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  • 网络cooking oil
  1. 对于大多数人,PAM是一种罐装的烹调油。

    For most people , PAM is a cooking oil that comes from a can .

  2. 烹调油油烟的潜在致癌性实验研究

    Experimental study on the potential carcinogenicity of cooking oil fume condensate

  3. 不久就会拥有解决方法,用废烹调油生产生物柴油。

    A solution may soon come from using waste cooking oil .

  4. 使用废烹调油作为柴油的补充

    Use of Waste Cooking Oil as Supplement of Diesel Fuel

  5. 烹调油烟气的成分及其分析方法

    The Constituents in Cooking-Oil Smoke and their Analytical of Methods

  6. 综述在柴油机上使用废烹调油的技术。

    The technologies of using waste cooking oil in diesel engines are presented .

  7. 餐饮业外排烹调油烟气的危害及净化方法研究进展

    Advance on toxicity and disposal measures of cooking oil fume discharged from the restaurant

  8. 这种烹调油胆固醇含量低。

    This cooking oil is low in cholesterol .

  9. 烹调油烟雾中有机成分的分析

    Analysis on Organic Compounds of Cooking Oil Fume

  10. 花生高级烹调油加工工艺探讨

    Discussion on process technique of peanut cooking oil

  11. 植物甾醇在菜籽高级烹调油中的抗氧化作用(Ⅰ)&常温下抗氧化作用的研究

    Antioxidant Effect of Phytosterols in High Grade Rapeseed Cooking Oil (ⅰ) & Antioxidant Effect at Normal Temperature

  12. 皮肤和羽毛会沾上周围的环境的气味,比如烟味和烹调油的味道。

    D.The skin and feathers will pick up odors from their environment , such as cigarette smoke and cooking oil .

  13. 但以色拉油和烹调油的形式被加入膳食中的总脂肪量却出现了稳步急剧的攀升。

    But there 's been a steady , steep climb in total fats added to the diet in the form of salad oils and cooking oils .

  14. 其油脂的脂肪酸组成与橄榄油、茶油相似,是良好的食用烹调油。

    Its oil is of the asme fatty acid composition as olive oil or tea oil , and its meal could be used as food or feed .

  15. 和水混合时,这种脂类会自动形成双分子层,就象把烹调油倒入水中时发生的现象一样。

    When mixed with water , this type of lipid will spontaneous sly form a bi-layer , similar to the layering that occurs when non-stick cooking oil is poured into water .

  16. 这家位于山东省的公司以将地沟油再生成为生物柴油的假象收集地沟油,但实际上该公司将地沟油再生成烹调油卖给餐馆。

    The firm based in Shandong Province collected waste cooking oil under the pretence of recycling it into bio-diesel , but it actually recycled the waste oil into cooking oil and sold it to restaurants .