
pēnɡ rèn xué xiào
  • cooking school
  1. 集市附近没有候客的出租车,很不方便游客自己前往,会讲英语的人也很少,因此那些无意自己骑车出行的游客,不妨考虑参加烹饪学校CasaLuna举办的美食游,收费40万卢比,帮你抚平所有混乱,选择万无一失的佳肴。

    No taxis wait at the market , making it difficult for travelers to get there on their own , and English is a rarity , so those not willing to get on two wheels may wish to consider a tour offered by the Casa Luna cooking school for 400000 rupiah to tame the chaos and choose the right dishes .

  2. 我本来打算上一所不错的烹饪学校的。

    I was going to go to a fancy cooking school .

  3. 谦逊有礼的邓恩戴着副眼镜,来这里之前是一名杂志编辑。他和妻子塞芙琳(Severine)在离霍巴特一个小时车程的一处旧校舍里创立了AgrarianKitchen烹饪学校。

    Unassuming and bespectacled , Mr. Dunn was a magazine editor before he and his wife , Severine , decamped to Tasmania and set up Agrarian Kitchen in a former schoolhouse an hour 's drive from Hobart .

  4. 毕业后,他参加了里昂的保罗-博古兹烹饪学校(institutpaulbocuse),之后又跟着布列塔尼、危地马拉、意大利和美国的厨师学习。

    After university , he enrolled in the Institut Paul Bocuse in Lyon , then went on to study under chefs in Brittany , Guatemala , Italy and the US .

  5. Gastronomicom法国烹饪学校位于第科特迪瓦阿格德这是一个在地中海沿岸的著名和美丽的海滨度假胜地。

    Gastronomicom French Culinary School is located in Cap d'Agde which is a famous and beautiful seaside resort on the Mediterranean coast .

  6. Pachacútec烹饪学校隶属于一所职业学院,建在一座薄雾笼罩的荒山顶上,设在一栋偏远且毫无特色的红砖楼里。过去6年,这所学校每年培养出约100名厨师。

    Located in an isolated and nondescript red-brick building atop a misty and deserted hill , the cookery school – which is part of a broader vocational institution – has been training some 100 chefs a year for the past six years .

  7. 她刚从烹饪学校毕业。

    She 's just graduated from the School of Cookery .

  8. 这是一个介绍烹饪学校,为学生谁是很想知道它是什么?

    Schools , for students who are curious to know what is it ?

  9. 了解各个学校的思想是在每一个烹饪学校。

    Understand the various schools of thought that are presented in each culinary school .

  10. 现任衍水酒店一、二部经理,辽阳金旺烹饪学校老师。

    Incumbent Yan water of a hotel , two managers , Liaoyangcooking school teachers .

  11. 查斯坦:我刚上完烹饪学校。

    CHASTAIN I 'd just finished cooking school .

  12. 随着新型农场直送餐厅和烹饪学校的涌现,情况发生了改变。

    That changed with the establishment of new farm-to-table restaurants and cooking schools around the state .

  13. 要是大家知道我念烹饪学校,我就得开家餐厅了!

    If everyone knew I went to culinary school , I 'd have to open a restaurant !

  14. 在该国的顶级烹饪学校之一,是坐落在这里你所在地区。

    One of the top culinary schools in the country is located right here in your area .

  15. 有机烹饪学校的露西•梅尔教你轻松制作美味羊肉丸的小窍门。

    Lucy May from the Organic Cookery School shows you how to make tasty lamb meatballs , or kofta .

  16. 在豪华酒店和烹饪学校等场所举办的各种活动中,参加者将有机会试驾君威。

    The events , in venues such as upscale hotels and culinary schools , include a chance to drive a Regal .

  17. 当然,其中一个最大的担心,人们说到烹饪学校选择的成本。

    Of course , one of the largest concerns that people have when it comes to culinary school choice is the cost .

  18. 10年前,当阿克瑞奥和他的同行们开始掀起这股美食热潮时,秘鲁只有寥寥几家烹饪学校。

    When Mr Acurio and his peers began to stir things up a decade ago , there were few if any cooking schools in the country .

  19. 这个时髦而又活泼的烹饪学校网络发展迅速,目前在巴黎拥有4个分支机构,再加上在波尔多、里昂和布鲁塞尔的分支机构。

    OIS Bergerault , this fast-growing network of stylish and unstuffy cookery schools has four branches in Paris , plus satellites in Bordeaux , Lyon and Brussels .

  20. 上世纪80年代,阿克瑞奥的父亲(曾担任部长)把他送到马德里学习法律,他自己却偷偷进了一所烹饪学校。

    Mr Acurio himself attended cookery school in secret when his father , a former minister , sent him to Madrid in the 1980s to study law .

  21. 有什么好奇怪的呢?纽约是世界美食之都,拥有许多明星级的大厨和蜚声国际的餐厅,还汇集了美国一些顶尖的烹饪学校。

    Is it any wonder ? New York is a culinary world capital , full of celebrity chefs , internationally renowned restaurateurs and America 's top culinary schools .

  22. 相反,餐馆要靠套餐、主厨参加电视节目、在厨房办烹饪学校等手段来更广泛地推销自己。

    But the restaurant has to sell itself more widely through , for example , set price menus ; television appearances by the chef ; and using the kitchens for cookery schools .

  23. 他表示:作为厨师,我们要发挥自己的作用,因此我们在这个年轻人众多、但可能缺乏机会的地区,创建了这所最优秀的烹饪学校。

    As cooks , we have a role to accomplish , so we built the best cooking school in a place where there is a high density of youngsters , probably without opportunities , he says .

  24. 为此,我又来到了大名鼎鼎的四川高等烹饪专科学校,结果那里给出的学费报价远非我一介背包客所能承受的起。

    I traveled to the rather intimidating Sichuan Higher College of Cuisine , but the prices they quoted me for some instruction were far beyond my backpacker 's budget .

  25. 就业为民生之本&四川烹饪高等专科学校实习就业工作思考

    Employment Has a Vital Bearing on the People 's Livelihood & Thought on Employment Work of Sichuan Higher Institute of Cuisine