
shì dì níng
  • strychnine
士的宁[shì dì níng]
  1. 士的宁使脊髓的NA、5-HT、HVA显著减少,促进5-HT的消除,抑制多巴胺的转换。

    Strychnine decreased 5-HT , NA , HAV of spinal cord , accelerated clearance of 5-HT and inhibited transition of DA in spinal cord .

  2. 士的宁也抑制脑内多巴胺的转换。

    Strychnine also inhibited DA transition in brain .

  3. 结果确定了静态猝灭和非辐射能量转移是士的宁导致BSA荧光猝灭的主要原因;

    Results The static quenching and the non-radiation energy transfer are the two main reasons to leading the fluorescence quenching of BSA .

  4. 建立了马钱子碱、士的宁的高效液相色谱(HPLC)含量测试方法,测定马钱子粉中马钱子碱、士的宁含量并对各组样品的微观形貌进行了扫描电镜(SEM)分析。

    High performance liquid chromatography ( HPLC ) methods for determining brucine and strychnine were established . The microstructures of all samples were examined by scanning electronic microscope ( SEM ) .

  5. 为了控制毒性成分的含量,本研究采用HPLC法对士的宁碱和马钱子碱进行含量测定,并进行方法学考察,同时对马钱子不同炮制品所制成品中士的宁碱和马钱子碱含量进行比较研究。

    The contents of strychnine and brucine and the methodology should be determined by HPLC to control the toxical components . Meanwhile comparative study of strychnine and brucine contents from different processed products was performed .

  6. 结果催醒实验中,士的宁1、2、4μgicv对上述4种吸入麻醉药的ST均无影响(P0.05);

    Results In awaken test , strychnine 1,2,4 μ g ( icv ) have no distinctive effect on the ST of mice treated with four inhalation anesthetics mentioned above ( P0.05 );

  7. 分别应用士的宁、跑台训练、间歇性低氧训练等干预手段,观察不同受试对象低氧训练前后以及疲劳恢复过程中H反射参数的变化特征。

    Interventions such as strychnine injection , treadmill training , IHT and so on are applied respectively to this model , in order to observe the changes of H reflex parameters before and after IHT and during the recovery of neuromuscular fatigue .

  8. 硝酸士的宁对鲫鱼皮肤刺激诱发Mauthner细胞电位的影响

    Strychnine nitrate ' Effect on intracellular potentials of mauthner cell evoked by skin stimulation in the crucian carps

  9. 目的探讨士的宁(strychnine,Stry)敏感的甘氨酸受体(strychnine-sensitiveglycinereceptor,GlyR)与吸入麻醉药异氟烷、恩氟烷、七氟烷和乙醚催眠、镇痛作用的关系。

    Aim To investigate the relationship between strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor ( GlyR ) and the hypnotic and analgesic effects of aether , enflurane , isoflurane , sevoflurane .

  10. 采用制霉菌素穿孔膜片箝技术,研究了P物质(SubstanceP,SP)对急性分离的大鼠骶髓后连合核神经元士的宁敏感性甘氨酸(glycine,Gly)反应的调控作用。

    The modulatory effect of substance P ( SP ) on strychnine sensitive glycine ( Gly ) response was examined in neurons acutely dissociated from the rat sacral dorsal commissural nucleus ( SDCN ) using nystatin perforated patch recording configuration under voltage clamp conditions .

  11. GBP片剂(60~480mg·kg-1,ig)也能对抗士的宁引起的小鼠惊厥。

    GBP tablet ( 60 ? 120 ? 240 ? 480 mg · kg - 1 ) had also significantly anticonvulsant action in mice induced by strychnine .

  12. 方法采用计算机叠加技术,观察了皮下注射士的宁后电针解溪穴,对大鼠脊髓场电位(SFP)的影响。

    Method A computer superposition technique was used to observe the effect of electroacupuncture of point Jiexi ( ST41 ) on rat spinal field potential ( SFP ) after subdermal injection of strychnine .

