
fù hé jù
  • Compound sentence;compound/complex sentence
  1. 复合句包含两个或多个从句。

    A compound sentence contains two or more clauses .

  2. 这是个复合句。

    This is a complex sentence .

  3. 地球绕轴自转,引起昼夜的变化。名词化结构therotationoftheearthonitsownaxis使复合句简化成简单句,而且使表达的概念更加确切严密。

    The rotation of the earth on its own axis causes the change from day to night .

  4. 产品设计中汉语V的结构复合句语义理解

    Structure ' V + de ' Compound Sentences Semantic Analysis of NLU within Products-designing Domains

  5. 本研究通过4个实验,采用实时(on-line)窗口阅读技术和延时(off-line)探测技术来验证英语复合句中时间重叠和时间间隔对时间信息表征实时构建的加工影响。

    By using an on-line window display technique and off-line reading paradigm , I investigated the influence of temporal overlap and distance in the representation of temporal references during comprehension of subordinate clauses with 4 experiments .

  6. 虚拟语气是英语语法各项目中的难项,EFL/ESL学生总觉很难弄懂搞清楚。虚拟语气主要用在主从复合句和简单句中。

    Since the subjunctive mood , a difficult item in English grammar and mainly used in simple sentences and subordinate clauses , has been confusing EFL / ESL students , it is necessary to conduct an adequate discussion and then to bring about a summary .

  7. 连接词与关联词是一类表示句子与句子之间句法联系的词,在句中它们是确定复合句类型的重要依据。

    Both conjunction and relative conjunction indicate syntactic relationship of clauses .

  8. 俄语主从复合句中几个常用固定结构的用法

    The usages of several set structures in the Russian Compound Sentence

  9. 英汉因果复合句对比初探

    The Contrast of English and Chinese Cause and Effect Complex Sentence

  10. 复合句中时、体用法的几个问题

    On the Use of Tenses and Aspects in English Complex Sentence

  11. 论俄语复合句分类中的模糊现象

    On Some Transitional Features of Classification of Russian Complex Sentences

  12. 俄语无连接词复合句研究与教学

    Teaching and Research on Russian Complex Sentences without Linking Words

  13. 英语中并列句与复合句的转换

    The transformation of compound sentences and complex sentences in English

  14. 亨利.詹姆斯晚期作品的风格特色是擅长使用长复合句。

    Long complex sentences are distinctive of Henry James 's later style .

  15. 俄语无连接词复合句中标点符号的使用

    The Usage of Punctuations in Russian Compound Sentences Without Connectives

  16. 如何翻译有定语从句的复合句

    How to Translate Complex Sentences Containing Attributive Clauses into Chinese

  17. 语调在无连词复合句中具有语法作用。

    Tones have grammatical functions in complex sentence without conjunction .

  18. 某些既表示否定又表示肯定的主从复合句结构

    Some complex sentences having both negative and positive meanings

  19. 包含这种从句的句子称为复合句。

    Sentences containing such clauses are called complex sentences .

  20. 它处于与连接词复合句相对立的语法位置。

    It echoes complex sentence with conjunction in grammar .

  21. 这是个简单句还是一个复合句?

    Is it a simple or a compound sentence ?

  22. 那人是李平,他帮我复习了英语课程。(含有非限制性定语从句的主从复合句)

    It was Li Ping , who helped me with my English lessons .

  23. 人们看到处于冬眠状态的动物,常常以为它们死了。这是一个复合句。

    People who find hibernating animals asleep often think that they are dead .

  24. 将这个复合句分析成许多从句。

    Analyse this complex sentence into many clauses .

  25. 形合与意合是俄汉语复合句共有的语法现象。

    Hypotaxis and parataxis are grammatical features both in Russian and Chinese compound sentences .

  26. 复合句正式文体中包括若干从句的结构匀称的句子

    A sentence of several carefully balanced clauses in formal writing . an involved sentence

  27. 请找出两个复合句。

    Find the two complex sentences , please .

  28. 儿童对因果复合句的判断

    Children 's Judgment on Causal Complex Sentences

  29. 浅论英语复合句中的省略

    On the ellipsis in English complex sentences

  30. 对于事件相同而结构不同的复合句而言,其突显的部分也不同。

    To a complex sentence with different sentence structure , the prominent part is different .