  • boil;cook;fry quickly in hot oil and stir in sauce
  • 煮:~调(tiáo )(烹炒调制)。~饪。~茶。

  • 一种做菜的方法,先用热油略炒之后,再加入液体调味品,迅速搅拌,随即盛出:~对虾。


(煮) boil; cook:

  • 烹茶

    brew [make] tea


(热油略炒加作料搅拌) fry quickly in hot oil and stir in sauce:

  • 烹对虾

    quick-fried prawns in brown sauce

  1. 把熏肉烹至酥脆。

    Cook the bacon until it begins to crisp

  2. 方法用四种锅烹调经整理、洗切、称重后的蔬菜样品,严格控制加盐和其他烹饪条件,用2,4-二硝基苯肼法测定样品中VC含量。

    Methods Above-mentioned four pots were used to cook vegetables which have been selected , washed , cut , weighted and salted under similar way and cooking time . The Vc contents of vegetables , cooked and fresh , were measured by 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine .

  3. 这鱼烹得恰到好处。

    The fish was cooked to perfection .

  4. 豆芽只需烹炒一到两分钟。

    Sprouted beans only need to be cooked for 1-2 minutes .

  5. 烹完鱼后,倒掉多余的油。

    After cooking the fish , pour off any excess fat

  6. 他所写的包括《皇家巴黎面包师》和宏伟的五卷巨著《法国烹饪艺术系列》(1833-1847,在他死后完成)在内的烹任指南首次将很多烹饪的基本原理系统化,并且书中还配有插图和每一步的操作指南。

    His manuals including The Royal Parisian Baker and the massive five-volume Art of French Cooking Series ( 1833-1847 , completed after his death ) first systematized many basic principles of cooking , complete with drawings and step-by-step directions .

  7. 但是在一个月的煎炒烹炸之后

    but after a month of boiling , frying and deviling ...

  8. 基于自己的个人经验,厨师能烹调出各种各样的菜式。

    Based on their personal experience , chefs make various dishes .

  9. 所以用香饵钓鱼,鱼可供烹食;

    When you catch with bait , the fish can be killed .

  10. 不过事实上两份虾都是用今天的同一批虾烹出来的。

    But in fact they were the same shrimp today .

  11. 夏可凉拌,冬则热烹,老少皆宜。

    Summer can be cold in winter while hot cooking , ages .

  12. 汤姆会给大家带周五晚上野外烹饮聚会的食物。

    Tom 's bringing food for the Friday night cookout for everyone .

  13. 以油炸鱼为主要食物的野外烹饮。

    A cookout where fried fish is the main course .

  14. 以烧烤的法兰克福香肠为主要食物的野外烹饮。

    A cookout where roasted frankfurters are the main course .

  15. 我喜欢中式烹鸭。

    I love duck cooked in the Chinese manner .

  16. 由古代烹饪器具初探中国古代烹食文化

    Probe into Ancient Chinese Cooking Culture on the Basis of Ancient Cooking Pots

  17. 但这在北方许多国家却是一种普通的烹任方法。

    The normally accepted practice in many northern countries .

  18. 高烹米糠油物理精炼新工艺的研究

    Physical refining process of high cooking rice-bran oil

  19. 他将擅长烹任。

    He will be good at cooking .

  20. 家用和类似用途的电烹调和加热设备规范。一般要求。

    Specifications for electric cooking and heating appliances for domestic and similar purposes ; General requirements ;

  21. 烹鸭之道&烹鸭之关键就在“火候”。

    The principle of duck cooking & The key point of cooking duck is fire duration .

  22. 拟食用的家禽及其产品,包括蛋,必须被充分烹熟。

    Poultry and poultry products that will be consumed , including eggs , must be thoroughly cooked .

  23. 在厨房里,一切烹任工作都利用电气,电气比煤气更有效更方便。

    There , even more powerful and obedient than gas , electricity did most of the cooking .

  24. 高职院校烹旅类专业产学研合作的实践与思索

    The Exploration and Practice of Cooperation among Industry , Education and Research in Cuisine and Tourism Specialty

  25. 如要制成乌龙茶,茶农需要在叶子稍干一些后,将其捣碎、揉捻,在这之后再烘焙烹熟便可大功告成。

    An oolong results when the leaves are dried a little , bruised and only then cooked .

  26. 石棉能被用来使一烹调用的炉灶绝热。棉制品适於夏季穿用。

    Asbestos can be used to insulate a cooking stove . Cotton is suitable for wear in summer .

  27. 这里,它被微火烹蒸,加入大量的新鲜大蒜薄片、酸橙片及鲜辣椒,最终变成一道肉质紧实,又有丝般质感的佳肴。

    Here it is gently steamed with plenty of sliced fresh garlic , lime slices and fresh chilli .

  28. 他们把俘虏们连手带脚捆了起来,丢在卡车的后面。他把鸡腿紧扎起来以例烹烤。

    They trussed up the captives hand and foot and dumped them in the back of the lorry .

  29. 翻译:如同我知道,油炸螃蟹和然后烹调用啤酒和其它香料。

    P.S. As I know , deep fry the crabs and then cook with beer and other spices .

  30. 炉子上还烹着两条乐愁湖的青鱼和一尾阿绿茨湖的鲈鱼。

    On the stove , two huge carps from Lake lauzet and a trout from Lake alloz were cooking .