  13. 方法通过YXL对实验小鼠自发活动的影响,对戊巴比妥钠阈下剂量、阈剂量小鼠睡眠时间和对硝酸士的宁致小鼠惊厥的影响,研究YXL镇静、催眠、抗惊厥作用。

    Methods Mice spontaneous activities , mice sleep time induced by sodium pentobarbital in the threshold dose and under the threshold dose and mice convulsion induced by strychnine nitrate were observed to evaluate the sedative , hypnotic and anticonvulsive actions of YXL .

  14. 体内法表明伤痛外搽酊低、高剂量组家兔血液中均未检出乌头碱,低剂量组家兔血液中未检出士的宁,高剂量组家兔血液中士的宁含量为32.44ng/ml。

    In vivo test indicated that there are not aconitine in the rabbits bloods of low and high dosage . The low dosage are not strychnine . The strychnine in rabbits bloods of the high dosage was penetrated 32.44ng/ml .

  15. 体液中微量士的宁的富集及同时检测体液中常见滥用药物的系统筛选分析

    Screening system for detection of common abused drugs in biological fluids

  16. 表面活性剂在硝酸士的宁注射液酸性染料比色法中的应用

    Application of cationic surfactant on the acid dye method of strychnine nitrate injections

  17. 士的宁背景下电针诱导的大鼠传导性脊髓场电位

    Electroacupuncture-induced Rat Transmitted Spinal Field Potential Under Strychnine

  18. 结论该方法可望用于生物材料中的马钱子碱和士的宁的检测。

    Conclusion This method can be used to detect brucine and strychnine in liver .

  19. 甘氨酸激发的外向电流可被士的宁完全阻断。

    Glycine ( Gly ) induced an outward current which was completely abolished by strychnine .

  20. 负载士的宁纳米微粒研究

    Research of Nanometer Microne of Load Strychnine

  21. 士的宁分子印迹整体柱的制备

    Preparation of Strychnine Molecularly Imprinted Monolithic Column

  22. 盐酸沉淀蛋白法从家兔肝脏匀浆中提取士的宁生物碱的条件研究

    Study of extraction conditions of strychnine from rabbit liver homogenate by hydrochloric acid to precipitate proteins

  23. 建立测定通痹灵片中马钱子碱、士的宁含量的方法。

    To establish a method for the determination of brucine and strychnine contents in Tongbiling Tablet .

  24. 中国林蛙卵油抗士的宁惊厥的机制

    Functional mechanism of Rana temporaria chensinensis David egg oil in convulsant mice induced by strychnine nitrate

  25. 目的对士的宁氮氧化物半合成的最佳制备工艺进行了正交设计研究。

    OBJECTIVE To obtain the optimal conditions of semisynthesis of strychnine N-oxide from strychnine using orthogonal designs .

  26. 目的:建立冰蟾乳膏中马钱子碱和士的宁的含量测定方法。

    Objective : To establish a method for the determination of brucine and strychnine in BingChan cream by RP-HPLC .

  27. 结论马钱子超微粉碎并不会造成士的宁的损失,且可明显提高其溶出速度。

    Conclusion The dissolution velocity of brucine are greatly increased and there is not loss of the brucine in ultra-micro powder .

  28. 观察了灭囊灵及其主要成分水蛭、全蝎、矾石对小鼠的电惊厥及回苏灵、硝酸士的宁引起的小鼠化学惊厥的影响。

    The anticonvulsive effects of Mienangling ( MNL ) and its main components , Hirudo , Scorpio , and Alumen were studied .

  29. 结论建立的新方法可以实现对士的宁专属的、灵敏的检测,适合于法医学毒物分析运用。

    Conclusion The new method could concentrate and simultaneously determine strychnine alkaloids in biological fluids , and it was applied to forensic toxicological analysis .

  30. 将马钱子粉粒径控制在100-200目之间时,马钱子碱、士的宁含量变化很小。

    When particle size of semen strychni powder is controlled in the region of 100-200 mesh , the contents of brucine and strychnine vary little .