
fù bì
  • Restoration;restore a dethroned monarch
复辟 [fù bì]
  • [restoration of a dethroned monarch;restoration of the old order] 失位的君主复位,泛指被推翻的统治者恢复原有的地位

  1. 他的拥护者中有25个人请求他复辟。

    Twenty-five of his supporters petitioned him to restore the monarchy

  2. 1814年波旁王朝在法国复辟。

    The Bourbons were restored to power in France in1814 .

  3. 安托万-让·格罗(Antoine-JeanGros)晚期的创作与生活在波旁王朝复辟之前,安托万-让·格罗(1771-1835)是拿破仑的御用画家,他早期的生活与创作也因此而为人所熟知。

    Before the imperial court restores the old order by House of Bourbon , Antoine-Jean Gros ( 1771-1835 ) is Napoleon 's hired painter , his early life and create and know by people .

  4. 这种“复辟”会产生怎样的后果?

    What would be the consequences of such a repetition ?

  5. 在波旁王室复辟以后,他们在法国政界形成一股重要力量。

    During the Bourbon Restoration they were an important force in French politics .

  6. 他们打败了张勋,结束了这场复辟丑剧。

    They defeated Zhang Xun and put on end to this restoration farce .

  7. 他并不希望那个时代复辟。

    He did not wish the period revived .

  8. 罗姆尼就像谋求复辟的波旁家族成员一样,什么都没有学到,也什么都没有忘记。

    Mr Romney , like the Bourbons , has learnt nothing and forgotten nothing .

  9. 他们真是要搞社会主义、反对资本主义复辟吗?

    Did the Gang really want to build socialism and oppose the restoration of capitalism ?

  10. 复辟时期英国社会中上层婚外两性关系探析

    The Extramarital Love of the Middle and Upper Classes in the British Society during the Restoration

  11. 这就是所谓的王政复辟。

    It was called the Restoration .

  12. 但是,在民初共和制的困境下,思想界的君主立宪思潮发起了两次企图恢复君主制的复辟运动,共和主义的思想一度受到威胁。

    But in the trouble of republican government , republicanism encountered the threat of monarchic thought .

  13. 所以,从一定意义上说,某种暂时复辟也是难以完全避免的规律性现象。

    So , in a sense , temporary restorations are usual and can hardly be avoided .

  14. 复辟时期是英国财政与税收史上的一个重要转型时代。

    The Restoration is an important transformable age in the history of finance and taxation in England .

  15. 海峡对岸,查理二世的复辟王朝正竭力在国内站稳脚跟。

    Across the Channel , a restored monarchy under Charles II was trying to find its feet .

  16. 在民国初年的社会政治领域,尊孔与帝制复辟构成为一个独特而突出的文化与政治互动现象。

    In the early stage of the republic , Worshipingconfuius and restoring monarchyindicated the interaction of culture and politics .

  17. 这并不是说他们要复辟旧式帝国主义,两国都无力为之。

    This is not to say they are reverting to old-style imperialism ; both are too enfeebled for that .

  18. 复辟时代的警察太天真,把巴黎的人民看得太“易与”了。

    The ingenuous police of the Restoration beheld the populace of Paris in too " rose-colored " a light ;

  19. 在社会主义初级阶段,某种暂时复辟是难以完全避免的带规律性的现象。

    During the primary socialist stage , some temporary restorations are regular pattern phenomenon which can not be avoid .

  20. 他又口口声声地庇护的这个行业去斗志昂扬地复辟已经被英国人于1710年颠覆的传统。

    He speaks for an industry that is instead fighting to restore the tradition that the British overturned in1710 .

  21. 资本主义代替封建主义的几百年间,发生过多少次王朝复辟?

    Over the several centuries that it took for capitalism to replace feudalism , how many times were monarchies restored !

  22. 英国在历经了革命的洗礼和克伦威尔执政之后,斯图亚特王朝的复辟宣告英国封建时代进入到最后阶段。

    After the revolution and Cromwell administration , the Restored Monarchy declared England history went into the last feudal period .

  23. 经济增长加剧了性别差距,复辟了文化传统,将女性降格至低人一等的地位。

    Economic growth has exacerbated the gender gap , often reviving cultural traditions that reduce women to a sub-human status .

  24. 此外,还有一些学者从不同维度对复辟时期的财政税收展开研究,亦取得了不少研究成果。

    At the same time , many scholars do their research from many different angles , and yielded many production .

  25. 君主制复辟后,克伦威尔的头颅被挑在杆子上示众。

    After the Restoration of the Monarchy , Cromwell 's head was impaled on a pole and displayed to the public .

  26. 在英国内战中,准男爵吃了败仗,佛汶然遭到大肆洗掠,在王政复辟后,他也没有得到赔偿。

    Sir John Turing backed the losing side in the English civil war , while Foveran was sacked by the Covenanters .

  27. 复辟王朝的所有偏见、利益、本性,都使人歪曲拿破仑的形象。

    Now , all the prejudices of the Restoration , all its interests , all its instincts tended to disfigure Napoleon .

  28. 长期以来,西方学界时复辟时期的财政与税收进行了深入探究。

    The western academy had been researched into the history of finance and taxation of the Restoration for a very long time .

  29. 他领导的这次起义是反对袁世凯复辟之第一声,云南护国起义之先导,具有重要的历史意。

    It was the first sound of the opinion of anti Yuan and the forerunner of Tsai Os Yunnan anti Yuan drive .

  30. 1660年王政复辟之后大教堂及其收入又转到重新任命的教长及牧师会手中。

    And when the monarchy was restored in 1660 , the Cathedral and its revenues reverted to the re-constituted Dean and Chapter .