
  • 网络composition;composite function;Compound
  1. 实变量复合函数的一个Lebesgue可积特征

    A Lebesgue Integrability Characteristic for Real Variable Composite Function

  2. 高梯度是工程中关键的特征之一,本文讨论和研究描述高梯度问题的函数逼近,包括:多项式函数逼近、复合函数逼近、Bezier函数逼近。

    S : High gradient is an important aspect of key characteristics in engineering . The paper focuses on the descriptions and the treatments of this characteristic , including approximations of polynomial , composite function and Bezier based function .

  3. 两个包含r边形数部分数列的复合函数的渐近公式

    Two Composite Function Involving the r Angular Number Part Series Asymptotic Formula

  4. 设函数h(x)是f与g的复合函数

    Now consider the function h ( x ) to be the composition of f and g

  5. 布尔复合函数的Walsh循环谱和自相关函数

    Walsh Spectrum and Auto-correction Function of Boolean " Composition Function "

  6. 极大值复合函数Clarke广义梯度计算的一个新方法

    A new approach to computing a Clarke generalized gradient for a smooth composition of max-type functions

  7. Searle(西尔)复合函数及两级组合逻辑网络设计

    Searle Complex Functions and Design of Two-class Logical Networks

  8. 本文利用矩阵纯函数的多项式表示来给出矩阵纯函数的复合函数运算性质的一个初等证法.即证明:设A为复合域上的n阶方阵,(?)

    An elementary proof of an operational property of pure function in a matrix is dealt with by means of the polynomial expression in tnis article , i. e. Let A be an nxn-matrix in complex field .

  9. 在假设条件下,理论分析的结果表明,空间超声散斑的振幅服从Rice分布,而它们的相位概率密度函数是一个包含Gauss分布函数和Gauss概率积分函数的复合函数。

    Based on four assumptions , theoretical analyses indicate that the amplitude of ultrasonic speckles in space is in the form of Rice distribution , and the phase probability density function of the ultrasonic speckles is a compound function of Gauss distribution function and Gauss probability integral function .

  10. 以作者提出的由chebyshev多项式和三角函数构成的复合函数为振型试函数,应用布勃诺夫&迦辽金法研究了双参数地基上圆薄板的非轴对称大挠度振动问题。

    This paper takes the complex function presented by writer , composed of Chebyshev polynomial and angle function , as trial function model , and discusses unsymmetrical large amplitude response of thin circular plate on the two-parameter foundation using Galerkin Procedure .

  11. 本文研完在数据流计算模型中引入复合函数级并行的开发,讨论它在SDS模型的抽象机上的实现方法,并介绍以此为基础的模型机SDS-1系统。

    In this paper the parallelism in compound function level is introduced into dataflow computing model . Its implementation in a abstract machine of SDS model is also discussed by describing the SDS-1 system .

  12. 关于复合函数极限几个定理的探讨

    An Approach to Some Theorems onthe Limit of Function of Functions

  13. 关于复合函数高阶导数的一般公式

    On the General Form of Higher Order Derivatives for Composition Functions

  14. 一维复合函数形态格架的符号动力学表示

    Expression of symbolic dynamics for pattern frame of one-dimensional composite function

  15. 杂草对作物产量损失预测的复合函数模型

    A model for composite function between crop-yield losses and weed densities

  16. 关于复合函数概念的教学注记

    A Teaching Note on the Concept of a Composite Function

  17. 复合函数极限理论应用中的错误命题

    Incorrect Propositions in Application of Limit Theory to Composite Function

  18. 零级整函数及其复合函数的增长性

    On the growth of the entire functions of order and composition functions

  19. 三角复合函数的积分

    The Definite Integral of Several Class of Triangle Composite Function

  20. 关于周期函数的几点注记与复合函数的周期性

    A Few Notes about Cyclical Function and the Cyclicity of Compound Function

  21. 关于两个重要的幂指型复合函数探讨

    As For Two Important Functions'Type Compounded Power-Exponent Of Further Study

  22. 复合函数的奇偶性

    On the Compound Matrices Complex object Odevity of Composite Function

  23. 复合函数定义形式的讨论

    A Discussion on the form of Definition of Compound Function

  24. 复合函数高阶导数的图论演算

    Calculation of High Order Derivatives of Composite Functions by Graph Theoretical Method

  25. 关于二元分式线性齐次复合函数的积分

    On the Double Integral of Linear - Fractional Homogeneous Functions with Two Variables

  26. 结构意义和词汇意义是句子意义的复合函数。

    Structural meaning and lexical meaning are a complex function of sentence meaning .

  27. 凸复合函数极小化的二阶条件

    Second Order Conditions for Minimization of Convex Composite Function

  28. 多元复合函数链式法则讲授中的难点处理

    A treatment for knotty points of the chain rules of several variables composite functions

  29. 关于复合函数的求导法则所进行的一个注脚

    A footnote about derivation rule of compound function

  30. 关于复合函数的增长级定理

    On the Rise Level Theorem of Compound Functions