
pēng rèn
  • cooking;cuisine;culinary art
烹饪 [pēng rèn]
  • [cooking;culinary art] 做饭做菜,烧煮食物

烹饪[pēng rèn]
  1. 他的菜肴代表了意大利烹饪的最高峰。

    His food exemplifies Italian cooking at its best .

  2. 提到烹饪,我的水平远比不上她。

    When it comes to cooking , I 'm not in her league .

  3. 我不断地尝试,直至找到正合适的烹饪法为止。

    I experimented until I got the recipe just right .

  4. 微波炉烹饪完毕时会发出哔哔声提醒你。

    The microwave beeps to let you know when it has finished .

  5. 这里有人觉得自己烹饪很拿手吗?

    Does anyone here consider themself a good cook ?

  6. 里克的烹饪技术一直不错,但这次简直是好上加好。

    Rick 's cooking was always good but this time he really excelled himself .

  7. 小扁豆在烹饪前不必浸泡。

    Lentils do not require soaking before cooking .

  8. 他爱好游泳和烹饪。

    His hobbies include swimming and cooking .

  9. 简的烹饪技巧堪称一绝。

    Jane 's a fabulous cook .

  10. 正宗的意大利烹饪对健康非常有益,在意大利心脏病发病率低就是证据。

    Authentic Italian cooking is very healthy ─ witness the low incidence of heart disease in Italy .

  11. 鸡块的大小将决定烹饪时间的长短。

    The size of the chicken pieces will determine the cooking time

  12. 所需的烹饪时间取决于土豆的大小。

    The cooking time needed depends on the size of the potato

  13. 翻到44页的图表,查一下正确的烹饪时间。

    Consult the chart on page 44 for the correct cooking times

  14. 吃素也可以吃得很可口,烹饪也容易,并且有益健康。

    Going veggie can be tasty , easy and healthy too .

  15. 拿捏好烹饪的时间常常需要日积月累。

    Estimating the right cooking time will always be an educated guess .

  16. 烹饪课既是一件严肃的事又是一种享受。

    The cookery course was serious and hedonistic at the same time .

  17. 在新墨西哥州,有各种各样的烹饪方法。

    In New Mexico all kinds of cuisines are represented .

  18. 艾伦太太的烹饪风格很大程度上承传于她的婆婆。

    Mrs Allen 's style of cooking owes much to her mother-in-law .

  19. 它激发我在自己烹饪时更富创造性。

    It inspired me to be more inventive with my own cooking .

  20. 他的烹饪风格表明他决心承认自己根在北方的坚定决心。

    His cooking reflects a determination to acknowledge his northern roots

  21. 她之前在酒吧工作,负责烹饪和招待。

    She had been working in a pub , cooking and waitressing .

  22. 她热切渴望学到更高超的烹饪技巧。

    She was keen to acquire more advanced culinary skills

  23. 这个学校常年开设烹饪学习班。

    The school runs cookery courses throughout the year .

  24. 日式烹饪的特点是低脂肪。

    The cuisine of Japan is low in fat .

  25. 做三道菜的一餐就能包含烹饪的所有乐趣。

    A three course dinner completes the culinary delights .

  26. 业余时间里她看一些烹饪方面的书籍。

    In her spare time she read books on cooking

  27. 谈到烹饪,法国人会颇为得意并且极端排斥外国菜。

    The French are proud and highly xenophobic when it comes to cooking .

  28. 烹饪鲜美滑嫩的鸡肉时多加些大蒜,并滴入少许雪利酒。

    Cook pieces of succulent chicken with ample garlic and a little sherry .

  29. 这夫妇俩都有烹饪美食的嗜好。

    The couple share a love of gourmet cooking .

  30. 差不多所有的烹饪都是在燃煤灶上进行的。

    Virtually all cooking was done over coal-fired ranges