
  • 网络Plant-prod;plant product;Vegetable Products
  1. 应用实时荧光PCR方法检测转基因植物产品

    Detection of Genetically Modified Plant Products with Real-time Fluorescent PCR Method

  2. 多重PCR方法具有快速、简便、准确等特点,在植物产品的转基因成分检测上具有重要的应用价值。

    The multiplex PCR was quick , simple and practical , and might play an important role in the detection of genetically modified ingredient in plant products .

  3. DNA探针在固体电极上的固定以及对转基因植物产品的检测

    The Immobilization of the DNA Probe on the Solid Electrodes and the Detection to the Products of the Transgenic Plant

  4. 用电化学方法对传感器进行了表征和条件的优化,制得的电化学DNA生物传感器性能较好,并应用于了转基因植物产品外源基因NPTⅡ和NOS基因PCR扩增产物的检测。

    The conditions for the immobilization and hybridization of the DNA probe were optimized and the biosensors were used to detect some transgenes in the transgenic plants .

  5. 您带了动植物产品吗?

    Are you bringing in any plants or animal products ?

  6. 槟榔最初只是一种能够用于嚼食提神的植物产品。

    Betel was initially a kind of plant used for refreshment only .

  7. 野生植物产品在地质钻探中的应用

    Application of wild plant products in geologic exploitation

  8. 工业界的热心人士说,经生物工程处理的动植物产品不出五年就能进行批量生产。

    Industry enthusiasts say bioengineered animals and plants could become commercially available within the next five years .

  9. 如同荷尔蒙的植物产品。

    A hormone-like plant product .

  10. 建议用于检验置于国际管制下的巴比安酸衍生物和致幻性植物产品的法的专家组;

    Expert group on recommended methods of testing barbiturate derivatives under international control and hallucinogenic plant products ;

  11. 盛产植物产品的地区;植被;腐烂的植物叶子覆盖了森林的地表。

    Regions rich in vegetal products ; vegetational cover ; the decaying vegetative layer covering a forest floor .

  12. 一种具有刺鼻香味的植物产品,例如桂皮或肉豆蔻,用来在食物中作加香调料或作饮料的加香调料。

    Any of various pungent , aromatic plant substances , such as cinnamon or nutmeg , used to flavor foods or beverages .

  13. 但是,像马尼拉麻这样的植物产品,你可以拖着它们穿过海洋好几个礼拜。

    On the other hand , plant products like Manila hemp , you can drag through the ocean for weeks on end .

  14. 本指令允许符合食品法规的非药用植物产品依据共同体的食品法规进行管理。

    This Directive allows non-medicinal herbal products , fulfilling the criteria of food legislation , to be regulated under food legislation in the Community .

  15. 一种植物产品可以被定义为食品、饮食补充剂或草药,由国家决定。

    A single herbal product could be defined as either a food , a dietary supplement or an herbal medicine , depending on the country .

  16. 许多园艺公司都针对植物产品具有研发部门(R&D),但我个人认为,他们针对目标市场同样会进行有相当多的研究。

    Many horticultural companies have a R D department for plant research , but personally I think they also do more R D on the markets they supply to .

  17. 严格的素食主义者只食用植物产品的素食者豆科植物决明子,是药食两用的食品原料。

    A vegetarian whose diet consists of plant products only . Cassia seed , the leguminous plant , is the food material which can be used as medicine and food .

  18. 此外,悬浮在液体中的体外细胞培养为大量商业生产称为初级和次级代谢产物的植物产品提供了一个系统。

    Additionally , the in vitro cultureof cells suspended in liquid provides a system for the commercial production of a large quantity of plant products known as primary and secondary metabolites .

  19. 他说,南瓜、红薯、土豆、谷物、青豆和其他一些与感恩节餐宴有关的植物产品也可能受到气温变化的影响。

    The pumpkins , sweet potatoes , potatoes , grains , green beans and other plant products associated with Thanksgiving dinner could also be affected by climate change , he said .

  20. 抑制试验表明其检测范围在(100.0±1.56)ng/mL之间,可用于进出口植物产品中对硫磷的定量检测。

    The detection sensitivity was ranged from 1.56 ng / mL to 100.0 ng / mL , which is fit for the demand of quantitative determination of Parathion residue in plant productions .

  21. 目前,绿色贸易壁垒已成为阻碍我国农产品出口的重要因素,受限的农产品从水产品,畜禽等动物源性产品扩展到水果、蔬菜等植物产品。

    At present , Green Trade Barriers have become a main obstacle to Chinese agricultural exportation , limited products from aquatic products , livestock and other animal products to fruits , vegetables and other plant products .

  22. 它使用了当地的植物产品、牛粪、印楝饼(用印楝树制油的副产品)等自然资源以及复合肥,而没有使用化学肥料和杀虫剂。

    It involves using local natural resources such as plant products , cattle dung , neem cake ( the by-product of making oil from the neem tree ) and compost instead of chemical fertilisers and pesticides .

  23. 这只是星巴克新推出的植物性产品中的最新产品。

    This is just the latest in Starbucks ' foray into plant-based options .

  24. 本月早些时候,星巴克推出了BeyondMeat植物牛肉产品。

    Earlier this month , Starbucks introduced food items featuring Beyond Meat 's cowless beef to its menu .

  25. 极大的阻碍了植物染色产品的发展。

    The great hindrance plant is dyed the development of the products .

  26. 植物药产品美国上市的途径及法规解析

    Marketing paths and regulation for botanical drug products in USA

  27. 植物转基因产品检测方法的评价

    Evaluation of Detection Methods for Genetically Modified Plant-Derived Products

  28. 缺乏当地植物盆景产品的生产;

    3 , lacking of local Bonsai products ;

  29. 许多其它的植物性产品也可被发酵。

    Many other plant products can be fermented .

  30. 森林植物及其产品产地检疫刍议

    Discussion on Plant and Product Origin Inspection