
  • 网络shipments;A batch of goods;one lot
  1. 这封电报还表示,预期次日将有另一批货物。

    The cable also said another transport was expected the next day .

  2. 这一批货物比去年出售的有所改进。

    This is an improvement over last years sale .

  3. 所有必要的安全条例必须以书面形式与每一批货物一起提供。

    All necessary safety regulations must be furnished in writing with each shipment .

  4. 最后一批货物于1985年5月发出。

    Final delivery is scheduled for may 1985 .

  5. 这支部队已收到一批货物,包括衣、裤、枪支和子弹。

    The troops have already received a lot of goods , including clothes , trousers , guns and bullets .

  6. 最后,经过多番躲躲闪闪的寻找后,他找到了那只正在装最后一批货物的他施船;

    At last , after much dodging search , he finds the Tarshish ship receiving the last items of her cargo ;

  7. 所取的样品既要有代表性,又要防止同一批货物对不同检验项目重复取样。

    All drawn samples should be representative and resampling should be avoided for different testing items in the same batch of cargo .

  8. 即获得当地政府批准出售含酒精饮料。这一批货物比去年出售的有所改进。

    That is , permission from the local government to serve alcoholic drinks . This is an improvement over last years sale .

  9. 当今活着的人将要经历不可再利用和其他自然资源、机器、建筑物和社会机构的一批货物。

    People alive today will pass on a stock of exhaustible and other natural resources as well as machines , buildings and social institutions .

  10. 同一批货物的原产地不同的,应当分别申报原产地。

    If the goods of the same batch are originated from different places , the consignee shall declare the places of origin one by one .

  11. 我们的海关在计算关税时把运输费用也考虑进去的,然后他们采用这个固定运输费计算税收,用在以后任何一批货物上,收取很高的费用。

    Our Customs House take into consideration transportation charges when calculates the taxes , then they fix this cost for any farther delivery and take highest fee !

  12. 这家制造公司的运输服务无法令人信赖。他们运来的每一批货物中都有大量的残品,这些残品几乎一文不值,不得不处理掉。

    EXAMPLE : The manufacturer 's transportation services were unreliable and every shipment from them contained a great deal of spoilage that had to be sold for practically nothing .

  13. 研究中假设货物随机地到达物流服务提供商的货物集运中心,每一批货物都有一个对应的发货截止时间,货物必须在该发货截止时间到达之前发送出去。

    It is assumed that shipments arrive at the logistics services providers ' consolidation centres randomly . Each shipment is associated with a delivery time constraint and it must be dispatched before expiration of its shipment deadline .

  14. 价格相同的一批货物通胀方面,生产物价指数和消费物价指数分别让我们知道物品和服务的批发和消费价格的变动。

    Inflation figures , Produce Price Index ( PPI ) and the Consumer Price Index ( CPI ) will , in short , inform us of the changes in wholesale prices , cost of consumer ( retail ) goods and services respectively .

  15. 最近的一批寄售货物不得已的被耽误了。我们预料几天后将你寄售货物的剩余部份减价售出。

    The latest consignment was subject to unavoidable delays . We expect to close out the balance of you consignment in the next few days .

  16. 我们想知道你方是否能给我们提供一份为此批货物投保一切险的保险单。

    We wonder whether you may offer us an All policy for the consignment .

  17. 最后一批运送的货物受损。

    The last delivery was damaged .

  18. 我突然想起还有另一个确保这批货物迅速交货的可能性。

    It has just occured to me that there is still another possibility to ensure a prompt delivery of the goods .

  19. 他从没损失过一只小船或被迫抛弃一批货物。

    He had never lost a boat or even been forced to dump a cargo .

  20. 同一合同项下分批进出口的货物,海关对其中一批货物已经实施估价的;

    Goods under one contract are imported or exported in batches and customs has already valued one batch thereof ;

  21. 例如,在商业的活动中,一个常规的货物可能到港,并需要与另一批到期货物在继续航运前合并,一切都可以通过信用证完成。

    For example , in a trader 's business , a regular shipment may arrive in port and require combination with another shipment due , before being shipped on , all this done under a DC .