
mǎ fēi
  • morphine;morphia;morphina;morphinium
吗啡 [mǎ fēi]
  • [morphine] 镇痛药。鸦片的主要生物碱C 17 H 19 NO 3 ,系白色结晶,易溶于水。有镇痛、止咳和抑制肠蠕动作用。主要用于急性锐痛,但不宜久用,以免成瘾。有强大的抑制呼吸中枢作用,婴儿禁用

吗啡[mǎ fēi]
  1. 他需要吗啡来缓解胸痛。

    He needs morphine to deaden the pain in his chest

  2. 根据所需剂量的浓度不同,每颗胶囊里含有30至100个吗啡硫酸盐颗粒。

    Each capsule contains between 30 and 100 pellets of morphine sulphate according to the strength of dose required

  3. 吗啡依赖及戒断大鼠下丘脑前阿黑皮素原mRNA的变化

    Changes of POMC mRNA in hypothalamus of morphine dependent and abstinent rats

  4. 吗啡和电针对脊髓内P物质的影响及其与痛阈的关系

    Effects of Morphine and Electroacupuncture on Substance P Level in Spinal Cord and Their Relation to Pain Threshold in Rats

  5. 测定人血浆中吗啡浓度的GC-MS法及其在药代动力学研究中的应用

    Methodology for determination of morphine in human serum by GC-MS

  6. 吗啡对鞘内注射P物质引起的痛阈和c-fos表达的影响

    Effect of Morphine on Pain Threshold and C-fos Expression Induced by Substance P

  7. 吗啡依赖和戒断大鼠脊髓内NA能神经元变化的研究

    Changes of noradrenergic neurons in the spinal cord of morphine-dependence and morphine-withdrawal rat

  8. k阿片受体激动剂抑制大鼠吗啡戒断症状的发生

    Suppression of morphine abstinence syndrome by u ─ 50,488h , a k ─ opioid receptor agonist in rats

  9. 吗啡对豚鼠支气管平滑肌Kv通道的影响

    Effect of morphine on the Kv channel in bronchial smooth muscle in guinea-pigs

  10. 各组术后肺功能指标均较术前显著下降(P<0.05),其中吗啡肌注镇痛组较另外两组肺功能明显减低(P<0.05)。

    All the values of the groups were decreased markedly ( P < 0.05 ) , and the intramuscularly-morphine analgesia group was the lowest one .

  11. 方法腹腔注射递增剂量的盐酸吗啡使雄性SD大鼠形成吗啡依赖,并用纳洛酮催促戒断。

    Methods Nucleus accumbens was dissected out from morphine dependent and naloxone precipitated withdrawal rats .

  12. 吗啡成瘾大鼠部分脑区mu阿片受体的变化

    Changes of mu Opioid Receptor in Brain Regions of Morphine Dependent Rats

  13. 急性心肌缺血时心肌NF-κB的表达活化及吗啡、曲马多干预效应的研究

    The Expression and Activation of Myocardial NF - κ B During Acute Myocardial Ischemia and the Intervention Effects of Morphine and Tramadol on NF - κ B

  14. 目的:探讨吗啡依赖大鼠脑线粒体细胞色素C氧化酶(COX)活性的变化。

    Objective : The present study probes the changes in cytochrome c oxidase ( COX ) in morphine-dependent rat brain .

  15. 低强度He-Ne激光抑制吗啡戒断症状的实验研究

    The suppression of morphine-withdrawal syndrome following the low intensity He-Ne laser intravenous irradiation

  16. westernblot分析表明吗啡能够明显的抑制阿霉素介导的caspsae-3激活,Bax上调,Bcl-2下调以及线粒体中细胞色素c的释放。

    Western blot analysis indicated that morphine dramatically inhibited doxorubicin-mediated caspase-3 , Bax and Bcl-2 activation and mitochondrial cytochrome c release .

  17. 吗啡长时程作用下小鼠脑组织磷酸肌醇含量和PKC活性的变化

    Effects of chronic morphine treatment on inositol phosphates contents and PKC activity in mouse brain

  18. 慢性吗啡依赖大鼠脑内G(i2)蛋白的改变

    Alterations of G_ ( i2 ) proteins in brain regions of morphine tolerant and dependent rats

  19. 吗啡对胶质瘤C6细胞RNA聚合酶Ⅱ通用转录因子F基因表达的影响

    Effect of morphine on gene expression of RNA polymerase ⅱ general transcription factor TF ⅱ F in C6 glioma cell

  20. 鞘内泵入吗啡对炎性疼痛大鼠T淋巴细胞亚群及NK细胞表型的影响

    Effect of intrathecal pumping morphine on T lymphocyte subsets and NK cell phenotype in rats with formalin pain

  21. 结论··:CART可能参与吗啡依赖的形成;

    Conclusion : The present results suggested that CART might be involved in the development of morphine dependence ;

  22. SPR免疫竞争法研究小分子吗啡与其抗体间作用的动力学特征

    Kinetic Characteristics of the Interaction Between Morphine and Its Antibody by SPR Competitive Immunoassay

  23. 硬膜外负荷小量吗啡在前列腺摘除术后PCEA中的平衡应用

    Balance application of small amount epidural morphine in PCEA after prostatectomy

  24. MK-801对吗啡依赖大鼠戒断症状及中枢cAMP含量的影响

    Effects of MK-801 on withdrawal signs and cAMP of central nerves system in morphine dependence rats

  25. 用吗啡对A、B、C3家实验动物繁育生产专业单位KM小鼠进行镇痛、耐受性和身体依赖性的比较实验。

    The analgesia , tolerance and dependence of morphine were studied in KM mice from three different laboratory animal breeding organizations A , B and C.

  26. 表明谷胺酸NMDA受体在吗啡躯体依赖及精神依赖中均有重要作用。

    It indicated that NMDA receptors played an important role in both opiate physical and psychological dependence .

  27. 吗啡耐受依赖小鼠脑组织cAMP、cGMP及磷酸肌醇含量的变化:吗啡耐受依赖小鼠纹状体、海马、大脑皮层cAMP水平升高而相应部位cGMP含量明显下降,以纹状体、皮层变化最为显著。

    Effect of morphine tolerance and dependence on cAMP , cGMP and inositol phosphates contents in the brain regions of mice .

  28. 鞘内单次注射吗啡对神经病理痛大鼠脊髓背角CGRP表达的影响

    Effects of intrathecal morphine on changes of neuronal CGRP expression in spinal dorsal horn in rats with neuropathic pain

  29. 目的确定大鼠生前摄入吗啡量、死亡时间及各组织pH值在死后吗啡再分布中的作用。

    Objective To determine how the internal amount of morphine before death , time of death and pH of the tissues are responsible for postmortem redistribution of morphine in poisoned rats .

  30. 目的观察褪黑素(MT)对豚鼠体外回肠吗啡依赖性的影响。

    Objective To study the effect of melatonin ( MT ) on morphine dependence of the guinea | pig ileum in vitro .