and cancer .

  14. 该研究所在报告中指出,富含维生素E的食物包括杏仁、榛子等干果以及全麦食品等。

    The Institute pointed out in his report , the food rich in vitamin E include almonds , hazelnut and dried fruits , such as whole grain foods .

  15. 经过几个小时的安瓿内容被解散在DMF,沉淀成丙酮和干果在真空中。

    After several hours the ampule contents were dissolved in DMF , precipitated into acetone and dried in vacuo .

  16. 枣(ZizyphusjujubaMill.)为鼠李科枣属植物,是我国第一大干果树种和最具代表性的民族果树之一。

    Jujube ( Zizyphus jujuba Mill . ) is one of the most important and representative fruit trees in China .

  17. 这在内源乙烯释放量少,ACC合酶含量低的干果类植物,如大豆等材料中的研究受到一定程度的限制。

    As to dry fruit , like the legume ( soybean ), since the release of ethylene is little and the content of ACC synthase is low , the measurement of activity is limited and difficult .

  18. 采用热水浸提法从枸杞干果中提取枸杞多糖,经正交实验确定浸提时间、温度、料水比最优值分别为:5h、100℃、1∶40;

    Lycium barbarum polysaccharide were extracted by the methods of water extracting , and the optimum extraction technology was determined by orthogonal experiments . The optimum parameters to extract were as follows : the extracting time 5h , temperature 100 ℃, ratio of water to material 1 ∶ 40 ;

  19. 为发展山区民族经济和减小对热带山地森林的干扰,以海拔高度和单位面积产量作为砂仁种植适宜地选择标准,提出最适宜区是海拔800~1100m,0.0667hm2产干果15kg以上;

    In order to develop the national economy of mountain area and decrease the disturbance to tropical mountain forest , two criteria , altitude and Amomun production per unit , were selected to classify the sites for Amomun plantation .

  20. 乌兹别克烹饪很特别,一些乌兹别克菜,如palov,在整个中亚很流行(Palov是由米饭、肉、蔬菜、干果组成的肉饭)。

    The Uzbek cuisine is typical , yet some Uzbek dishes , such as palov , are eaten throughout Central Asia . ( Palov is a pilaf of rice , meat , vegetables , and sometimes dried fruit . ) .

  21. 8种新疆产干果的红外光谱特征研究

    Study on Infrared Spectral Characteristics of Eight Dried Fruits in Xinjiang

  22. 你使干果和麦片变得性感了。

    You manage to make dried fruit and wheat bran sexy .

  23. 她这个人除了干果,什麽都不吃,准是有毛病!

    She eats nothing but nutsshe must have a screw loose !

  24. 茶多酚对干果类食品抗氧化作用的研究

    Study on the Anti-oxidation Effect of Tea Polyphenols on Dry Fruit

  25. 农业:鸦片,小麦,水果,干果,羊绒。

    Agriculture : opium , wheat , fruits , nuts ; wool .

  26. 栅条滚筒式干果分级机的试验研究

    Experimental Research of the Dried Fruit Sorting Machine of a Grid Cylinder

  27. 扁桃是世界上重要的经济干果树种。

    Almond is an important of economical dry tree in the world .

  28. 干果能在整个冬天食用。

    The dried fruit may be used through the winter .

  29. 延安干果经济林发展历程及前景分析

    Development Process and Prospects of Dry Fruit Plantations in Yan'an

  30. 给我干果用银盘子�

    Bring me my nuts , on a silver plate .