
yī zhì tōnɡ ɡuò
  • Unanimously adopted;pass without a dissenting voice
  1. 立法须得到议会两院的一致通过。

    Legislation requires approval by both houses of parliament .

  2. 委员会一致通过了计划。

    The committee unanimously approved the plan .

  3. 这项决定没有得到一致通过。

    The decision was not unanimous .

  4. 这一动议获一致通过。

    The motion was passed unanimously .

  5. 表决一致通过。

    The vote was unanimous .

  6. 全体投票一致通过停业清理公司。

    A unanimous vote was taken to liquidate the company .

  7. 重大议题将会一致通过。

    Big issues are going through on the nod .

  8. 委员会一致通过再次选举他为党的领袖。

    The council re-elected him unopposed as party leader

  9. 他们的决定是全体一致通过的。

    Their decision was unanimous .

  10. 虽然计划获得一致通过,但这并不意味着它为回避矛盾而刻意简单化了。

    Although the plan received unanimous approval , this does not mean that it represents the lowest common denominator .

  11. 决议获得一致通过。

    The resolution was adopted unanimously .

  12. 俱乐部成员一致通过决议提高会费。

    The club members voted with one accord to raise the dues .

  13. 小组一致通过了她所拟议的意见书。

    The group unanimously adopted the proposal she drew up .

  14. 大会一致通过了他们的提议。

    The meeting unanimously adopted their proposal .

  15. 经过讨论,年度报告获一致通过。

    Following discussion , the annual report was accepted unanimously .

  16. 2011年8月,包括新任董事惠特曼在内,董事会一致通过了对Autonomy的收购。

    In August 2011 , the board , which included Whitman as a newly appointed director , approved the autonomy deal unanimously .

  17. 上周末,联合国(un)一致通过了一项决议,其中包括对利比亚高官实施旅行禁令,并扣押资产。

    Over the weekend , the UN passed a unanimous resolution that included a travel ban for senior Libyan officials and asset seizures .

  18. 一组来自世界各地的科学家们近日一致通过了一种可用来鉴定植物身份的DNA条形码,为发展中国家追踪及保护当地生物多样性铺平了道路。

    An international team of scientists has agreed on a DNA'barcode'for the identification of plant species , paving the way for the tracking and safeguarding of biodiversity in the developing world .

  19. 据NPR新闻的柯克·西格勒报道,洛杉矶市议会一致通过了这项禁令。

    NPR 's Kirk Siegler reports the city council there has unanimously approved the limits .

  20. 通过开发在BDD中使用业务流程管理的业务案例作为试点,使得指导委员会最终一致通过了EMR建议方案。

    By developing the business case using business process management in BDD as an entry point , the EMR proposal was accepted unanimously by the steering committee .

  21. Bhargava被印度最高法院任命监督这些试验,他把自己与GEAC的批准脱钩,声称这一批准不是一致通过的。

    Bhargava , who was appointed by India 's Supreme Court to monitor the trials , had dissociated himself from the GEAC clearance , saying it was not unanimous .

  22. 这项提案大家都附议,并一致通过。

    Everyone seconded the proposal , and it was carried unanimously .

  23. 联邦公开市场委员会以10-0的投票结果一致通过了上述决议。

    The FOMC adopted the resolution with a unanimous 10-0 vote .

  24. 美利坚合众国十三个州一致通过的独立宣言。

    The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America .

  25. 最后他们提出的纲领被一致通过了。

    In the end the programme they offered was adopted unanimously .

  26. 上报委员会的所有四项建议获得了一致通过。

    All four proposals to the committee were unanimously approved .

  27. 这后来在周四的足总董事会上一致通过。

    This was then ratified unanimously by the FA board on thursday .

  28. 他想起他被提名并不是一致通过的。

    He remembered the fact that his nomination had not been unanimous .

  29. 立法须得到议会两院的一致通过。

    Legislation requires Appproval by both houses of parliament .

  30. 来自主席台的建议被一致通过。

    The resolution from the platform be pass unanimously .