
  • 网络unary function;function of one variable
  1. 一元函数微积分是数学教学中的重要部分,对学生顺利有效地进行后续课程学科有非常重要的基础性作用。

    Unary function calculus is an important part of mathematics teaching playing the basic role for that , the students successfully and effectively study follow-up courses .

  2. 本文给出了证明微分中值定理时构造辅助函数的两种方法以及微分中值定理在一元函数、多元向量值函数及抽象函数方面的推广。

    The paper has given two methods to make assistant function while proving value theorem in different calculus , and the theorem 's spreading in unary function , multi variant vectors function and abstract function .

  3. 本文将一元函数的微分中值定理推广到了n元函数。

    This article extends the mean value theorem for differential of one-variate function to that of n-variate function .

  4. 把一元函数中的Cauchy收敛准则、迫敛性及两个重要极限进行推广,以此得到二元函数的相应定理及其应用。

    In this paper , we got the Cauchy convergence criterion , Squeeze theorem and two valuable limits of function of two variables .

  5. 最后,把二元函数的H-B插值问题化为一元函数的H-B插值问题。

    Finally , the H-B interpolation problem of a function of two variables can be reduced to that of a function of one variable .

  6. MATLAB系统应用到水利计算中,计算精度高,计算程序简捷.而且可以方便地绘制像二维图、一元函数图像、空间曲线、曲面图等图像。

    MATLAB is applied in hydraulic computing , its calculation accuracy is high , calculating program is simple and direct , the two - dimensional image , the one - dimensional function image , the space curve image , the curved surface image are conveniently drawn up .

  7. 本文就多元函数的情况,证明了与一元函数的Rolle定理相类似的定理并讨论其应用。

    The theorem for multi variate function , which is similar to Rolle theorem for single variate function , is proved and it 's application is discussed .

  8. 本文用统计数学的方法,以最小二乘法为基础,用True-BASIC语言编写了14种常用一元函数回归分析程序,用以处理化工或湿法冶金实验数据。

    A regression analysis program of test data , written with the True - BASIC language , is given for data processing in chemical engineering and hydrometallurgy . The program contains 14 monovariant functions .

  9. 用非参数估计方法,在一元函数的核密度估计的基础上,给出了二元函数的核密度估计形式,并通过计算估计量的MISE的最小值得出最优窗宽。

    The form of the kernel density estimation of two-dimensional function based on the kernel density estimation of function is given by using nonparametric estimation , and the best bandwidth is discussed through minimizing the mean of the integrated squared error ( MISE ) .

  10. 一元函数微分法的注记

    A note for differentiation of function of a single variable

  11. 实验数据的一元函数回归分析程序及实际应用

    The monovariant function regression analysis program of test data and its application

  12. 一元函数导函数的性质

    The properties of derivative function for functions of one variable

  13. 一元函数微分的一种处理方法

    A method of dealing with differential calculus of one variable

  14. 一元函数与多元函数在广义积分上的差异

    The Difference of One Variate Function and Multivariate Function in Improper Integral

  15. 一元函数的间断点的分类及性状

    Classification and Character of Interruption Points of Centralized Function

  16. 二元函数的可微性与一元函数可微性的关系

    Duality function with monogenic function of relation of differentiability

  17. 积分上限函数是一元函数微分学的基本概念。

    Integral upper limit function is a basic concept in function differential calculus .

  18. 多值逻辑中一元函数的完备集

    Complete sets of unary functions in multiple valued logic

  19. 一元函数极限概念的教学注解

    Annotation of Teaching on Concept of Monofunctional Limit

  20. 每个局中人的效用都是自己所选纯策略的一元函数。

    Every player 's utility is a real function of pure strategy he using .

  21. 二元函数的极限远比一元函数的极限复杂,但它们之间又有密切的联系。

    Limit of function of two variables is more complex than that of one variable .

  22. 一元函数极限与无穷大量定义的形式统一性

    The Formal Unitarity of the Definitions of the Limit of Univariate Function and Infinitely Large Quantity

  23. 给出了一元函数在区间上一致连续的一个等价条件,并运用它证明了一些函数的一致连续性。

    AN equivalent condition of function 's consistent continuity is proved . Application of it in several examples is showed .

  24. 本文在降低了对目标函数的光滑性要求的条件下讨论用于求一元函数极值点的离散牛顿法和割线法的收敛性。

    This paper studies convergence of discrete Newton method and secant method for searching extreme point of 1-dimensional functions under lower smoothness requirements .

  25. 由著名的李普希兹条件得到启发,给出了一元函数一致连续的一个充要条件,提供了判别一元函数一致连续性的一个易于掌握的方法。

    This paper gives a essential condition for the continuity of one function , makes it easy to judge the continuity of one function .

  26. 在一元函数广义导数定义的基础上,提出了多元函数广义偏导数的概念,相应地建立了广义偏导数的运算规则,获得了有关的一些性质。

    Concept and operation rules of generalized partial derivative of multivariate function are given basis on generalized derivative of single variable function in this paper .

  27. 目前水驱油藏数值模拟器中简单地将原油黏度看成是压力的一元函数,没有考虑其他因素对原油黏度的影响。

    In the current commercial simulators for water drive reservoirs , the oil viscosity is treated as a unary function of pressure without considering other factors ' effect .

  28. 把多元函数极限的判断及求法转化为一元函数极限的判断及求法。

    Translating the method of judgement and request the limit of function of many variables into the method of judgment and request the limit of one variable function .

  29. 首先在一元函数微分的教学中运用同化理论取得了突破,成功后稳步扩展。

    First , a breakthrough has been made in the differential teaching using the method of assimilation and then this successful method is extended to other teaching links .

  30. 本文介绍了一元函数求极限的若干方法,并就学生在应用时容易产生的错误进行了分析。

    The author in this essay offers recommendations on several ways to evaluate the limit value in functions with one variation and analyses the errors frequently appearing in students application .